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Deployed bikes disappear

Chainsaw Squirrel


At first the where disappearing after player got on .. and when the went poof , the player  dies as well, 


This all started after install of plot for life ..3.5 , connected ?? dont know .. but maybe ??


this I found RPT logs right when player died from bike



I searched and found this fix ... comment out these lines in the server_functions.sqf

// Damage generator fuction
generate_exp_damage = {
private ["_damage"];
    _damage = ((random(DynamicVehicleDamageHigh-DynamicVehicleDamageLow))+DynamicVehicleDamageLow) / 100;
// limit this to 85% since vehicle would blow up otherwise.
//if(_damage >= 0.85) then {
// _damage = 0.85;


Doing that now the bike spawns and b4 u get on disapears and this message was in the rpt log 


"Deleting object Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1 with invalid ID at pos [6290.61,16703.2,-0.0116768]"
 1:43:59 "CLEANUP: Deleted 1 Animals out of 2"
Possibly infrastar causing ??
Any help appreciated
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How about, deployed bikes not letting people ride them? Im using deploy anything, and just recently discovered that regular players can't ride their deployed bike. They get on it, and press W, and nothing happens. If I use infiSTAR to spawn a bike they can ride it no problem. So somehow the antihack is blocking them from riding the bike.. Im stumped.

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have you tried to see if its working without inifstar enabled?

I haven't but doing a little more digging it looks like it is a common problem with the deploy anything bike script.. for whatever reason. And I was wrong about it only being non admins. I dont think the admin aspect is related. It just randomly doesn't allow some players to ride it. It doesn't happen to every player.

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the bikes did not dissapear as i tested your version of the deploy bike. They just blew up, but this wasnt hard to fix

The bike disappearing issue the guy had in this thread was resolved. 


My issue is with a right click deploy bike script from the deploy anything release.  Players are sometimes unable to ride the bikes, they just dont move....


Seems other people in that thread are having the same problem.



The script you were helping me with earlier, is for my scroll wheel deploy bike on my overwatch server. This issue, with the bikes not moving when players try to ride them is with my overpoch server. Completely different script.

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it does not matter how do you call the script.

I dont like to have to many scroll menu and like to have more simple as a right click. Same for your deploybike script. i called it from a radio and it worked perfect. 

If you need help there tell me in the other script.

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it does not matter how do you call the script.

I dont like to have to many scroll menu and like to have more simple as a right click. Same for your deploybike script. i called it from a radio and it worked perfect. 

If you need help there tell me in the other script.

Yea Im just saying they are 2 completely different scripts we're talking about here :)


The script you were helping me with is not the script I am having this issue with.


I am having this issue with the deploy anything script for my overpoch server.

Lots of people are having this same problem


It doesn't effect everyone all of the time.

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well just look on the code:


in his player_deploy.sqf there is this code:

if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation)) then {
            _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;

it has probably a good reason to be there, but i think this is causing that people are not able to move on the bikes.


maybe changing it to something like:

if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation) && !(_tmpbuilt isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then {
            _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;

This way all vehicles are exluded from this code.

Needs to be tested though

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well just look on the code:


in his player_deploy.sqf there is this code:

if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation)) then {
            _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;

it has probably a good reason to be there, but i think this is causing that people are not able to move on the bikes.


maybe changing it to something like:

if (!(_index call getDeployableSimulation) && !(_tmpbuilt isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then {
            _tmpbuilt enableSimulation false;

This way all vehicles are exluded from this code.

Needs to be tested though

Alright I"ll share your thoughts on that thread since a lot of people are having the problem. I guess its no longer being supported.

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