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Question about new building


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So the building seems to be improved as it lets you when you try to build an object first time to snap it to the ground, but why this feature disappears when you try to move the already built part? Like same old method, which doesn't let you snap to the ground so you have to replace the building part altogether (remove it and replace with the same one).

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Are you trying to apply the new building physics to existing building parts?


Was the server wiped or is it parts that existed already?



Might have something to do with it.




Maybe it's a one-time thing but dunno.

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No server is fresh, I am trying to build on the ground, but the second time I try to move the building part (which was originally placed and snapped to the ground) it doesn't give me this function of snapping anymore, unless it is completely new building part (for example cinder wall).

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Yeah. maybe you're right. Either way at least we have an option to deconstruct now an item instead of making a huge pile of trash for admins to clean up :D

He is right, they confirmed this on the changelog


[Added] Most base building items now use a hybrid Static/Physx system with ghost preview on first placement.

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too bad this ghost preview doesnt have "trun left or right" function, for example, when building stairs. It just snaps without asking in the direction it wants but not that you want. And Q and E button doesnt seem to work in this ghost preview. And also you now can not move items closer to yourself, they instantly move away from you when you try to do it.

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too bad this ghost preview doesnt have "trun left or right" function, for example, when building stairs. It just snaps without asking in the direction it wants but not that you want. And Q and E button doesnt seem to work in this ghost preview. And also you now can not move items closer to yourself, they instantly move away from you when you try to do it.


To bad you never pressed "3" ... Lol


press 3 which will change the direction of the snap (Rotate stairs ect)


press 2 to build the part in free mode :)

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To bad you never pressed "3" ... Lol


press 3 which will change the direction of the snap (Rotate stairs ect)


press 2 to build the part in free mode :)


But I even did that, I pressed 3 too, it just changes snapping mode and I didn't see any visual changes at all.

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Does anyone has the issue, that when u try to build a floor (in particular) it immediatly turns physics on when i press 1 (or 2) to Place it. Sometimes it works as intended and stays in ghost mode till its progress bar Is finished but especially when i place a floor as a roof it turns to the real thing Most of the Time and then just fall down.

I dont really know whats causing this. Right now im struggleing getting my builings done since i cant put roofs on them.

Can a script which makes bases indestructable be the cause to that issue or Is it an intended feature?

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I noticed too with placing floors on top of stud walls, physics appear instantly once a floor is placed and then the timer is running.


exactly this. do u run a script which makes items indestructable?

i will deactivate mine today to see if the issue persists

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tried this out at a vanilla 0301 server and still happens. as soon as the floor is a some cm up in the air physics immediatly turns on upon placing it.

doesnt matter at all if theres a wall below it. so no roofs right now..

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