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[Release] Andre Convoy Patrol


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Bornholm version updated on the main post.


I created a new waypoint finder that is a lot faster and don't stuck in Bornholm. The badie: It need manual tweak to ignore islands. Already tweaked for Bornholm.


Go install it on your Bornholm server!

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Any one wanting to run it on a HC server?


If you already run a HC server, it's all a matter to execute the server part on the HC, and the client part on the clients with interface.


All my last server side scripts was done for HC. This means:


- It's stand alone, don't make use of any server specific resource, so can easily run in a client.

- Don't use server only functions.


It's all a HC script needs.


And for Arma 3, as far i know, the HC is not under BE filters, so this cut down half the work... For Arma 2, you should have tons of kicks on the HC that needs to be adressed.

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My Chernarus locations :


//VEHICLES SPAWN: [[vehicle spawn position],[nothing],spawn angle,spawn radius]
    _spawns = [
    //========== A POINT ON THE MAP NEAR A ROAD ===========
    //The script will find a road near this point and map
    //all the roads connected to it, creating way points
    //in the points where roads intersect
    _aPointNearRoad = [664.32379,13738.374,0];
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The Altis version is configurable to other maps. You can use Richie map configuration for Chernarus, above.


The Bornholm version is just for Bornholm because the way point finder take ages to work in it (Bornholm have a high amount os streets and streets interconnections) and his special version make use of a new and less generic way point finder.

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Absolutely LOVE this script. Thank you!!!


Just a couple weird things I have noticed on my server.


1. Sometimes vehicles disappear and the AI all drop onto the ground when they get close to me. I've only seen this in godmode on my test server, so not sure if it happens to all players.


2. After I installed this on our live server, regular players were getting auto-banned until I temporarily turned it off. I have no idea what would cause that issue on our server, but I'll definitely be looking into the root cause more.


Anyone else having any odd issues like this?

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1 - Happens when you TP close to them, move more than 1k away and wait

2 - Most likely the event handlers

Thanks Richie, that makes sense.


About the event handlers, can you tell me where I might find the information I need to resolve them? I'd really like to let my players enjoy these again.


Thanks in advance!

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1) "Sometimes vehicles disappear and the AI all drop onto the ground when they get close to me".

I believe you don't have a necessary sleep in your code:

    //Safe Sleep To Avoid First Car to Dissapear on Player Contact
    sleep 60;

Do you have it?

You can use 15 seconds instead, or even less. 15 seconds works fine for me.



2) "After I installed this on our live server, regular players were getting auto-banned".

This autoban appears on RCON tools like Dart, or its just a kick_to_lobby / kick_out_of_the_server?

Do you use infiSTAR?


Thanks for the help, Richie.

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My Chernarus locations :

//VEHICLES SPAWN: [[vehicle spawn position],[nothing],spawn angle,spawn radius]
    _spawns = [
    //========== A POINT ON THE MAP NEAR A ROAD ===========
    //The script will find a road near this point and map
    //all the roads connected to it, creating way points
    //in the points where roads intersect
    _aPointNearRoad = [664.32379,13738.374,0];





The Altis version is configurable to other maps. You can use Richie map configuration for Chernarus, above.


The Bornholm version is just for Bornholm because the way point finder take ages to work in it (Bornholm have a high amount os streets and streets interconnections) and his special version make use of a new and less generic way point finder.



Thanks to both of ya, It works like a charm so far, bugtesting while using of c :)

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I'm creating a universal Way Point finder that work in all cases. What this mean? One universal script!
There is no need anymore for _aPointNearRoad, now the script uses the spawn points to find roads.
See some statistics of the new way point finder bellow, from the rpt log:
[ANDRE CONVOY] All Roads: 34623
[ANDRE CONVOY] Time to find Bad Roads: 10.604
[ANDRE CONVOY] Bad Roads: []
[ANDRE CONVOY] Bad Roads Quantity: 0
[ANDRE CONVOY] Time to find all continent roads: 9.059
[ANDRE CONVOY] Time to select way points: 2.121
[ANDRE CONVOY] Initialized Spawn! 1
[ANDRE CONVOY] All Roads: 66546
[ANDRE CONVOY] Time to find Bad Roads: 15.687
[ANDRE CONVOY] Bad Roads: [1737859: ,1793960: ,1745880: ,1752571: ,1787092: ]
[ANDRE CONVOY] Bad Roads Quantity: 5
[ANDRE CONVOY] Time to find all continent roads: 21.34
[ANDRE CONVOY] Time to select way points: 8.982
[ANDRE CONVOY] Initialized Spawn! 1
1 - Number of road segments:
If the road segments are too smal or the number of streets is too big, this can lead to a great number of road segments, slowing the waypoint finder process.
2 - Bad Roads:

A road segment A is bad if its connected to a road segment B but this road segment B is not connected to road segment A. As an example: Bornhold have 5 bad roads.

One is enough to invalidate the process. Other maps can have bad roads, Chernarus, a BI map, also had then, so a check is necessary.

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execVM "andre_convoy.sqf"; //exec it on the root on init.sqf

if (isServer) then {
    //code 1...
    //code 2...
    //code 3...
} else {
    //code 4...`
    //code 5...
    //code 6...

if (hasInterface) then {
    //code 1...
    //code 2...
    //code 3...
} else {
    //code 4...
    //code 5...
    //code 6...


That all in init.sqf ?

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