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Stratis Map


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Stratis will probably require a considerable amount of additional structures and "hot spots".  It was so bad on a test server that all the traders ended up wandering to a Blu-King on the coastal city.

I can see it working ok for a very small community in a later update, but Stratis just didn't quite feel right with Epoch in it's current state.

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I really prefered this map, personnally I thought smaller was better just because you came accross more players. The airport seemed like the main port of call so there was always plenty of action about it. From reading these forums I can see a good mix of players preferring big maps and small maps. I'd say bring it back and give people the choice.

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Stratis will probably require a considerable amount of additional structures and "hot spots".  It was so bad on a test server that all the traders ended up wandering to a Blu-King on the coastal city.

I can see it working ok for a very small community in a later update, but Stratis just didn't quite feel right with Epoch in it's current state.


BTW, how you loot system will work with mapped content ?


I mean, if you add buildings at some places with the editor, does those buildings will have loot ?

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What about porting over a good ole A2 map like Chernaraus or Taviana?



Will that be a sooner or later thing?



Just curious.



I personally think if you want to kick the mod into high gear porting over one or both of those maps would put the A3 Epoch into overdrive.




The day that they become available is the day that the current maps go on the shelf I bet.

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Was running around this map last night with a couple of mates. There were only around 15-20 players on, at one point we had 5 guys all running back to their bodies at the same spot. Absolutely loved it, loads of action and people being shot all over the place! I'll happily sit here until more maps are released.

Thanks Epoch mod!



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