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blckeagls' AI Mission - Version 2.0.2 Release (1/2/2015)


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Let me start by saying thanks for your time creaing this mission script, im sure it took up a lot of time. Good work 


I installed this in my vanilla server, this is the first mod installed. i also installed your battleye files and ive been getting nothing but battleye script errors like #36, #25, #37, #42, #45, #21, #70, addweapon cargo #1, create vehicle restriction #0. 


i thought your battleye files was supposed to fix all of this?


what should i do?


i just went to each restriction line and put a 1 instead of a 7 in front of it but is that correctly fixed?


thanks much for your help

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i got kicked by be 

 0:49:57 BattlEye Server: Script Log: #0 xxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) - #42 "ssions\__CUR_MP.Altis\debug\addmarkers.sqf"
 0:49:57   _MainMarker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
 0:49:57   _MainMarker setMarkerColor "Colo"
 0:49:57 Player xxxxxxxxxx kicked off by BattlEye: Script Restriction #42


Here is how to edit BE Filters:  

Since everyone is having different BE Filter issues (and I can't reproduce), it would be impossible to paste them

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i have added this at line 41 42 and 43 nothing happend 

this is my script.txt

7 "BIS_fnc_" !"getCfgSubClasses" !"animalBehaviour" !"guiEffectTiles_coef" !"GUImessage" !"guiEffectTiles" !"param" !"setIDCStreamFriendly" !"overviewauthor" !"diagAARrecord" !"diagKey" !"feedbackMain" !"missionHandlers" !"getServerVariable" !"missionFlow" !"initParams" !"initRespawn" !"missionTasksLocal" !"missionConversationsLocal" !"missionCon" !"preload" !"logFormat" !"recompile" !"moduleInit" !"feedback_allowPP" !"feedback_allowDeathScreen" !"feedbackInit" !"initMultiplayer" !"MP" !"displayMission" !"feedback_fatiguePP" !"respawnBase" !"dirTo" !"secondsToString" !"guiMessage_status" !"selectRespawnTemplate" !"guiMessage_defaultPositions" !"startLoadingScreen_ids" !"damageChanged" !"incapacitatedEffect" !"invRemove" !"relpos" !"inString" !"findSafePos" !"isPosBlacklisted" !"timeToString" !"distance2D" !"effectKilled" !"dynamictext" !"inAngleSector" !="_this call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_effectFired');"
7 "BIS_fnc_dynamictext" !", 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !", 0, 0.4, 5, 2, 0, 2] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;" !"snil '_fnc_scriptName') then {_fnc_scriptName}" "sleep (_onScreenTime) spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;"
7 forceRespawn
7 moveIn !="\"A3\functions_f\Misc\fn_moveIn.sqf\"" !="\"A3\functions_f\arrays\fn_removeIndex.sqf\"" !="player moveInAny _vehicle;\nEPOCH_antiWallCount = EPOCH_antiWallCount + 1;" !="[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_driver moveInAny _unit;"
7 attachTo !"EP_light attachTo [player];" !"_bomb attachTo [_unit, [0,0,0],\"Pelvis\"];" !"_dogHolder attachTo [_dog, [-0.2,1.2,0.7]];" !"EPOCH_staticTarget attachTo[player];" !"EPOCH_target attachTo[player];"
7 enableCollisionWith
7 hideObject !="_dogHolder hideobject true;" !="_dogHolder hideobject false;"
7 setFriend
7 setAmmo
7 setvelocity !="_bolt setPosATL _pos;\n_bolt setVelocity [0, 0, -10];" !="EPOCH_target setvelocitytransformation" !="_currentTarget setVelocity [0,0,-0.01];" !="_head setVelocity [random 2,random 2,10];" !="_vel = velocity this; _dir = getDir player; this setVelocity[(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir * 2),(_vel select 1)+(cos _dir * 2),(_vel select 2)];"
7 RscDebugConsole_watch
7 enableFatigue
7 setUnitRecoilCoefficient
7 allMissionObjects
7 callExtension
7 showCommandingMenu
1 assignAs !="round diag_fps" !="(240-(round(serverTime/60)))" !="(count playableUnits)" !="EPOCH_playerCrypto];" !="round diag_fps" !="(240-(round(serverTime/60)))" !="(count playableUnits)" !="EPOCH_playerCrypto" !="EPOCH_playerHunger" !="EPOCH_playerThirst" !="EPOCH_playerSoiled" !="EPOCH_playerStamina" !="(damage player) !="E""
1 playableunits !"{getplayeruid _x == _ownerVar} count playableunits" !="lbSetData[21500, _index, netId _x];\n} forEach(playableUnits - [player]);" 
7 allUnits !="{_x allowFleeing 0} forEach allUnits;" !="EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS = allUnits + vehicles;" !="round diag_fps" !="(240-(round(serverTime/60)))" !="(count playableUnits)" !="EPOCH_playerCrypto" !="EPOCH_playerHunger" !="EPOCH_playerThirst" !="EPOCH_playerSoiled" !="EPOCH_playerStamina" !="(damage player) !="E""
1 allowDamage !="player allowDamage true;vehicle player allowDamage true;" !="round diag_fps" !="(240-(round(serverTime/60)))" !="(count playableUnits)" !="EPOCH_playerCrypto" !="EPOCH_playerHunger" !="EPOCH_playerThirst" !="EPOCH_playerSoiled" !="EPOCH_playerStamina" !="(damage player) !="E"" !="round diag_fps" !="(240-(round(serverTime/60)))" !="(count playableUnits)" !="EPOCH_playerCrypto];"
7 exec !="<execute expression=" !"RscDebugConsole_execute" !"execFSM" !"_executeStackedEventHandler" !"fn_execVM" !"fn_moduleExecute" !"fn_execRemote" !"fn_MPexec" !"bis_fnc_moduleExecute_activate" !"fn_tridentExecute" !"randomize_civ1" !"executed from" !"EPOCH_DebugGUI_exec" !"_handle = [_display] execVM _script;" !"execVM \"\A3\Structures_F\scripts" !="execVM \"\A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\PlayGround\scripts\Carousel_spin.sqf\"" !="execVM "custom\welcome.sqf";"" !="execVM "scripts\fn_statusBar.sqf";""
7 addWeaponCargo
7 onMapSingleClick !="onMapSingleClick '';"
7 addMagazine !"addMagazineCargo" !="player addMagazine _craftItem;" !="player addMagazine \"jerrycanE_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"emptyjar_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"jerrycan_epoch\";" !="player addMagazine \"Hatchet_swing\";" !="player addMagazine [(_x select 0),(_x select 1)]" !="player addMagazine _x;"
7 addMagazineCargo !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"RabbitCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Pelt_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Venom_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"SnakeCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !"_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"ChickenCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]"
7 addItem !="player addItem _craftItem;" !="player addItem _x;"
7 addBackPack
7 removeAllWeapons
7 removeAllItems
7 removeBackpack
7 removeAllActions
7 setTerrainGrid !="setTerrainGrid 25;"
7 setViewDistance !"setViewDistance 1600"
7 createGroup !="_grp = createGroup RESISTANCE;" !="if (isserver) then {\n_group = creategroup sidelogic;"
7 createVehicleCrew
7 createVehicleLocal !"\"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal" !"\"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal" !"\"BloodSplat\" createVehicleLocal" !"[\"lightning1_F\", \"lightning2_F\"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;\n_lighting = _class createVehicleLocal"
7 createUnit !="_unit = _grp createUnit[(_arrUnits select _i), _pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];" !="_driver = _grp createUnit[\"I_UAV_AI\", position _unit, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];"
7 createAgent !="_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 256, \"FORM\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [_unitClass, _targetPos, [], 120, \"FORM\"];" !="_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 5, \"NONE\"];" !="_unit = createAgent [\"Epoch_Cloak_F\", _pos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];"
7 createTeam
7 createDialog !="createDialog \"InteractBank\";" !="createdialog \"SelectGender\";" !="_handled = createdialog _dialog;" !="if (!dialog) then {createDialog 'Skaronator_AdminMenu'};" !="if !(createdialog \"InteractItem\") exitWith {};" !="createDialog \"TapOut\";" !="if !(createdialog \"Trade\") exitWith {};" !="_ok = createdialog \"Interact\";" !="_ok = createdialog \"TradeNPCMenu\";" !="createDialog \"Epoch_myGroup\";" !="createDialog (if ((Epoch_my_GroupUID == \"\") && (Epoch_my_Group isEqualTo [])) then {\"EPOCH_createGrp\"} else {\"Epoch_myGroup\"});" !="createDialog \"GroupRequests\";"
7 deleteMarker !="Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];_MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";_MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";_M
1 setMarker  !="Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords]; !="Marker = _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite"; !="Marker = _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";_M
7 createMarker
7 assignItem
7 forceAddUniform
7 removeAllMPEventHandlers
7 setDamage !="_sapper setDamage 1;\n_sBomb setDamage 1;"
7 setDammage
7 displaySetEventHandler
7 ctrlSetEventHandler !"BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status"
7 addMPEventHandler
7 addEventHandler !"displayAddEventHandler" !"ctrlAddEventHandler" !"FiredNear" !"EpeContactStart" !"InventoryClosed" !"GetOut" !"InventoryOpened" !"local" !"Respawn" !"Put" !"Take" !"Fired" !"Killed" !" [\"PostReset\",{BIS_EnginePPReset = true;} ];" !"_logic addeventhandler [\n\"local\""
7 displayAddEventHandler !"[_display] call _fnc_animate;" !"tVersion select 4) == \"Development\") then" !"_display displayaddeventhandler\n[\n\"mousemoving\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"true\"];" !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call EPOCH_KeyDown\"];" !"_display displayaddeventhandler [\"unload\",\"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_fnc_guiMess" !="findDisplay -1337 displayAddEventHandler ['Unload'"
7 ctrlAddEventHandler !"rCfg >> \"refreshDelay\");" !" [\n\"draw\"," !" [\"buttonclick\"," !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlAddEventHandler['Draw', '_esp_targets = EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS;"
7 removeAllEventHandlers !="ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers" !="_vehicle removeAllEventHandlers \"GetOut\";"
7 removeAllMissionEventHandlers
7 ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers !="(uiNamespace getVariable 'ESP_map') ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'Draw';"
7 removeEventHandler !="displayRemoveEventHandler" !="player removeEventHandler ['Fired', 0];" !"_currentTarget removeEventHandler[\"EpeContactStart\", _onContactEH]" !" [_adminVar,objnull];\npublicvariable _adminVar;\nplayer removeeventhandler [\"respawn\",_respawn];"
7 displayRemoveEventHandler !"BIS_fnc_guiMessage_status"
7 switchCamera
7 remoteControl !"fn_moduleRemoteControl.sqf"
7 drawIcon3D !="drawIcon3D[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\Member.paa\",_color,_pos,1,1,0,_text,1,0.025,\"PuristaMedium\"];\n}forEach EPOCH_ESP_TARGETS;" !"drawIcon3D[format[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_stability],_color,(getPosATL EPOCH_stabilityTarget),5,5,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !"drawIcon3D[format[\"\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\loading_bar_%1.paa\",_num],_color,_pos,4,4,0,\"\",1,0.05,\"PuristaMedium\"];" !"EPOCH_drawIcon3dStability" !"EPOCH_drawIcon3d" !"if (_condition) then {\ndrawIcon3D [_icon, _color, _position, _sizeX, _sizeY, _angle, _text,"
7 drawLine3D !"{\nfor [{_i = 1}, {_i < count _x}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {\ndrawLine3D [_x select (_i - 1), _x select _i, ((BIS_tracedShooter getVari"
7 ctrlCreate
7 ctrlDelete
7 ctrlClassName
7 ctrlModel
7 ctrlModelDirection
7 ctrlModelSide
7 ctrlModelUp
7 ctrlSetDirection
7 ctrlSetModel
7 deleteVehicleCrew !="[\"A3\functions_f\MP\fn_deleteVehicleCrew.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"MP\",\"deleteVehicleCrew\"]"
7 loadFile
7 selectPlayer !="selectPlayer _playerObject;"
7 setGroupIconsVisible
7 setGroupIconsSelectable
7 setGroupIconParams
7 addGroupIcon
7 EPOCH_whitelist
7 EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar
7 EPOCH_group_upgrade_lvl_SVar
7 EPOCH_GROUP_Delete_PVS !="EPOCH_GROUP_Delete_PVS = [player,Epoch_personalToken];"
7 Dayz_GUI_R
7 dayz_originalPlayer
7 zZombie_Base
7 infiSTAR
7 GodMode
7 shazbot
7 _typeofHookMonky
7 _allocMemory
7 _d3d9multipliervariable
7 _runASM
7 _addGFX_hookD3D9eventhandler
7 "execVM "custom\welcome.sqf";""
7 "execVM "scripts\fn_statusBar.sqf";""
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Here is how to edit BE Filters:  

Since everyone is having different BE Filter issues (and I can't reproduce), it would be impossible to paste them

Guess I'm not getting a handle on the BE filters, for my issue I added the below to the bottom of the scripts file.

3 exec !="execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf"

I am Still getting the same kick;


Scripts log;

31.12.2014 16:18:38: Highlander (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2304) GUID# - #25 "(_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf""


Not sure what to try now.

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Guess I'm not getting a handle on the BE filters, for my issue I added the below to the bottom of the scripts file.

3 exec !="execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf"

I am Still getting the same kick;


Scripts log;

31.12.2014 16:18:38: Highlander (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2304) GUID# - #25 "(_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf""


Not sure what to try now.

!"execVM \"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts"

might be able to try:

!"execVM \"\A3\*"

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!"execVM \"\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts"

might be able to try:

!"execVM \"\A3\*"


Thanks for the above, I got it working with;

3 "exec" !"execVM "\A3\Soft_F_Bootcamp\Offroad_01\scripts\randomize_colors.sqf""

Then I had another kick and fixed it with;

 7 !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\init.sqf"

Now I'm getting a Script restriction #111 kick that looks like this;

31.12.2014 18:53:29: Highlander (IP:2304) GUID - #111 "
with uinamespace do {
_display = _this select 0;

_alpha = if (_display == finddisplay 58) then {0.15} e"

Still trying to figure this one out.

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Thx for the mod,

I installed in exactly as per instructions but I'm getting nothing. No errors but no missions popping up.  I notice a lot of people talking about scripts.txt.  I don't know if I'm supposed to have this file somewhere or if it is part of the included mod PBO, but I never created a scripts.txt, didn't say anything in the install instructions about it.

Is that my problem?

Also, your instructions say to put files into the missions folder,  I put it in the MPMission because the Mission folder doesn't make sense as it is for single player stuff.

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Anyone else check your RPT and noticed this error in AI1.sqf Line 91?


22:07:37 Error position: };>

22:07:37 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
22:07:37 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\AI1.sqf, line 91
22:07:37 Bad conversion: array
22:07:37 Error in expression <
waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])};
22:07:37 Error position: };>
22:07:37 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
22:07:37 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\AI1.sqf, line 91
22:07:37 Bad conversion: array
22:07:37 Error in expression <
waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])};
22:07:37 Error position: };>
22:07:37 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
22:07:37 File q\addons\custom_server\AIMission\AI1.sqf, line 91
22:07:37 Bad conversion: array
22:07:37 Error in expression <
waitUntil{_nearEntities != count (_ai1 nearEntities [["MAN"],1000])};

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Thx for the mod,

I installed in exactly as per instructions but I'm getting nothing. No errors but no missions popping up.  I notice a lot of people talking about scripts.txt.  I don't know if I'm supposed to have this file somewhere or if it is part of the included mod PBO, but I never created a scripts.txt, didn't say anything in the install instructions about it.

Is that my problem?

Also, your instructions say to put files into the missions folder,  I put it in the MPMission because the Mission folder doesn't make sense as it is for single player stuff.

Scripts.txt is in the SC\BattlEye Folder, it sounds like your not installing it correctly because the MPMission folder is only for servers not single player.

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OK I have found out that the error I reported is causing some serious issues on my server dropping my FPS from 47 to 17-19 in the 3 hours its up before restarts last log was 2.2gb.


I'm using the stock file minus the updated zone for chernarus and reducing the items spawned in boxes and i don't have that error... did you edit your AI any?

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OK  put it into the PBO itself and they work

Only problem now is that All 4 missions spawn outside the Chernarus Map area,  and I used the files from the Chernarus.Epoch folder in the download.

Also, all 4 missions are spawned instantly on restart,  and if I clear a mission it spawns somewhere else... instantly.

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OK put it into the PBO itself and they work

Only problem now is that All 4 missions spawn outside the Chernarus Map area, and I used the files from the Chernarus.Epoch folder in the download.

Also, all 4 missions are spawned instantly on restart, and if I clear a mission it spawns somewhere else... instantly.

Correct you can spawn a vehicle in the center of the map, grab the world coords from database and put it in the unpacked pbo repack it and that should fix it. I'm assuming he knew that others would know the mpmissions was mission but don't know. As of right now all 4 spawn instantly and only clear once completed
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help me error

14:50:14 ManagerConfig()
14:50:14 Error when creating WIC imaging factory:
    Error: 0x80040154
14:50:14 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
14:50:14 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window
14:50:14 Splash window: Empty image - unable to draw the splash window


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1Man I have the same error. At first I thought it was something my buddy did wrong on the install. I read this entire thread and I think we are the only 2 with that error. LOL. I have no ideas what the solution is but thought it would help to know you are not the only one with that error.

I am on Blacks TS now but he is not on. I will mentioned to him you posted the error too when I talk to him.

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I don't really know how to look at the database in A3 Epoch.

Its way different than my A2 servers.


Anyone know the center of Chernarus  so I can get the missions to spawn within the map


in the custom_server.pbo you will find an init.sqf file. in that file change map range. 


//This defines the range from center to spawn

mapRange = 5000; 
repack the pbo and done
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//This defines the range from center to spawn
	mapRange = 5000; 
	//This defines center of mapRange
	mapCenter = [6322,7801,0];
	//Minimum distance for AI To spawn away form another AI
	MinDistanceFromMission = 500;

Set map range to 5000 and they still spawn outside the map to the west.


Only thing I can think of is that the map center is wrong for chernarus but I'm not sure how to find those types of coords

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OK I have found out that the error I reported is causing some serious issues on my server dropping my FPS from 47 to 17-19 in the 3 hours its up before restarts last log was 2.2gb.

I am running the same version on my server...  I don't get this error...  What changes did you do to the file? 

I would suggest to redownload, see if it works as vanilla.  If it doesn't let me know.  If it does, then make changes and track them to let me know what might have caused it.

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