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Pack Animals ? Not just for work!


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Catalyst and hardener

[HONEY] Used the keep the animal close, you give one to the animal and you must!, keep one on you.

Would like to see this in the game makes for a great game mechanic.


More about the [Pack Mule]

A pack mule, something that you load your stuff and you sell the whole thing at the trader or you just keep what you what and remove what you want... The animal would NOT last through the restarts.

Simple commands:


Move away (animal runs like hell to get away ) but you can see where it is via the group management system the octagon symbol. Maybe allow for some sort of proximity bomb be put on it, or "touch off" command. "Pour thing".


Follow close, animal follows close.


Follow far, animal follows far.


Predictor [Pack Animals]


Dogs are in the game, script that makes more than 3 dogs that spawn pack together and want to eat you.


Paint Remover!

[Honey] !!


Throw the honey they go after it! They eat, can't smell you loose agro and leave you alone, but, they do go after another unsuspecting person. While still leaving you alone.


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Honey? For dogs? What sort of dogs do you own... 


Most dogs like pretty much anything, and 2035 dogs have scavenged mostly everything. Did you read the part where I said something to the effect of "3 or more"? They would have to write a script to put this into play. I believe that small towns one dog might spawn, big towns more dogs would spawn. Not sure but as my many years of playing games I notice here that AI spawn are tied to the amount of loot that appears in an area.



Everybody knows you use peanut butter with dogs...

Didn't see a use for honey and for these skilled guys just thought it'd be something fast they could throw together.

Making another game mechanic.


Well, from my old days (not dayz) of modding and mapping you have to use items that are already in game. Or you have to make it yourself, hours and hours later, it used to take me almost 8 hours to make a house, than I had to upload to a server and see if it was player friendly, the tools sucked!, and I didn't have any shoes ether.


Were your plans to use bees for pack animals?

Ha ha ha, that's just silly...that's more silly then having a Wil Weaton character. YES I USED THAT JOKE 3 TIMES TODAY!! YES!



I don't like to give to much detail on how my idea should or shouldn't work most of the time, or how the person should mod it in. I feel it's better to be vague so that if they did choose my idea other people would not know how it worked and had to figure it out, also other people may plagiarize my idea for their project.


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