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Need Help with Server



Hey everyone we are currently trying to script and mod our epoch Server.

We are not so good in this and so i have to ask here maybe some of you can help us with script and modding.

If you need we can pay you for your work something.

Skype: max199495



Thanks !

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Be realistic with your wants.  Start small and learn the basics with the smaller easier, well documented scripts.  Again be realistic with what you want to add and learn as you go along.  There are many threads with very good instructions and explanations on many good scripts.  Be realistic, take your time and read as much as you can.


What are you looking to add?

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To be honest this mod has and is changing allot so if you have nobody in your group that can manage and script for the server it's going to be very frustrating for you. Most of us on here are solo as well and do this purely for the fun and love of the mod / game. We will help you if you have a specific problem so what's got stuck right now?

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Learning how to script/manage scripts/manage a server can be treacherous on a live server with players. If you have an old computer or something kicking around that you can use to test things before you implement them you will not only save your players headache when things go wrong (and they will go wrong, it's all part of learning)  but will give you a clean area to work in.


Also see this thread if you want to try setting a server on local pc

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