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(Help) Bandita



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You want to prevent Bandits from entering normal player's vehicle?

How the hell did you Translate that? Gosh that's amazing, i didn't understand a word..

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How the hell did you Translate that? Gosh that's amazing, i didn't understand a word..


Need to read it carefully and switch the words around. Not that hard. 


Just like a baby trying to talk

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I think i finally got, what he means?

If a Bandit is in a Vehicle (- humanity) a hero (+ humanity) won't be able to get in, that's default from dayz. I guess he want's to disable that.

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I think i finally got, what he means?

If a Bandit is in a Vehicle (- humanity) a hero (+ humanity) won't be able to get in, that's default from dayz. I guess he want's to disable that.

Are you sure it works that way ? Or just the people with bandit and hero skins?

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Are you sure it works that way ? Or just the people with bandit and hero skins?


No, i'm not sure. It's just what i guessed, from this:



If there is a bandit in a car already you won't be able to get in until the bandit gets out.



But i know, that you can't get in a car driven by a bandit, if you are a hero. Same, if you try to enter an ai vehicle..

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private ["_weapons","_backpackWpn","_backpackMag","_currentWpn","_backpackWpnTypes","_backpackWpnQtys","_countr","_class","_position","_dir","_currentAnim","_tagSetting","_playerUID","_countMags","_magazines","_primweapon","_secweapon","_newBackpackType","_muzzles","_oldUnit","_group","_newUnit","_playerObjName","_wpnType","_ismelee"];
_class = _this;
_position = getPosATL player;
_dir = getDir player;
_currentAnim = animationState player;
_tagSetting = player getVariable["DZE_display_name",false];
_playerUID = getPlayerUID player;
_weapons = weapons player;
_zupaMags = magazines player;
_countMags = call player_countMagazines; 
_magazines = _countMags select 0;
_cashMoney = player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
_bankMoney = player getVariable["bankMoney",0];
_cashMoney2 = player getVariable["headShots",0];
_bankMoney2 = player getVariable["bank",0];
_cId = player getVariable["CharacterID",0];
_humanity = player getVariable["humanity",0];
if ((_playerUID == dayz_playerUID) && (count _magazines == 0) && (count (magazines player) > 0 )) exitWith {cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_17"), "PLAIN DOWN"]};
_primweapon = primaryWeapon player;
_secweapon = secondaryWeapon player;
if(!(_primweapon in _weapons) && _primweapon != "") then {
_weapons = _weapons + [_primweapon];
if(!(_secweapon in _weapons) && _secweapon != "") then {
_weapons = _weapons + [_secweapon];
//BackUp Backpack
dayz_myBackpack = unitBackpack player;
_newBackpackType = (typeOf dayz_myBackpack);
if(_newBackpackType != "") then {
_backpackWpn = getWeaponCargo unitBackpack player;
_backpackMag = _countMags select 1;
//Get Muzzle
_currentWpn = currentWeapon player;
_muzzles = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _currentWpn >> "muzzles");
if (count _muzzles > 1) then {
_currentWpn = currentMuzzle player;
//Secure Player for Transformation
player setPosATL dayz_spawnPos;
//BackUp Player Object
_oldUnit = player;
_oldGroup = group player;
//Create New Character
_group = createGroup west;
_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,dayz_spawnPos,[],0,"NONE"];
_newUnit setPosATL _position;
_newUnit setDir _dir;
// Gr8's Fix for Skins
[_newUnit] joinSilent createGroup WEST;
//Clear New Character
{_newUnit removeMagazine _x;} count  magazines _newUnit;
removeAllWeapons _newUnit;
//Equip New Charactar
if (typeName _x == "ARRAY") then {if ((count _x) > 0) then {_newUnit addMagazine [(_x select 0), (_x select 1)]; }; } else { _newUnit addMagazine _x; };
} count _magazines;
_newUnit addWeapon _x;
} count _weapons;
//Check && Compare it
if(str(_weapons) != str(weapons _newUnit)) then {
//Get Differecnce
_weapons = _weapons - [_x];
} count (weapons _newUnit);
//Add the Missing
_newUnit addWeapon _x;
} count _weapons;
if(_primweapon !=  (primaryWeapon _newUnit)) then {
_newUnit addWeapon _primweapon;
if (_primweapon == "MeleeCrowbar") then {
_newUnit addMagazine 'crowbar_swing';
if (_primweapon == "MeleeSledge") then {
_newUnit addMagazine 'sledge_swing';
if (_primweapon == "MeleeHatchet_DZE") then {
_newUnit addMagazine 'Hatchet_Swing';
if (_primweapon == "MeleeMachete") then {
_newUnit addMagazine 'Machete_swing';
if (_primweapon == "MeleeFishingPole") then {
_newUnit addMagazine 'Fishing_Swing';
if(_secweapon != (secondaryWeapon _newUnit) && _secweapon != "") then {
_newUnit addWeapon _secweapon;
if(isNil "_cashMoney")then{_cashMoney = 0;};
if(isNil "_bankMoney")then{_bankMoney = 0;};
if(isNil "_cashMoney2")then{_cashMoney2 = 0;};
if(isNil "_bankMoney2")then{_bankMoney2 = 0;};
_newUnit setVariable ["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
_newUnit setVariable ["bankMoney",_bankMoney];
_newUnit setVariable ["headShots",_cashMoney2,true];
_newUnit setVariable ["bank",_bankMoney2];
_newUnit setVariable["CharacterID",_cId,true];
//set humanity back to what it was
_newUnit setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true];
_switchUnit = {
addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;
setPlayable _newUnit;
selectPlayer _newUnit;
if ((count units _oldGroup > 1) && (!isNil "PVDZE_plr_LoginRecord")) then {[player] join _oldGroup;};
removeAllWeapons _oldUnit;
{_oldUnit removeMagazine _x;} count  magazines _oldUnit;
deleteVehicle _oldUnit;
if(_currentWpn != "") then {_newUnit selectWeapon _currentWpn;};
//Add && Fill BackPack
removeBackpack _newUnit;
if (!isNil "_newBackpackType") then {
if (_newBackpackType != "") then {
_newUnit addBackpack _newBackpackType;
dayz_myBackpack = unitBackpack _newUnit;
_backpackWpnTypes = [];
_backpackWpnQtys = [];
if (count _backpackWpn > 0) then {
_backpackWpnTypes = _backpackWpn select 0;
_backpackWpnQtys = _backpackWpn select 1;
[] call _switchUnit;
if (gear_done) then {sleep 0.001;};
["1"] call gearDialog_create;
_countr = 0;
if (!(isClass(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x))) then {
_countr = _countr + 1;
if ((typeName _x) != "STRING") then {
(unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_x select 0), 1];
_idc = 4999 + _countr;
_idc setIDCAmmoCount (_x select 1);
} else {
(unitBackpack player) addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x, 1];
} count _backpackMag;
(findDisplay 106) closeDisplay 0;
_countr = 0;
(unitBackpack player) addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _countr)];
_countr = _countr + 1;
} count _backpackWpnTypes;
} else { [] call _switchUnit; };
} else { [] call _switchUnit; };
[objNull, player, rSwitchMove,_currentAnim] call RE;
player disableConversation true;
if( !(_x in _weapons))then {
[_x] call player_checkAndRemoveItems;
}count (weapons player);
if( !(_x in _zupaMags))then {
[_x] call player_checkAndRemoveItems;
}count (magazines player);
//player setVariable ["bodyName",dayz_playerName,true]; //Outcommit (Issue #991) - Also removed in DayZ Mod 1.8
player setVariable ["cashMoney",_cashMoney,true];
player setVariable ["bankMoney",_bankMoney];
player setVariable ["headShots",_cashMoney2,true];
player setVariable ["bank",_bankMoney2];
player setVariable ["CharacterID",_cId,true];
//set humanity back to what it was
player setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true];
if (_tagSetting) then {
DZE_ForceNameTags = true;
_playerUID = getPlayerUID player;
_playerObjName = format["PVDZE_player%1",_playerUID];
call compile format["%1 = player;",_playerObjName];
publicVariableServer _playerObjName; //Outcommit in DayZ 1.8 No clue for what this is - Skaronator
//melee check
_wpnType = primaryWeapon player;
_ismelee = (gettext (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _wpnType >> "melee"));
if (_ismelee == "true") then {
call dayz_meleeMagazineCheck; 
//reveal the same objects we do on login
{player reveal _x} count (nearestObjects [getPosATL player, dayz_reveal, 50]);
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