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3.0 Loot Spawns / Jammer Range


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If I am reading the changelog correctly, it sounds like loot will be reduced within the range of your jammer.  In one way, I certainly understand this...possibly due to certain bases being built in prime locations that offer an advantage perhaps.  In another way, isn't that part of the fun and attraction to "high volume" areas?  Build your base and protect it well since others may very well attack you relentlessly. 


Please be careful with how much this is adjusted as it really could change the game in a number of ways.....and not all for the better.

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Our server rules state clearly the range to stay away from high loot areas... One of the fun parts of being admins is collecting all players near and show them what an artillery barrage looks like :)


Even with the new settings, you DO need rules to prevent abuse, and being clear about them is key.

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I personally can't wait for this because we built our base in a simple large white shed, it is a great spot with ample room to park vehicles inside etc.Problem is because Loot keeps spawning in, if by chance a couch spawns where the car is parked. BOOM. overnight the whole shed goes down with the car exposing the entire base to freshies or anyone who walks by. We've been unlucky and had it happen twice to us. This also applies for walls and shelves. We had our garage door disappear entirely until the next server restart because a cabinet spawned where the cinder garage door was placed causing it to temporarily be removed, again leaving the base open.


If FJ's stop loot spawning we can once again park our vehicles and place shelves/walls inside buildings without worrying about them blowing up, or disappearing 

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How do you change the range of the jammer as well as the default amount the jammer protects?




class CfgEpochClient
    buildingNearbyMilitary = 0; //1 to allow building nearby
    buildingNearbyMilitaryRange = 300; //Define radius of blocked area

    buildingRequireJammer = 0; // 1 = to allow building without a jammer
    buildingCountLimit = 200; // how many objects can be built within range of a jammer
    buildingJammerRange = 75; // jammer range in meters
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I have a user that setup a base in a warehouse north of Neochori. But the Range of the jammers loot blocking seems to be 600m. From jammer to edge of the field is 300m. So This has effectively cut out half of the towns loot locations.

Would this be edited the same way.  This is not a military location so the 300m should not apply. I guess I will test it out and see if it makes a difference.



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