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Hey all, 


I have noticed a few people have Overpochins or Origins servers up, but no-one is sharing the love lately. As a matter of fact, everyone is keeping their Origins knowledge locked up tighter than the genuine server files by GP!


The few threads that started getting into Origins stuff have sort of fizzled out and died (including one actually being locked, wtf?) and I was just wondering if there were people that had a bit of Origins stuff that they wouldn't mind sharing? Stuff like : 


Being able to upgrade Origins vehicles with armour.

Dr Ivans Lab

Electro nests and the rest of the towers

Spawning Origins zombies

Spawning Origins loot

The various housing animations

Sleeping in Origins housing

Maybe the alien stuff?


Changing the gear interface to resemble Origins




Surely someone has managed to figure out how to get at least SOME of this stuff working?


I have all the Origins vehicles, Hero 1, Hero2, Hero3, Small Garage, Large Garage, Pyramid, Stronghold and with some MASSIVE help from SchwEde, the animated Excavator able to knock down Origins housing and the animated submarine. 


Can anyone help get some more stuff happening? I was even going to get a GENUINE Origins server, but nobody is offering them anymore :(

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Nice :)

just tell me what kind of stuff we need to get done for ;)



Being able to upgrade Origins vehicles with armour.

Dr Ivans Lab

Electro nests and the rest of the towers

Spawning Origins zombies

Spawning Origins loot

The various housing animations

Sleeping in Origins housing

Maybe the alien stuff?


Changing the gear interface to resemble Origins




I can't come into the chat for a while mate, going out for dinner. I can tomorrow though :)

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I can't see the Origins zombie models anywhere in the 1795 files. I do believe they ARE in the 179 files, but then I lose the newer Origins vehicles :(


This would be a LOT easier if a certain money hungry bastard would release otherwise dead server files ..... 

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The zombie models are in the origins_pack.pbo in the folder characters. Btw i know how to change the gear interface but i can't find the option in epoch to replace the buttons for clos bag, filter, close ect. they are always the default arma 2 oa gear buttons. Another thing is if you try to open the Origins config.bin files it says that the file isn't a Arma file.

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The zombie models are in the origins_pack.pbo in the folder characters. Btw i know how to change the gear interface but i can't find the option in epoch to replace the buttons for clos bag, filter, close ect. they are always the default arma 2 oa gear buttons. Another thing is if you try to open the Origins config.bin files it says that the file isn't a Arma file.


That's weird. They are in there alright, but shouldn't I be able to morph into one using infiSTAR? I can morph into a bloodsucker on Namalsk. Also, as they ARE in there, why can't I spawn them in using my cfgloot files?

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the origins files get overwritten by the epoch files, for example you can load in the namalsk zed cause they get loaded in trough the ns_dayz file but if this file would be called dayz_code.pbo they won't load in cause they get overwritten by the epoch files

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Being able to upgrade Origins vehicles with armour.

Dr Ivans Lab

Electro nests and the rest of the towers

Spawning Origins zombies

Spawning Origins loot

The various housing animations

Sleeping in Origins housing

Maybe the alien stuff?


Changing the gear interface to resemble Origins




I can't come into the chat for a while mate, going out for dinner. I can tomorrow though :)


I had some of these working...


origionally I added to my admin tools to see what I could spawn then I added to deploy anything



Electro nests and the rest of the towers

I never could get electro nests working. I gave up fast ;(

["HeliH",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"HeliH"]]],"1","1"],
["US_WarfareBVehicleServicePoint_Base_EP1",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"US_WarfareBVehicleServicePoint_Base_EP1"]]],"1","1"],
["CDF_WarfareBUAVterminal",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"CDF_WarfareBUAVterminal"]]],"1","1"],
["hero_electro3",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"electro3"]]],"1","1"],
["bandit_electro3",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"electro3"]]],"1","1"],
["watchtower",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"watchtower"]]],"1","1"],
["vil_watchtower",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"vil_watchtower"]]],"1","1"],
["malaGaraz",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"malaGaraz"]]],"1","1"],
["kingramida",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"kingramida"]]],"1","1"],
["full_tower4",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"full_tower4."]]],"1","1"],
["tower4",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"tower4."]]],"1","1"],
["Fire Barrel",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"FireBarrel_DZ"]]],"1","1"],
["stronghold",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"krepost"]]],"1","1"],
["hero house level 3",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"Uroven3VelkyDomek"]]],"1","1"],
["bandit house level 3",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"Uroven3DrevenyDomek"]]],"1","1"],
["large garage",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"velkaGaraz"]]],"1","1"],
["Death board",[],"", -5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript7,"Info_Board_EP1"]]],"1","1"],
//Topaz - Base Defenses
_Defenses = ["Hhedgehog_concrete","Hhedgehog_concreteBig","Base_WarfareBBarrier10xTall","Fence_corrugated_plate","Fence_Ind_long","Land_CncBlock","Land_CncBlock_D","Land_CncBlock_Stripes","Land_fort_artillery_nest_EP1","Land_fort_rampart_EP1","MAP_Barbedwire","MAP_BarbGate","MAP_concrete_block","MAP_Concrete_Ramp","MAP_dragonTeeth","MAP_dragonTeethBig","MAP_fort_artillery_nest","MAP_fort_rampart","MAP_Fort_Razorwire","MAP_HBarrier5_round15","MAP_plot_provizorni","MAP_prebehlavka","MAP_prolejzacka","MAP_ramp_concrete","MAP_woodenRamp","MAP_obstacle_get_over","MAP_obstacle_prone","MAP_obstacle_run_duck"];
_Forts = ["Land_Fort_Watchtower_EP1","MAP_fort_watchtower","CDF_WarfareBBarracks","USMC_WarfareBBarracks","MAP_fortified_nest_big","MAP_fortified_nest_small","MAP_Pristresek_mensi","MAP_Mil_Mil_Guardhouse","MAP_GuardShed","MAP_Fortress_02","MAP_Fortress_01","WarfareBDepot"];
_Tents = ["CDF_WarfareBFieldhHospital","MAP_MASH","MAP_Stan","MAP_Stan_east","MAP_tent_east","MAP_tent_small_west","MAP_tent_west","MAP_tent2_west","USMC_WarfareBFieldhHospital"];
_Towers = ["MAP_vez"];
_Topaz = _Defenses + _Forts + _Tents + _Towers;

Dr Ivans Lab......


I just added the static coords for WAI to spawn AI in the lab


I used this for sleep in houses.............


spawn selection...........................


AI choppers that patrol the main two islands..........................


some of the sql inserts......................

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Thanks heaps Calamity, I'll get onto these in the morning and see what I can do with them. :)


the origins files get overwritten by the epoch files, for example you can load in the namalsk zed cause they get loaded in trough the ns_dayz file but if this file would be called dayz_code.pbo they won't load in cause they get overwritten by the epoch files


Seeing as the Origins zombie models are in origins_pack.pbo they shouldn't be overwritten by anything in Epoch/Overwatch? Unless I am missing some vital thing here?

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they defined in the origins dayz_code to get theme working with epoch you need to add theme in the dayz epoch dayz_code under the zZombieBase part in the config.bin and then every player have to download this file



	class z_policeman : zZombie_Base
		model = "\ca\characters2\civil\Policeman\Policeman";
		zombieLoot = "policeman";

		class Wounds 
			tex[] = { };
			mat[] = {
					"ca\characters2\civil\policeman\data\policeman.rvmat", "ca\characters2\civil\policeman\data\w1_policeman.rvmat", "ca\characters2\civil\policeman\data\w2_policeman.rvmat", "ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl_wounds.rvmat", "ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl_wounds.rvmat"
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right, this way everybody needs to download it, so we basicly would make a public origins mod, which (eventually) become the new standard ^^


or we could use some nice little tricks with something like this:


if (_x isKindOf "z_suit2" || _x isKindOf "z_suit1") then 
_x setObjectTexture [0, "\origins_pack\characters\textures\suit_co.paa"]; 

simply retexture the existing ones, maybe with a random chance, so there is still a variation

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Maybe this help you a bit ;)




class zZombie_Base;

class z_Mutant : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\vil_alien.p3d";
	armor = 120;
	zombieLoot = "Mutated";
	displayName = "Mutated";
	class HitPoints {
		class HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			material = -1;
			name = "head_hit";
			passThrough = true;
			memoryPoint = "pilot";
		class HitBody : HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			name = "body";
			memoryPoint = "aimPoint";
		class HitSpine : HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			name = "Spine2";
			memoryPoint = "aimPoint";
		class HitHands : HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			material = -1;
			name = "hands";
			passThrough = true;
		class HitLArm : HitHands {
			name = "LeftArm";
			memoryPoint = "lelbow";
		class HitRArm : HitHands {
			name = "RightArm";
			memoryPoint = "relbow";
		class HitLForeArm : HitHands {
			name = "LeftForeArm";
			memoryPoint = "lwrist";
		class HitRForeArm : HitHands {
			name = "RightForeArm";
			memoryPoint = "rwrist";
		class HitLHand : HitHands {
			name = "LeftHand";
			memoryPoint = "LeftHandMiddle1";
		class HitRHand : HitHands {
			name = "RightHand";
			memoryPoint = "RightHandMiddle1";
		class HitLegs : HitHands {
			name = "legs";
			memoryPoint = "pelvis";
		class HitLLeg : HitHands {
			name = "LeftLeg";
			memoryPoint = "lknee";
		class HitLLegUp : HitHands {
			name = "LeftUpLeg";
			memoryPoint = "lfemur";
		class HitRLeg : HitHands {
			name = "RightLeg";
			memoryPoint = "rknee";
		class HitRLegUp : HitHands {
			name = "RightUpLeg";
			memoryPoint = "rfemur";

class z_Boss_zed : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\ca\characters2\civil\Doctor\Doctor";
	armor = 120;
	zombieLoot = "zBoss";
	displayName = "Doctor Ivan";
	hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\origins_pack\characters\textures\doctorIVAN.paa"};
	class HitPoints {
		class HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			material = -1;
			name = "head_hit";
			passThrough = true;
			memoryPoint = "pilot";
		class HitBody : HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			name = "body";
			memoryPoint = "aimPoint";
		class HitSpine : HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			name = "Spine2";
			memoryPoint = "aimPoint";
		class HitHands : HitHead {
			armor = 1.6;
			material = -1;
			name = "hands";
			passThrough = true;
		class HitLArm : HitHands {
			name = "LeftArm";
			memoryPoint = "lelbow";
		class HitRArm : HitHands {
			name = "RightArm";
			memoryPoint = "relbow";
		class HitLForeArm : HitHands {
			name = "LeftForeArm";
			memoryPoint = "lwrist";
		class HitRForeArm : HitHands {
			name = "RightForeArm";
			memoryPoint = "rwrist";
		class HitLHand : HitHands {
			name = "LeftHand";
			memoryPoint = "LeftHandMiddle1";
		class HitRHand : HitHands {
			name = "RightHand";
			memoryPoint = "RightHandMiddle1";
		class HitLegs : HitHands {
			name = "legs";
			memoryPoint = "pelvis";
		class HitLLeg : HitHands {
			name = "LeftLeg";
			memoryPoint = "lknee";
		class HitLLegUp : HitHands {
			name = "LeftUpLeg";
			memoryPoint = "lfemur";
		class HitRLeg : HitHands {
			name = "RightLeg";
			memoryPoint = "rknee";
		class HitRLegUp : HitHands {
			name = "RightUpLeg";
			memoryPoint = "rfemur";
	class Wounds {
		tex[] = {};
		mat[] = {"ca\characters2\civil\doctor\data\doctor.rvmat", "ca\characters2\civil\doctor\data\W1_doctor.rvmat", "ca\characters2\civil\doctor\data\W2_doctor.rvmat", "ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl.rvmat", "ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl_Wounds.rvmat", "ca\characters\heads\male\defaulthead\data\hhl_Wounds.rvmat"};

class ori_zombie1 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie1.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie1n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie1n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie2 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie2.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie2n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie2n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie3 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie3.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie3n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie3n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie4 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie4.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie4n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie4n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie5 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie5.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie5n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie5n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie6 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie6.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie6n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie6n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie7 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie7.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie7n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie7n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie8 : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie8.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie8n : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie8n.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie1L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie1L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie1Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie1Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie2L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie2L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie2Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie2Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie3L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie3L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie3Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie3Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie4L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie4L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie4Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie4Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie5L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie5L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie5Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie5Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie6L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie6L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie6Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie6Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie7L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie7L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie7Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie7Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie8L : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie8L.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
class ori_zombie8Ln : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_zombie8Ln.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";

class ori_pozarnik : zZombie_Base {
	model = "\origins_pack\characters\ori_pozarnik.p3d";
	zombieLoot = "generic";

class ori_vil_zombie_woman1 : zZombie_Base {
	displayName = "Zombie Babushka";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
	model = "origins_pack\characters\ori_vil_zombie_woman1.p3d";

class ori_vil_zombie_woman2 : zZombie_Base {
	displayName = "Zombie Babushka";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
	model = "origins_pack\characters\ori_vil_zombie_woman2.p3d";

class ori_vil_zombie_woman3 : zZombie_Base {
	displayName = "Zombie Babushka";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
	model = "origins_pack\characters\ori_vil_zombie_woman3.p3d";

class ori_vil_zombie_woman4 : zZombie_Base {
	displayName = "Zombie Babushka";
	zombieLoot = "generic";
	model = "origins_pack\characters\ori_vil_zombie_woman4.p3d";

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I added origins zombies to my server a few days ago... however I have never been on server to test they work... lots of hours at work



#include "CfgLoot.hpp"

class CfgBuildingLoot {
class Default {
zombieChance = 0.2;
minRoaming = 0;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieClass[] = {"z_Boss_zed","ori_zombie1","ori_zombie1n","ori_zombie2","ori_zombie2n","ori_zombie3","ori_zombie3n","ori_zombie4","ori_zombie4n","ori_zombie5","ori_zombie5n","ori_zombie6","ori_zombie6n","ori_zombie7","ori_zombie7n","ori_zombie8","ori_zombie8n","ori_zombie1L","ori_zombie1Ln","ori_zombie2L","ori_zombie2Ln","ori_zombie3L","ori_zombie3Ln","ori_zombie4L","ori_zombie4Ln","ori_zombie5L","ori_zombie5Ln","ori_zombie6L","ori_zombie6Ln","ori_zombie7L","ori_zombie7Ln","ori_zombie8L","ori_zombie8Ln","ori_vil_zombie_woman1","ori_vil_zombie_woman2","ori_vil_zombie_woman3","ori_vil_zombie_woman4","ori_pozarnik"};
lootChance = 0;
lootPos[] = {};

so im not sure if this will work

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ok, got some time now and will try to get the vehicles from origins work properly with all the upgrades and sh*** ;D




First steps are done :)

(dont mind the dead body)



Now i will try to get this on the testserver and see how i can get this done :)

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