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Server Takes A long time to Load



Hi There,


Hope Someone can help me here, So as the title say my server is having alot of problems starting it takes around 10 - 15  minutes to start before people can join,

I tought this was because of missions i added however i removed everything of the server just like a new install and it still takes just as long, I did this on advise from my host provider saying more things changed added etc, means alot more loading times . but as iv said i removed everything and still getting the same result. Can Someone please help me or let me know whats wrong..

Thanks in advance





I have Attatched the log


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All i can say is i've used dayz.st and Survival Servers in the past, never ever again would i go back, even if they paid me :lol: seriously, both suck.

Really if you can afford it go dedi, it's by far the best way and you're players will be happy with a stable server, GSP have too many users, i know they're out for profit but still.

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 3:28:55 "Epoch: Server Start Complete: 525.119 seconds"


Not even 9 mins. Can you try booting it up without emod to see if it's quicker?

Should have said the times go up and down the log was a lucky restart this restart without emod was..

Epoch: Server Start Complete: 851.377 seconds

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Do you know what hardware the server is hosted on? Also, do you have access so you can change startup parame

No im not sure what hardware they are using but i know from day 1 it was slow and they kept saying it would get better after restarts etc ..

yes i can set my own launch parameters

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