I know there is a mission in WAI that you need to assassinate the mayor, what if, every restart, you would get the same type of deal but for a player? There is also a mission in ISLAND LIFE which assassins can get assassination jobs which create an AI to kill. Is something like that do-able as a player target?
Let me explain myself.
If you would to get all players UIDs, and then randomise and get one of them, and put a bounty on him say 50oz gold or something, how could such thing be possible
EDIT 1: First creation (just a scratch of ideas and questions...)
if (isPlayer) then{
_uid = getPlayerUID player;
_ListOfPlayers= _ListOfPlayers + [_uid]; // Or maybe I should use _ListOfPlayers set [ count _ListOfPlayers, [_uid]]; ???
uisleep 30;
_Uptime = (floor(serverTime/3600));
_rnd = floor (random (count _ListOfPlayers));
VIPTargetUID = _ListOfPlayers select _rnd;
if (_uid in VIPTargetUID) then {
titleText [format ["%1, you are the target!! Survive 1 hour to get the reward..",name player], "PLAIN DOWN", 3];
player setVariable ["VIPTarget", true]; //Is something like this working? Any ways to do it?
VIPTargetName = name player; //Define the name of the target?? Since its in the UID portion of assassination?
//How would I define VIPTarget (see the marker part to see what im talking about, I want to attach the market to his position)
//Is there any way to create a marker that sticks to the target?
} else {
//Any way to find the name of the Assassination mission by his UID? I am lost here.
tittleText [format["%1 is now the target! Kill him to get the money!",VIPTargetName],"PLAIN DOWN", 3];
//Mark target on map
_markerobj = createMarker ["targetmarker",[0,0]];
_markername= "targetmarker";
_markerobj setMarkerShape "ICON";
"targetmarker" setMarkerType "Marker";
"targetmarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"targetmarker" setMarkerText "Assassination target";
_markername SetMarkerPos _start;
"targetmarker" setmarkerpos getpos VIPtarget;
/**Identify killer**/
_VIPKiller = _victim getVariable["AttackedByName", "nil"]; //How can you identify the killer?
/**Finish the mission**/
if (!alive VIPTarget && alive VIPKiller) exitWith { //Would this verify if the player is alive or no? How would such thing work!?
_VIPKiller addMagazineCargo "ItemBriefCase50oz";
hint "Good job! He deserved to die anyways.";
if (_Uptime == 1 && alive VIPTarget) exitWith {
hint "You survived the hunt. You keep the money.";
_VIPKiller addMagazineCargo "ItemBriefCase50oz";
I though of something earlier today.
I know there is a mission in WAI that you need to assassinate the mayor, what if, every restart, you would get the same type of deal but for a player? There is also a mission in ISLAND LIFE which assassins can get assassination jobs which create an AI to kill. Is something like that do-able as a player target?
Let me explain myself.
If you would to get all players UIDs, and then randomise and get one of them, and put a bounty on him say 50oz gold or something, how could such thing be possible
EDIT 1: First creation (just a scratch of ideas and questions...)
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