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[REQUEST] Base Kits



Hi there,


I want to be able to create a base kit for our admins to fool around and build a base. Anyone know how to create a base kit? I know on Mel's server one of the admins informed me they had base kits for their admins to spawn in, but I don't think they will share the code. Anyone else?

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I want to know why everyone is so Determined to give away boxes of supplies , seems kind of antiproductive if you really want to " Play " Epoch . Or is it for the money , if so , shame shame :angry:


There's 2 reasons for people to host epoch servers, either to play "legitimately" with hacks enabled or making money out of it. Rather be in the moneygrab servers since atleast then you dont need to play with hacking admins. Sad, but tolerable.

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hope this helps make 1 file called basekit.sqf and put this in it and then place it in your mission pbo.


_cnt = 3;

_locationPlayer = (getPosATL player);
for "_p" from 1 to 3 do
systemChat(format ["WARNING! Spawning in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);
if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
systemChat("Action cancelled");
breakOut "exit";
sleep 1;
_cnt = _cnt - 1;

_object = "Box_mas_ru_rifle_Wps_F" createVehicle (position player);
_object setDir ((getDir player) + 90);
_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];
_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];

clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object;
clearItemCargoGlobal _object;

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitPlotPole",1];
_object addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemLockbox",1];
_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitWoodFloor",8];
_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitStudWall",8];
_object addItemCargoGlobal ["EnergyPack",2];
_object addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemCorrugated",8];
_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitFoundation",4];

_object attachto [player,[0.0,5.0,0]];

cutText [format["After 5 seconds the item will be set in place so pick a spot fast."], "PLAIN DOWN"];

sleep 5;
detach _object;
player reveal _object;

_object setPos [(getPos _object select 0), (getPos _object select 1), (getPosATL player select 2)];

sleep 3;
r_interrupt = false;
player switchMove "";
player playActionNow "stop";

sleep 10;

cutText [format["Warning: Spawned constructions DO NOT SAVE after server restart!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];


make a second file called custommenu.sqf and place this in it then add it to the mission pbo aswell

_adminList = ['1234567890','1234567890'];

//Admin scroll options.
if ((getPlayerUID player) in _adminList) then {
_menuList1 = player addaction [("" + ("-Admin Menu:") +""),"","",5,false,true,"",""];
_adminLoadout = player addaction [("" + ("Base Kit") +""),"buildpack.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];


then add this loop to your init.sqf in the mission pbo.

while {true} do

waitUntil {alive vehicle player};

[] execVM "custommenu.sqf";
sleep 30;

waitUntil {!alive player};

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Curious about the text in these files:


"After 5 seconds the item will be set in place so pick a spot fast."


"Warning: Spawned constructions DO NOT SAVE after server restart!"


Are the items not persistent through restart?

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hope this helps make 1 file called basekit.sqf and put this in it and then place it in your mission pbo.


_cnt = 3;

_locationPlayer = (getPosATL player);

for "_p" from 1 to 3 do


systemChat(format ["WARNING! Spawning in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);

if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {

systemChat("Action cancelled");

breakOut "exit";


sleep 1;

_cnt = _cnt - 1;


_object = "Box_mas_ru_rifle_Wps_F" createVehicle (position player);

_object setDir ((getDir player) + 90);

_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];

_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];

clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object;

clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object;

clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object;

clearItemCargoGlobal _object;

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitPlotPole",1];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemLockbox",1];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitWoodFloor",8];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitStudWall",8];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["EnergyPack",2];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemCorrugated",8];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitFoundation",4];

_object attachto [player,[0.0,5.0,0]];

cutText [format["After 5 seconds the item will be set in place so pick a spot fast."], "PLAIN DOWN"];

sleep 5;

detach _object;

player reveal _object;

_object setPos [(getPos _object select 0), (getPos _object select 1), (getPosATL player select 2)];

sleep 3;

r_interrupt = false;

player switchMove "";

player playActionNow "stop";

sleep 10;

cutText [format["Warning: Spawned constructions DO NOT SAVE after server restart!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];


make a second file called custommenu.sqf and place this in it then add it to the mission pbo aswell

_adminList = ['1234567890','1234567890'];

//Admin scroll options.

if ((getPlayerUID player) in _adminList) then {

_menuList1 = player addaction [("" + ("-Admin Menu:") +""),"","",5,false,true,"",""];

_adminLoadout = player addaction [("" + ("Base Kit") +""),"buildpack.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];



then add this loop to your init.sqf in the mission pbo.

while {true} do


waitUntil {alive vehicle player};

[] execVM "custommenu.sqf";

sleep 30;

waitUntil {!alive player};


this does not worked for me its says the text but no box?

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hope this helps make 1 file called basekit.sqf and put this in it and then place it in your mission pbo.


_cnt = 3;

_locationPlayer = (getPosATL player);

for "_p" from 1 to 3 do


systemChat(format ["WARNING! Spawning in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);

if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {

systemChat("Action cancelled");

breakOut "exit";


sleep 1;

_cnt = _cnt - 1;


_object = "Box_mas_ru_rifle_Wps_F" createVehicle (position player);

_object setDir ((getDir player) + 90);

_object setVariable ["ObjectID", "1", true];

_object setVariable ["ObjectUID", "1", true];

clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object;

clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object;

clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object;

clearItemCargoGlobal _object;

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitPlotPole",1];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemLockbox",1];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitWoodFloor",8];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitStudWall",8];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["EnergyPack",2];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["ItemCorrugated",8];

_object addItemCargoGlobal ["KitFoundation",4];

_object attachto [player,[0.0,5.0,0]];

cutText [format["After 5 seconds the item will be set in place so pick a spot fast."], "PLAIN DOWN"];

sleep 5;

detach _object;

player reveal _object;

_object setPos [(getPos _object select 0), (getPos _object select 1), (getPosATL player select 2)];

sleep 3;

r_interrupt = false;

player switchMove "";

player playActionNow "stop";

sleep 10;

cutText [format["Warning: Spawned constructions DO NOT SAVE after server restart!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];


make a second file called custommenu.sqf and place this in it then add it to the mission pbo aswell

_adminList = ['1234567890','1234567890'];

//Admin scroll options.

if ((getPlayerUID player) in _adminList) then {

_menuList1 = player addaction [("" + ("-Admin Menu:") +""),"","",5,false,true,"",""];

_adminLoadout = player addaction [("" + ("Base Kit") +""),"buildpack.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];



then add this loop to your init.sqf in the mission pbo.

while {true} do


waitUntil {alive vehicle player};

[] execVM "custommenu.sqf";

sleep 30;

waitUntil {!alive player};


Riddlez.... will this work with the " player addaction"? I thought that was an issue. If you CAN do it.... how did you? Everything I try to do with an addaction gets hung up and refuses to let Epoch start... hell sometimes it wont even let ArmA finish loading.

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