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Fulcrum Mission System v2.1a


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  On 4/3/2015 at 2:04 PM, Darth_Rogue said:

I think Infi is working on the HC kick/ban issue.  That may be why it's taking so long for people to get the newest update.  I'm still on 129 myself.  

same here.


but i have some other issue and hope any one of you could give me a helping hand on that. if i do not execute the HC script (neither client nor server sided) i have around 70 - 90 fps. 

if i execute the script but do not start the headless client yet the fps drop down by half.

if i start the headless client i'm getting around 27 - 35 fps.


server fps stay pinned down on 47 with 150 bots


tryed to adjust the basic.cfg wich doesnt help that much (at least it seems to be)





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   Are you turning OFF the server-side operation of FUMS?


v1.5 provided code that allows FuMS to run server side, so FuMS is alot heavier if you have that turned on.


see \FuMS\init.sqf to turn it off.



Think I am going to go back to packaging it default with Server-side turned OFF.

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could make sense if i'd know what u know :D i have no clue tbh :D btw could you give an example in how to set up more than the server id in the config? 



FuMS_HCIDs = [];

FuMS_HCNames = [];
FuMS_HCIDs set [0,0]; // set the 1st slot to be the actual server's ID.
FuMS_HCNames set [0, "SERVER"];
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its all automatic. Just make sure you have the extra HC slots in your mission.sqm


That code above was in place to create a 'virtual' HC for the server so that it was seen as an HC by the FuMS code. (was easier than a bunch of isServer statements)



If you want to turn off the FuMS Admin tool..that is in the BaseServer.sqf.

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is this ok:


        // ActiveThemes
        // A folder matching the names below needs to exist in the ..\Encounters folder.
        // use this block to easily turn off/on your various mission sets.
        // -1 = all HC's.  0= Server only,  1=1st HC to connect, 2=2nd, etc.
        //  Note: Server option not currenty operational.
        // ["StressTest",-1],
Ok this work one Problem it spawn 3 times the same missions can i make random ???
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After install, has anyone ran into the spawn hut move to the bottom left corner of the map? This is the same on both server. Taviana, Bornholm

I know it's a installer error, lol It's just driving me nuts..

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13:37:49 "##ControlLoop: _missionTheme:["SEM",1]  ActiveThemes:[["SEM",1],["SEM",1],["SEM",1]]"
13:37:49 "##ControlLoop: ["SEM",1] not started. It is under HC#1 control. Check BaseServer.sqf to reconfigure!"
can anybody help me pls i have one hc install he join is allok but he dont take the controll of the mission ????????
i thing i kick him and he rejoin all ok but he dont take again the controll wtf???
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No need to make copies to run the theme multiple times.  Placing a theme into the BaseServer.sqf's 'ActiveTheme' section will work fine. 


If you want to randomize the mission, just set the flag in the ThemeData.sqf  to 1 or 3 and the missions will be randomized.

  [  // *******Options*********
        "Test", // Needs to match the folder name!
        4,  //Mission Selection: 1=Random, 2=In order, 3=Random:once only until all missions run
             // 4=Static: All missions in 'Mission List' will be created at server start!
			 // 5=Static: with no respawn. Use option 5 for 'create once' type missions.
			 // Using option 4 will permit mission to run and re-spawn based upon the respawn delay below.
			 //  option 5 will let the mission only spawn once per 6 hours (ie server reset)
        60, // Respawn delay in seconds
		true, // use Global Loot Data (GlobalLootData.sqf)
		true,  // use Global Soldier Data file (GlobalSoldierData.sqf)
		true // ThemeAutoStart: Setting this to 'false' will prevent normal start-up of the Theme! See \Docs\AdminControls.txt

The 'Test' theme contains configuration files with the most detailed and up to date descriptions of the various configurations:  

Also the Docs folder on the GitHub distro contains files that describe the specifics of the AI and Mission trigger functions.



I think I may need to write up some FAQ's for each config file at this point. :)

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is this correct in the mission.sqm  class Groups

class Item0
            class Vehicles
                class Item0
                    player="PLAY CDG";
                    init="this enableSimulation false; this allowDamage false";
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It looks like your HC is somehow getting re-initialized without being disconnected.


Do you have a server .rpt for the same timeframe....


Also, just want to confirm, you look to be using the stock list of themes.  And the rpt looks like it is from an older version unless you uncommented some of the debug messages...

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