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Anyone willing to share good working Overpoch loot tables?



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Define good working :D

The ones you find on the net are, imho - shit. Military Weapons in every type of loot, and unorganized weaponcategories. I cleaned most of that up so if you want, i can post them later when i get back home

If you could provide me with the files that would be great!

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If you could provide me with the files that would be great!

After having a look at the ones cen posted you should just take them ;) Basically mine besides a few things I made different. (higher Cinderblock droprate and no spawning of hotwirekits in lootpiles)


Btw Cen, you got an error in your CfgBuildingLoot.

ItemHotwireKit is no weapon, it's an item

Same for the PipeBomb btw 

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After having a look at the ones cen posted you should just take them ;) Basically mine besides a few things I made different. (higher Cinderblock droprate and no spawning of hotwirekits in lootpiles)


Btw Cen, you got an error in your CfgBuildingLoot.

ItemHotwireKit is no weapon, it's an item

So how would i go about making guns spawn more in barracks and hangars etc? Im a bit of a noob when it comes to things like this ;p

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That'd be CfgBuildingLoot.hpp. That's where you can define which loottypes spawn. But what you want is actually pretty standard. 

If you want higher grade aka military guns to spawn ONLY in military buildings you have to delete the calls in the CfgBuildingLoot like:


class Residential: Default {

zombieChance = 0.3;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_hunter","z_teacher","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{"pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.04 },
{"submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.02 }, <<<delete
{"shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.02 },
{ "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.03 } <<<delete

Don't forget to delete the last comma though ;)
And if you're lazy you can take mine. Still a bit military left but its rare, also I got no Satchelcharges in mine so you'd had to add those back in if you wanted those to spawn

#include "CfgLoot.hpp"
class CfgBuildingLoot {
class Default {
zombieChance = 0.2;
minRoaming = 0;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_hunter","z_teacher","z_suit1","z_suit2","z_worker1","z_worker2","z_worker3","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3"};
lootChance = 0;
lootPos[] = {};
lootPosSmall[] = {};
lootPosZombie[] = {};
itemType[] = {};
itemChance[] = {};
lootTypeSmall[] = {};
itemChanceSmall[] = {};
hangPos[] = {};
vehPos[] = {};
class Castle: Default {
lootChance = 0.5;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{"pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.04 },
{"submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.02 }
class Residential: Default {
zombieChance = 0.3;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_hunter","z_teacher","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{"pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.04 },
{"shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.02 }
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "ItemSodaMdew","magazine",0.01 },
{ "ItemSodaRbull","magazine",0.01 },
{ "ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","magazine",0.02 },
{ "ItemWatch","weapon",0.05 },
{ "ItemCompass","weapon",0.04 },
{ "ItemMap","weapon",0.03 },
{ "pistols","cfglootweapon",0.12 },
{ "ItemFlashlight","weapon",0.02 },
{ "ItemKnife","weapon",0.04 },
{ "ItemMatchbox_DZE","weapon",0.03 },
{ "","generic",0.38 },
{ "","military",0.04 },
{ "","trash",0.07 },
{ "Binocular","weapon",0.02 },
{ "clothes","single",0.01},
{ "specialclothes","single",0.01 }
class Office: Default {
maxRoaming = 3;
zombieClass[] = {"z_suit1","z_suit2"};
zombieChance = 0.3;
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.03}
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "ItemSodaMdew","magazine",0.01 },
{ "ItemSodaRbull","magazine",0.01 },
{ "ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","magazine",0.02 },
{ "ItemWatch","weapon",0.05 },
{ "ItemCompass","weapon",0.04 },
{ "ItemMap","weapon",0.03 },
{ "pistols","cfglootweapon",0.15 },
{ "ItemFlashlight","weapon",0.02 },
{ "ItemKnife","weapon",0.05 },
{ "ItemMatchbox_DZE","weapon",0.03 },
{ "","generic",0.31 },
{ "","military",0.07 },
{ "","trash",0.01 },
{ "Binocular","weapon",0.02 },
{ "clothes","single",0.16 },
{ "specialclothes","single",0.02 },
{ "ItemDocument","magazine",0.01 }
class Industrial: Default {
zombieChance = 0.4;
zombieClass[] = {"z_worker1","z_worker2","z_worker3"};
maxRoaming = 2;
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "","generic",0.7 },
{ "","military",0.18 },
{ "ItemKnife","weapon",0.07 },
{ "ItemKeyKit","weapon",0.01 }
class IndustrialFuel: Default {
zombieChance = 0.4;
zombieClass[] = {"z_worker1","z_worker2","z_worker3"};
maxRoaming = 2;
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "","generic",0.7 },
{ "","trash",0.10 },
{ "","military",0.14 },
{ "ItemKnife","weapon",0.07 },
{ "ItemKeyKit","weapon",0.01 }
class Farm: Default {
zombieChance = 0.3;
maxRoaming = 3;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_hunter","z_hunter","z_hunter","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "farmweapons", "cfglootweapon", 0.25}
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "","generic", 0.79},
{ "","trash",0.04 },
{ "","military",0.15},
{ "ItemLightBulb","magazine",0.03},
{ "ItemSledgeHead","magazine",0.03}
class Supermarket: Default {
lootChance = 0.8;
minRoaming = 2;
maxRoaming = 6;
zombieChance = 0.3;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","zZombie_Base","z_teacher","z_suit1","z_suit2"};
lootType[] = {
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.15},
{ "shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.07}
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "ItemSodaMdew","magazine",0.01 },
{ "ItemSodaRbull","magazine",0.01 },
{ "ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","magazine",0.03 },
{ "ItemWatch","weapon",0.07 },
{ "ItemCompass","weapon",0.03 },
{ "ItemMap","weapon",0.05 },
{ "pistols","cfglootweapon",0.08 },
{ "ItemFlashlight","weapon",0.01 },
{ "ItemKnife","weapon",0.02 },
{ "ItemMatchbox_DZE","weapon",0.04 },
{ "","generic",0.25 },
{ "","food",0.30 },
{ "","trash",0.06 },
{ "Binocular","weapon",0.02 },
{ "ItemJerryMixed","weapon",0.03 },
{ "ItemMixOil", "magazine",0.05}
class HeliCrash: Default {
zombieChance = 0.4;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier_pilot"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.20 },
{ "submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.14 },
{ "sniperrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.17 },
{ "machineguns", "cfglootweapon", 0.16 },
{ "M107_DZ", "weapon", 0.007 }, 
{ "DMR_DZ", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "M14_EP1", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "vil_M110sd", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "vil_SR25SD", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "vil_SR25", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "BAF_LRR_scoped_W", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "FHQ_MSR_DESERT", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "FHQ_RSASS_TAN", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
class HeliCrash_No50s: Default {
zombieChance = 0.4;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier_pilot"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.20 },
{ "submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.14 },
{ "sniperrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.1 },
{ "machineguns", "cfglootweapon", 0.16 },
{ "M107_DZ", "weapon", 0.007 }, 
{ "DMR_DZ", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "M14_EP1", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "vil_M110sd", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "vil_SR25SD", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "vil_SR25", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "BAF_LRR_scoped_W", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "FHQ_MSR_DESERT", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
{ "FHQ_RSASS_TAN", "weapon", 0.01 }, 
class Hospital: Default {
zombieChance = 0.5;
minRoaming = 2;
maxRoaming = 6;
zombieClass[] = {"z_doctor","z_doctor","z_doctor"};
lootChance = 1;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "","trash",0.05 },
{ "","hospital",0.95 }
class Military: Default {
zombieChance = 0.3;
maxRoaming = 6;
zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.2},
{ "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.30 },
{ "sniperrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.07 },
{ "shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.05 },
{ "submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.1 },
{ "machineguns", "cfglootweapon", 0.03 }
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.14 },
{ "Binocular", "weapon", 0.05 },
{ "ItemGPS", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "", "medical", 0.12 },
{ "", "generic", 0.22 },
{ "", "military", 0.35 },
{ "ItemEtool", "weapon", 0.03 }
class MilitaryIndustrial: Default {
zombieChance = 0.3;
maxRoaming = 6;
zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman","z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman","z_worker1","z_worker2","z_worker3"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.02 },
{ "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.15 },
{ "PartGeneric", "magazine", 0.03 },
{ "sniperrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.02 },
{ "shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.05 },
{ "ItemGenerator", "magazine", 0.01 },
{ "submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.05 },
{ "machineguns", "cfglootweapon", 0.01 }
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.14 },
{ "Binocular", "weapon", 0.05 },
{ "ItemFlashlightRed", "weapon", 0.03 },
{ "ItemKnife", "weapon", 0.04 },
{ "ItemGPS", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "", "medical", 0.12 },
{ "", "generic", 0.22 },
{ "", "military", 0.35 },
{ "ItemEtool", "weapon", 0.03 }
class IndustrialMilitary: Default {
zombieChance = 0.4;
maxRoaming = 6;
zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman","z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman","z_worker1","z_worker2","z_worker3"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.05 },
{ "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.15 },
{ "PartGeneric", "magazine", 0.03 },
{ "sniperrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.02 },
{ "shotgunsingleshot", "cfglootweapon", 0.05 },
{ "ItemGenerator", "magazine", 0.01 },
{ "submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.05 },
{ "machineguns", "cfglootweapon", 0.01 }
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.14 },
{ "Binocular", "weapon", 0.05 },
{ "ItemFlashlightRed", "weapon", 0.03 },
{ "ItemKnife", "weapon", 0.04 },
{ "ItemGPS", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "", "medical", 0.12 },
{ "", "generic", 0.22 },
{ "", "military", 0.35 },
{ "ItemEtool", "weapon", 0.03 }
class MilitarySpecial: Default {
zombieChance = 0.4;
minRoaming = 2;
maxRoaming = 6;
zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier_heavy"};
lootChance = 0.8;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "assaultrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.2 },
{ "machineguns", "cfglootweapon", 0.04 },
{ "pistols", "cfglootweapon", 0.2 },
{ "sniperrifles", "cfglootweapon", 0.05 },
{ "militaryshotguns", "cfglootweapon", 0.03 },
{ "submachinegun", "cfglootweapon", 0.04 },
lootTypeSmall[] = {
{ "pistols","cfglootweapon",0.15 },
{ "AmmoBoxSmall_556","object",0.03 },
{ "AmmoBoxSmall_762","object",0.03 },
{ "Binocular","weapon",0.02 },
{ "ItemFlashlightRed","military",0.01 },
{ "ItemKnife","military",0.02 },
{ "ItemGPS","weapon",0.02 },
{ "ItemMap","weapon",0.01 },
{ "Binocular_Vector","weapon",0.03},
{ "","medical",0.08},
{ "","generic",0.10},
{ "","military",0.35 },
{ "5Rnd_86x70_L115A1","magazine",0.03},
{ "machinegunammoexpl","single",0.03 },
{ "militaryclothes","single",0.05 },
{ "NVGoggles","weapon",0.04 },
{ "100Rnd_762x54_PK","magazine",0.02 }
class Hunting: Default {
zombieChance = 0.4;
minRoaming = 1;
maxRoaming = 3;
zombieClass[] = {"z_hunter","z_hunter","z_hunter"};
lootChance = 1;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "farmweapons", "cfglootweapon", 0.4 },
lootTypeSmall[] = {
class Biotech: Default {
                zombieChance = 1;
                minRoaming = 2;
                maxRoaming = 9;
                zombieClass[] = {"z_suit1","z_suit2","z_teacher","z_doctor","z_doctor","z_doctor","z_soldier","z_soldier"};
                lootChance = 1;
                lootPos[] = {};
                lootType[] = {
                lootTypeSmall[] = {
class MilitaryOffice: Default {
                zombieChance = 1;
                minRoaming = 1;
                maxRoaming = 5;
                zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier_pilot","z_suit1","z_suit2","z_soldier","z_soldier","z_soldier","z_soldier","z_soldier_heavy","z_soldier_heavy","z_policeman"};
                lootChance = 0.7;
                lootPos[] = {};
                lootType[] = {
class Slum: Default {
                zombieChance = 0.8;
                minRoaming = 1;
                maxRoaming = 4;
                zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_worker1","z_worker2","z_worker3","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3"};
                lootChance = 0.2;
                lootPos[] = {};
                lootType[] = {
class DynamicDebris: Default
lootChance = 0.8;
minRoaming = 0;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieChance = 0.3;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","zZombie_Base","z_teacher","z_suit1","z_suit2"};
lootType[] = {
{ "ItemWatch", "generic", 0.19 },
{ "ItemCompass", "generic", 0.01 },
{ "ItemMap", "weapon", 0.06 },
{ "Makarov", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "Colt1911", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "ItemFlashlight", "generic", 0.06 },
{ "ItemKnife", "generic", 0.06 },
{ "ItemMatchbox_DZE", "generic", 0.06 },
{ "ItemToolbox", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "", "generic", 0.17 },
{ "", "food", 0.06 },
{ "PartGeneric", "magazine", 0.07 },
{ "PartWheel", "magazine", 0.06 },
{ "PartFueltank", "magazine", 0.03 },
{ "PartEngine", "magazine", 0.01 },
{ "PartGlass", "magazine", 0.08 },
{ "WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan", "object", 0.03 }
class DynamicDebrisMilitary: Default
lootChance = 0.8;
minRoaming = 0;
maxRoaming = 2;
zombieChance = 0.3;
zombieClass[] = {"z_soldier_pilot","z_soldier_heavy"};
lootType[] = {
{ "ItemEtool", "weapon", 0.05 },
{ "ItemSandbag", "magazine", 0.1 },
{ "", "military", 0.08 },
{ "ItemWatch", "generic", 0.1 },
{ "ItemCompass", "generic", 0.02 },
{ "ItemMap", "weapon", 0.05 },
{ "MakarovSD", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "Colt1911", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "ItemFlashlight", "generic", 0.01 },
{ "ItemKnife", "generic", 0.05 },
{ "ItemMatchbox_DZE", "generic", 0.05 },
{ "ItemToolbox", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "", "generic", 0.15 },
{ "", "food", 0.05 },
{ "PartGeneric", "magazine", 0.06 },
{ "PartWheel", "magazine", 0.05 },
{ "PartFueltank", "magazine", 0.03 },
{ "PartEngine", "magazine", 0.02 },
{ "PartGlass", "magazine", 0.03 },
{ "PartVRotor", "magazine", 0.02 },
{ "WeaponHolder_ItemJerrycan", "object", 0.03 }
class SupplyDrop: Default {
zombieChance = 1;
maxRoaming = 3;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_hunter","z_hunter","z_hunter","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3","z_doctor","z_soldier_pilot","z_soldier_heavy"};
lootChance = 1;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "PartPlywoodPack", "magazine", 0.1 },
{ "PartPlankPack", "magazine", 0.2 },
{ "CinderBlocks", "magazine", 0.1 },
{ "MortarBucket", "magazine", 0.1 },
{ "bulk_PartGeneric", "magazine", 0.2 },
{ "bulk_ItemSandbag", "magazine", 0.1 },
{ "bulk_ItemTankTrap", "magazine", 0.1 },
{ "ItemSledge", "weapon", 0.1 }
class MassGrave: Default {
zombieChance = 1;
maxRoaming = 3;
zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_hunter","z_hunter","z_hunter","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3","z_doctor","z_soldier_pilot","z_soldier_heavy"};
lootChance = 1;
lootPos[] = {};
lootType[] = {
{ "M16A2", "weapon", 0.03 },
{ "M16A2GL", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M249_EP1_DZ", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M9SD", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "Pecheneg_DZ", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "PK_DZ", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "AK_74", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "M4A1_Aim", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "AKS_74_kobra", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "AKS_74_U", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "AK_47_M", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "M24", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "SVD_CAMO", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M1014", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "BAF_LRR_scoped", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M4SPR", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M4A1", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M14_EP1", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "UZI_EP1", "weapon", 0.03 },
{ "Remington870_lamp", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "glock17_EP1", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "M240_DZ", "weapon", 0.02 },
{ "M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M16A4_ACG", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M4A1_HWS_GL_camo", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "Mk_48_DZ", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M4A3_CCO_EP1", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "AmmoBoxSmall_556", "object", 0.03 },
{ "AmmoBoxSmall_762", "object", 0.03 },
{ "Binocular", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "ItemFlashlightRed", "military", 0.02 },
{ "ItemKnife", "military", 0.01 },
{ "ItemGPS", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "ItemMap", "military", 0.01 },
{ "Binocular_Vector", "military", 0.01 },
{ "DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1", "object", 0.03 },
{ "DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1", "object", 0.02 },
{ "DZ_British_ACU", "object", 0.02 },
{ "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1", "object", 0.02 },
{ "DZ_Backpack_EP1", "object", 0.01 },
{ "DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1", "object", 0.01 },
{ "", "medical", 0.05 },
{ "", "generic", 0.05 },
{ "", "military", 0.13 },
{ "Sa58V_RCO_EP1", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "Sa58V_CCO_EP1", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "G36_C_SD_camo", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "M40A3", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "100Rnd_762x54_PK", "magazine", 0.01 },
{ "", "militaryclothes", 0.05 },
{ "WeaponHolder_ItemMachete", "object", 0.02 },
{ "SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "2000Rnd_762x51_M134", "magazine", 0.01 },
{ "KSVK_DZE", "weapon", 0.01 },
{ "m240_scoped_EP1_DZE", "weapon", 0.01 }
#include "CfgBuildingPos.hpp"

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Hi,  I've replaced the standard loottables with Cen's and fixed the hotwire class.  I'm now noticing a stutter.  The game runs for about thee or four seconds and then has a momentary stop.  It's very regular, but not 100% of the time - I'd say about 75% of the time.  There are intervals of maybe 20-30 seconds with no stutter and then it's back.  One thing I'm thinking is that maybe I have an object or weapon in one of my mission scripts (or elsewhere) in an array that isn't in Cen's loottables.  Is that possibly the cause?  I'm not getting any errors on either the client or server side - yet.


I initially assumed that he didn't remove any objects (besides the few he mentioned).  I am running an OverOPochIns server and don't know if that makes a difference or not.  I hate to go through the agonizing task of going through all missions, arrays, and crates to compare to the loottables to see if there are differing objects if I don't have to.  Any ideas?

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