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[RE-RELEASE] TradeFromVehicle - Version 2.0 WITH Single Currency Support

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This is great. Originally I was going to do that myself but Zupa said that he was already working on it so I didn't bother. But seems like now he's pretty much re-doing the whole trade system :P .

Thanks for this, will definitely try it out. Will let you know how it worked.

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Ok so I took the time to test this script out. I've no idea how much you had to do with the actual script itself. I'm guessing not very much but I'll post my thoughts anyway.


The script mostly works pretty flawlessly but I noticed trade from vehicle has a glitch in it. You can sell from your vehicle no matter where it is as long as you were the last one sitting in the driver seat. This can be a problem if your players are smart enough.

Let's say there's a team of 4. They all go to the nearest military camp and start looting. Meanwhile the driver leaves his car near the camp and runs back to the trader city. When the vehicle is full of weapons the driver from trader city sells all of the stuff in the trunk. 3 guys keep farming into the car and 1 guy keeps instantly selling from the trader.


Another thing that I think should definitely be in this script is a some kind of hint that tells you what you are about to sell and for how much. I imagine the best way to solve this would be to create a pop-up window that asks for confirmation and shows all the items + total price.


Just my thoughts. I'll post these to the original topic as well. If I have the time I'll do both of these things myself. 

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Hi Rocu,


Those are good points. I think it should be fairly easy to add a radius to the system. as for the Hint yeah i can see you point on this little more code should see that solved.  I will try and work on the the distance first.


I no the original author has taken a step back due to life stuff so i think its going to be up to the community to fix/update. By all means do a pull from my github if you think you have some ideas about the hint idea.



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To fix the vehicle distance thing:



Open system\trade.sqf



_validMagazines = [];

Add below:

if (TFV_VEHICLE != objNull) then {
	if (_object == "vehicle") then {
		if ((player distance TFV_VEHICLE) > 50) exitWith {_tooFar=true;};

if(_tooFar) exitWith {
	TFV_INWORK = false; systemChat "You're too far from your vehicle.";

As for the other suggestion I made earlier: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/35227545675914885/0AA22888D55A77760F05A216AD1E0C14335F375E/



Though it's currently too hard-coded for my server as I needed it asap. If I get a better version running I'll post it.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Brilliant job Dwarfer, love the script.


For custom traders though, is there somewhere else I should list the skins?  I've included the one I'm using "Drake_Light" within the serverTraders array at the top of the server_traders.sqf but it doesn't attach to the fella.  I can trade manually, but that is so yesterday.



The issues lay in the sensor I was using.  As I wanted players to fight their way into this particular trader, "protected" by static WAI AI, I did not activate the sensor for the trader.  As soon as I added the "canbuild = false;" to the end of the expActiv line, the script attached.


So now the question is "Is it possible to exempt a trader so that I can have non-safe traders?"

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