I've got a problem with merging two files. I try to install the virtual garage script from 0verHeaT. His script requires Plot4Life to work. You can only open the Garage Menu if you are the owner of the related Plot Pole.I don't use Plot 4 Life but I use Plot Management and I'm asking me if it's possible to use the Plot Friends as opposed to the owner.
This is the fn_selfAction.sqf from the script:
private ["_garageowner","_garagefriends","_garageallowed","_friend"];
_garageowner = _cursorTarget getVariable ["ownerPUID","010"]; //<-- We get the PUID of the owner. Here with P4L
_friend = _cursorTarget getVariable ["GarageFriends",[]];
_garagefriends = [];
_garagefriends set [count _garagefriends,(_x select 0)];
} count _friend;
_garageallowed = [_owner] + _garagefriends;
if ((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_Garage) && (speed player <= 1) && _canDo) then {
if (s_player_garage < 0) then {
if ((getPlayerUID player) in _garageallowed) then {
s_player_garage = player addAction ["<t color='#FFAA00'>Garage Menu</t>", "Garage\player_virtualgarage.sqf", _cursorTarget, 2, false];
} else {
s_player_garage = player addAction ["<t color=#FF0000'>Garage Locked</t>", "",_cursorTarget, 2, true, true, "", "];
} else {
player removeAction s_player_garage;
s_player_garage = -1;
I'd be very happy if anyone could modify that for me :)
Hi everyone,
I've got a problem with merging two files. I try to install the virtual garage script from 0verHeaT. His script requires Plot4Life to work. You can only open the Garage Menu if you are the owner of the related Plot Pole.I don't use Plot 4 Life but I use Plot Management and I'm asking me if it's possible to use the Plot Friends as opposed to the owner.
This is the fn_selfAction.sqf from the script:
I'd be very happy if anyone could modify that for me :)
Best regards,
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