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Last 7 days - something went wrong, no activity.


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We actually have a very busy server. Weekend were occupied all 64 slots. On weekdays we have every afternoon 20-30 players online.


New Players join very rarely our server, we have more than 15 players on it. And it is getting worse. We have good admins, we offer support and great scripts. It is not our fault.

I recently installed the following:


Our server:


what im doing wrong, what could be it?

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Wrong Topic^^ but i will help you...


First Arma Server for you?


Many other new Games coming out the last days like H1Z1 or BF Hardline Beta and many more...


but each server has installed this scripts like your Server. And if you not the owner from this scripts you can't support any bugs.

We all wait for a new stable update in Epoch to play the game but actually it is BORING

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Na dann solltest du ja wissen das es hin und wieder mal eine Flaute gibt. Das kommt und geht... Mach dir also keine sorgen


Cool finde ich ja

Nuketown: Nukleare Explosionen nach Zufallsprinzip


Der Zufallsauslöser :)

class Item5
            expActiv="nuke_activated = true;";
            class Effects


So und jetzt lade dir die kostenlose Beta von Hardline und guck dir an was Dice da wieder verbochen hat ;)

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A3 doesn't really have much going on for antagonists unlike what A2 had.


Players get on with some sort of expectation that it will be the same and find out it's currently not.


Unless they get on this forum to read that more antagonists are in the works then they think that's how it's going to be and they get bored really quick and stop playing.



Even the players who endure to find materials to make a base and get some gear together end up quickly fading away and then you couple that with other games coming out which even gives more incentive to not play much.


My guess

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I've noticed the same. About a month ago Firecockgaming's 60/80-slot servers would completely fill up during peak, average around 25-40 players and would bottom out around 10. Since H1Z1 popped out, seems like they're peaking at 30 now and averaging around 10-15. 


Like mentioned earlier... it'll pick back up once more updates drop and the hype on the other games like H1Z1 dies off. 

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