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[Suggestion] Sandbags

Fog Horn

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Craftable trip mines would be sweet too (especially ones that do not trigger on group members).


I'd love to be able to leave my base, place a trip mine before I go and not have to worry about it blowing up my group mates or myself upon returning... OR give group members the ability to disarm it at least with a short timer before detonation.


Wouldn't be persistent on restart, that would be OP.


Would also love the ability to craft walls with window hatches on them like the military towers, half-height wood walls to duck behind and metal X traps to prevent cars driving up to the walls of my base, and detonating as a second explosive.


I am really hoping the dev's put more time into buildables after the release of .3.0 because I think there is a large enough majority of people wanting this to be focused on to warrant their efforts being shifted in that direction

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