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Can anyone find lock boxes anymore?


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I have found them and I beleive they are bugged, when placed you can scroll on them and get an option to lock, although pressing space bar does nothing, it still has the lock option although it never actually locked... we had ours hidden and proceeded to fill it up.


After server reset we came back to it, scrolled on it and it was locked, it had an unlock option (and a pack option), but same as before never actually unlocked.. All I could do was go into build mode and move it.. when placed back down after moving, it reverted back to the way it was at the beginning (having a lock option but not actually locking but was still able to place items in) and all the loot had vanished.


Id advise anyone who finds one not to store gear in it untill its fixed.

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u can store gear in it fine.... but instead of going into build mode to move it... try the pack option.... (it chucks all the contents on the floor and allows u to pick it back up. i have been donig this since the update with a lock box i found on day 1


Great!!.. thanks for that info, I just didn't want to go near it agan after losing all my stuff the first time.

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