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How does dynamic traders really work?


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Hello Everyone.
This may be stupid question, but i have problem with that. 
Players started complaining that there are no traders at markers. So i investigated that, and came to the conclusion that about 5 of 10 markers ware without trader.  I also noticed that after restart trader apeared in the point that was marked before restart, but now marker was gone. 
Is this normal? is this some sort of db problem?
All information regarding this topic will be much appreciated.

Chris <WeskeR>

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Unrelated but quite related in general questions:


Some admins told me that when you kill a trader, all vehicles which are in his inventory do not respawn after restart or something like that. Other admins told me that they kill traders on purpose so just that the vehicle would respawn on the map after next restart.


So who is right? Is it server specific feature or what?


Also I noticed in many servers many traders are like 100 meters apart from each other, sometimes the distance is even smaller, is there some script which could fix the permanently?

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Trader vehicle inventory currently counts toward the total or bought vehicles would break the vehicle limit setting.


And yes, traders need a break now and again and go home. Would really like to hear back from someone attempting trade as they are travelling.

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You can trade with a trader when he is on his way home, as i was curious about this myself and tried it.


What I would like to see with the traders, is the ability to set the time of day when they leave for home and return to work. As well as the ability in higher traffic areas to have another trader arrive to take the place of the trader going home (each having a separate inventory).

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