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Help set up my server? Will Pay!



So, being that I work on websites daily, understanding multiple programming languages I assumed that creating a server and uploading scripts would be a breeze..BOY WAS I WRONG!!


I am on spring break this week and thought Id have the week to setup/test the server and not have to do any MAJOR work to it after this week. I now see that this is going to take longer than I had anticipated and althought I plan to continue to learn how to setup the server and add scripts (may also take a stab at some custom scripting eventually) I do not think I will be able to accomplish what I wanted by Monday.


So, I want to hire someone to set up my server for me. I have a list of some of the scripts I want to include and also have some ideas for tweaks I want done to loot spawning and such. I am willing to pay someone to do this for me. Is anyone interested in setting up a server for me? If so please include pricing and how long it would take? I will leave a brief list of what I want added/tweaked.



I would like to have:

Loadout/Class selections on spawn

Spawn selection

Plot for life, Vectors, snap build pro

group management

single currency (with gems?)


Custom AI Cities with loot


+ the essentials, deployable bikes, bloodbags, refueling...ect...


(on one server I was on the AI would take over a city and then move to another after awhie...this sounds like something Id like if possible)


I would also like to tweak the loot spawns so that it is more difficult to find loot.

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13 answers to this question

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You dont have to pay anyone, only think that could be a bit difficult is to set up that thing on a dedicate machine, for the rest use this repack:




easy to modify and easy to install, give that man a dollar and you are with a good pack ;)

Thanks I will look into it buthonestly I am looking for something more customized without having to do it. My problem isnt understanding the scripts or how to implement them. I mean that part is sort of tricky in some situations but my biggest problem now is time. Being a full time student I have very little to no spare time during the week so ideally I'd like to have someone customize it for me and i just provide the details


yeah, i can help.


i already have 3 finished epoch server with all kinds of mod.

you can come to my TS channel and talk.

Ill be online in the afternoon

I will get on as soon as i can, I have a few things i need to do today but should be able to get on around 5 Cali time. 

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Somehow i can not understand your point here.

If you dont have much time to customize your own server nor the skills, then why do you want one in the first place?

Why throwing out money for someone who simply follow easiest instructions (which you could do yourself) and pay a host for a server instead of just play on one that is already good and has the manpower to maintain it?


You will never get a ultra unique server with exclusive scripts and fancy stuff on your server if you pay someone to do it. Nobody is expecting that your server is done in 2 Days and is playable with all the stuff on it, i work on my for about 2 years now and started about 5 tomes completly from the scratch. If you need help, here and on opendayz, there are allways people to help your for free, but this is your choice, this was just my opinion  to this topic ;)

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Somehow ican not understand your point here.

If you dont have much time to customize your own server nor the skills, then why do you want one in the first place?

Why throwing out money for someone who simply follow easiest instructions (which you could do yourself) and pay a host for a server instead of just play on one that is already good and has the manpower to maintain it?


You will never get a ultra unique server with exclusive scripts and fancy stuff on your server if you pay someone to do it. Nobody is expecting that your server is done in 2 Days and is playable with all the stuff on it, i work on my for about 2 years now and started about 5 tomes completly from the scratch. If you need help, here and on opendayz, there are allways people to help your for free, but this is your choice, this was just my opinion  to this topic ;)


Why do I want one? Because I have not found one that I am completely happy with. The closest one I could find to my liking was infested with horrible admin that abused powers. I am looking for a somewhat hardcore server. As mentioned in another post I made I am looking to bring back the survival aspect of DayZ for my server. I also do not believe that I need to do any or all of the work if I wish to own a server. Nor do I expect my server to be completely unique by doing something like this. 


You are right about myself not having the time. Now the skills to do so may be argued. Like I have said in another post and I believe in the opening post I made here. I am fully capable of getting this done with more time. The scripting isnt an issue at all actually, its the structure of the site and the installation instructions. I have had a hard time finding the files I need to edit because I have never done something like this. Skills to implement scripts someone else wrote? yea that requires little skill at all to be honest. I can easily copy/paste and follow instructions. I just do not have the time to do so. I understand no one expects the server to be up in 2 days. I just didnt realize it would take me this long to do it. I intended to spend all spring break getting it all set up and ready before school starts up again on monday. I will admit i assumed too much and quickly realized this was not possible. Bad judgement on my part. 


But please explain to me why I cannot do what I want this way? Do you believe that the owner must do everything? Thats a bit absurd dont you think? You dont have to understand, nor agree with my ways of doing this. Like you said, that is your opinion. One I did not ask for. I simply asked for help with doing this, help in which you provided with the first post you made. This second post is in no way contributing to my thread or issues at all. 


But to clear things up a little better I will explain some more. I can very much so get this done (with time I do not have) I am a college student, with a job and a side business doing websites and graphic design for people. I cannot afford the time to get this done as quickly as I had intended. I also do not wish to pay for the server for months without having time to get work done on it. So I would do as any business owner would do and delegate the responsibility to another employee. I say employee beacuse I offered to pay and I do not intend to just dump this onto someone else with no benefit to them. Again you do not have to understand why I do what I do, because quite honestly I tend to do things differently than most. You may feel this is a waste of my money, but is it really? I could easily buy everything I need. You say I wont have custom/exclusive scripts if I pay someone? I beg to differ. You are saying I cannot pay someone to custom script something for me? Do you understand that if I were to pay for someone to do a script I own the script. Which means it IS EXCLUSIVE. Hell if I had the money I could pay someone to build me a brand new game If I wanted to. I obviously cant, nor do i want to, but for you to say I cant have exclusivity from hiring someone to script for me is crazy. Did you script everything yourself on your server? I don't mean installing scripts someone else wrote, I mean litterally writing the code yourself. I doubt you did, if you did..bravo for you and ill eat my words, but i doubt it..


thanks for your opinion, but your logic is more flawed than mine in this situation. Rethink what you have said and also consider how businesses are ran, because you seem to be mistaken in a number of aspects of it..

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Why do I want one? Because I have not found one that I am completely happy with. The closest one I could find to my liking was infested with horrible admin that abused powers. I am looking for a somewhat hardcore server. As mentioned in another post I made I am looking to bring back the survival aspect of DayZ for my server. I also do not believe that I need to do any or all of the work if I wish to own a server. Nor do I expect my server to be completely unique by doing something like this. 


As far as i can tell there is the trend (which i really like) that many people want got back to the survival theme and have a challange on this game and i know some Server which have archive that (or at least working on it). This should not be a Advertisement for someone, but you could try out CartoonBOYs Server or if like even mine ;)

Both of us trying the exact same thing you want to have, we had even a small discussion about it on the official DayZ Forum: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/216630-what-would-you-class-as-hardcore/



You are right about myself not having the time. Now the skills to do so may be argued. Like I have said in another post and I believe in the opening post I made here. I am fully capable of getting this done with more time. The scripting isnt an issue at all actually, its the structure of the site and the installation instructions. I have had a hard time finding the files I need to edit because I have never done something like this. Skills to implement scripts someone else wrote? yea that requires little skill at all to be honest. I can easily copy/paste and follow instructions. I just do not have the time to do so. I understand no one expects the server to be up in 2 days. I just didnt realize it would take me this long to do it. I intended to spend all spring break getting it all set up and ready before school starts up again on monday. I will admit i assumed too much and quickly realized this was not possible. Bad judgement on my part. 


You are not the first and neither will be the last one on that, so nothing to worry about.



But please explain to me why I cannot do what I want this way? Do you believe that the owner must do everything? Thats a bit absurd dont you think? You dont have to understand, nor agree with my ways of doing this. Like you said, that is your opinion. One I did not ask for. I simply asked for help with doing this, help in which you provided with the first post you made. This second post is in no way contributing to my thread or issues at all. 


That is just the expirience that i made from scripting my own server. All Scripters which have really good scripts, have their own servers and spent alot of time in it to make it better and better, then you have the less skilled one, which can follow instructions and install scripts on their servers. Here is the point: You will never have one of the good ones work for you simply because they do not have the time or interest ti do so. What you get are allways just a guy who simply follow the instructions (which everybody can) and then takes your money for (at least in my opinion) for nothing. I'm not here to offend you in any kind of way....(the rest of this text is at the bottom)


But to clear things up a little better I will explain some more. I can very much so get this done (with time I do not have) I am a college student, with a job and a side business doing websites and graphic design for people. I cannot afford the time to get this done as quickly as I had intended. I also do not wish to pay for the server for months without having time to get work done on it. So I would do as any business owner would do and delegate the responsibility to another employee. I say employee beacuse I offered to pay and I do not intend to just dump this onto someone else with no benefit to them. Again you do not have to understand why I do what I do, because quite honestly I tend to do things differently than most. You may feel this is a waste of my money, but is it really? I could easily buy everything I need. You say I wont have custom/exclusive scripts if I pay someone? I beg to differ. You are saying I cannot pay someone to custom script something for me? Do you understand that if I were to pay for someone to do a script I own the script. Which means it IS EXCLUSIVE.

Well, not really:http://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/dayz-mod-license-share-alike

You also can count on it, if yo pay someone who also have a server and made a really nice script, he will install it on his server too.


Hell if I had the money I could pay someone to build me a brand new game If I wanted to. I obviously cant, nor do i want to, but for you to say I cant have exclusivity from hiring someone to script for me is crazy. Did you script everything yourself on your server? I don't mean installing scripts someone else wrote, I mean litterally writing the code yourself. I doubt you did, if you did..bravo for you and ill eat my words, but i doubt it..


Well i did ^^ and i'm still doing it. Also i help here as many people as i can with their scripts, just look trough some Threads you will may see some of my posts there :)


thanks for your opinion, but your logic is more flawed than mine in this situation. Rethink what you have said and also consider how businesses are ran, because you seem to be mistaken in a number of aspects of it..


ALOT of text ^^

Maybe i should clear out my point here:

Like i've said above, im not here to offened you nor do i want to fight here with someone. 

I like to help people with their issues, because i know the struggle and back when i started scripting, there simply was almost nobody who helped me. So i just want to help you either, because you are not the first one who is asking for this and the result was allways the same (at least the ones i saw):  guy (we call him Jimmy) asking for help with paying it; some guy (we call him Timmy) offers help; then Timmy simply installing him step by step the scripts which Jimmy wants to have; Jimmy pays money for Timmy and Jimmy has a server with the exact same scripts 1000 other server owners have.

And here is my problem with this:

You pay someone who is simply copying, the hours of work someone else did to write the script and the author is getting nothing.

For example see ebay he/she is having 2 one of the most used scripts ESS and DZGM, great written, updated and the best is the support and i bet not even 10% of the users of his scripts have donate him a coffe.

Next would be sheep: He made a huge repack of every! Script there is out there and made it easy to install and even easier to use, by just simply switching on of off the script you would like to have. Same for him as for ebay, i also would bet almost no one has donating him something on his work.


What i was trying here is just help you not to waste your money on a random guy who is simply not worth the money. If you look for a hardcore server with fair admins you can play on, just ask some people or try out the server from people who are releasing scripts here, there you can allways count on good servers with good people behind it and if you like one of the servers, donate money to them. This way you are supporting the right people with enough skills and effort to make something good.


I hope now i cleared out my point here and apologize if i offened you in any kind of way :)


Have a good one

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if you dont learn to script your own server every time an update comes out you will have to find someone to pay to script your server again ;)


sqf scripting is very similar to php scripting if i was young and still at school i would take php html and css classes lol

learn the basics: variables, strings, arrays and so on 

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ALOT of text ^^

Maybe i should clear out my point here:

Like i've said above, im not here to offened you nor do i want to fight here with someone. 

I like to help people with their issues, because i know the struggle and back when i started scripting, there simply was almost nobody who helped me. So i just want to help you either, because you are not the first one who is asking for this and the result was allways the same (at least the ones i saw):  guy (we call him Jimmy) asking for help with paying it; some guy (we call him Timmy) offers help; then Timmy simply installing him step by step the scripts which Jimmy wants to have; Jimmy pays money for Timmy and Jimmy has a server with the exact same scripts 1000 other server owners have.

And here is my problem with this:

You pay someone who is simply copying, the hours of work someone else did to write the script and the author is getting nothing.

For example seeebay he/she is having 2 one of the most used scripts ESS and DZGM, great written, updated and the best is the support and i bet not even 10% of the users of his scripts have donate him a coffe.

Next would be sheep: He made a huge repack of every! Script there is out there and made it easy to install and even easier to use, by just simply switching on of off the script you would like to have. Same for him as for ebay, i also would bet almost no one has donating him something on his work.


What i was trying here is just help you not to waste your money on a random guy who is simply not worth the money. If you look for a hardcore server with fair admins you can play on, just ask some people or try out the server from people who are releasing scripts here, there you can allways count on good servers with good people behind it and if you like one of the servers, donate money to them. This way you are supporting the right people with enough skills and effort to make something good.


I hope now i cleared out my point here and apologize if ioffened you in any kind of way :)


Have a good one


Trust me, I see your point of paying someone to do something I could/anyone could do. You seem to forget that the main reason I want to pay someone to do it is simply because I do not have the time to do it NOW. Do not get me wrong I believe the people who have written the scripts should get their fair share of compensation as well. You also seem to assume that I will be doing this forever..which is also not true. I am interested in getting someone to set it all up for me now but do not in no way intend to keep it this way. I may have gotten a bit defensive but I am not offended as of now.


I am building my own server..that is that...I do not need people to recommend servers to me because likei said..I AM BUILDING MY OWN. I may have not mentioned it and I will not go into details but this server will only be a small fraction of a larger and more thoughtout venture that I am pursuing. I have many plans to combine this with other business projects I am working on. Like I said I will not go into details as of yet as I am still working out some of the smaller things.


Again, I am not offended and I would like to apologize as well. I am a bit agressive that is just in my nature.


if you dont learn to script your own server every time an update comes out you will have to find someone to pay to script your server again ;)


sqf scripting is very similar to php scripting if i was young and still at school i would take php html and css classes lol

learn the basics: variables, strings, arrays and so on 


Again, the scripting is not my problem. I can very easily understand scripts. I have written numerous programs for websites and such. I am a college student and I have taken classes for PHP, CSS,HTML,JS as well as began to teach myself some C++ and Java. The scripts are not the problem. Time is the problem. I work, go to school, and have other obligations. When im not doing those I am either working on the side,again i do graphic design and build websites, so scripting and things of that nature are nothing new to me. 


The only free time I have is during breaks like the one I was just on and the little time I have on weekends. During those times Id much rather be playing than trying to put my server up. I understand this may not make sense to most of you and honestly it does not have to. 


I would love and appreciate any help I can get as long as it is not advice to stop my plans..as that is just not happening. If I cannot find someone to do this for me I will do this myself. It will happen and I honestly may fail at it! But i will not be discouraged nor will I change my mind half way thru. When I set my mind to doing something I accomplish it. I may not always get the results I was hoping for but i get it done none the less..

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lol by the time it took you to right these posts you could have install 5 scripts or more on your server well atleast 10 of the 1 liner copy and paste scripts lol


How much you paying lol and what do you expect to get for that amount ? (what mods/addons)


Who is your host or do you have a VPS or dedi ?

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I would like to have:

Loadout/Class selections on spawn

Spawn selection

Plot for life, Vectors, snap build pro

group management

single currency (with gems?)


Custom AI Cities with loot


+ the essentials, deployable bikes, bloodbags, refueling...ect...




As mentioned in another post I made I am looking to bring back the survival aspect of DayZ for my server.




Oh kay.

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It's a hardcore survival server man. Hardcore if you manage to face the zombie horde in a massive hardware store attached to a massive supermarket with people who manipulate your base pieces for you to line them up perfectly while you can see their every move on your GPS with map markers that you paid for with gold coin currency and gems you mined from 100 ores that populate the map. 


Sorry, couldn't help it.

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I am building my own server..that is that...I do not need people to recommend servers to me because likei said..I AM BUILDING MY OWN. I may have not mentioned it and I will not go into details but this server will only be a small fraction of a larger and more thoughtout venture that I am pursuing. I have many plans to combine this with other business projects I am working on. Like I said I will not go into details as of yet as I am still working out some of the smaller things.




Maybe someone can explain this to me who is better with this language then i am, but do read that right, that you are planning to make some money out of your server?

Like charging people for some "exclusive" extras (P2W) or even just on joining your server? Maybe something similar like the Origins-Devs did it?


If thats the case, then dont expect any kind of help from me! I will not support any kind of server which have some sort of ingame shop or doing any kind of P2W.

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