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Loot into new buildings, how to do?


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Have a look at the config loot tables Here

I've no idea how the locations are worked out but for example the supermakets (General store) loot spots look like this :


    class Land_A_GeneralStore_01a: Supermarket {
        lootPos[] = {{-6.93237,1.07617,-1.2016},{-7.29565,-2.68164,-1.20148},{-3.41382,-4.39063,-1.20172},{-1.28857,-2.57715,-1.20135},{0.902344,-4.36133,-1.20178},{3.27588,-3.48242,-1.2016},{7.53394,-2.70117,-1.20172},{13.9651,-4.50293,-1.20172},{10.2612,0.111328,-1.2016},{10.5864,-3.84277,-1.20148},{7.84424,-0.136719,-1.2016},{3.5752,0.0361328,-1.2016},{-0.370605,5.17871,-1.20154},{4.77783,5.57617,-1.20148},{13.0864,4.35645,-1.19165},{12.9934,6.31836,-1.19153},{7.36304,3.00781,-1.20172},{1.93018,2.17285,-1.2016},{-3.82788,5.33203,-1.2016},{-7.55054,8.54199,-1.19141},{-4.42407,8.9668,-1.19135},{3.72729,8.36133,-1.2016},{9.84009,8.33984,-1.20148},{-2.90942,1.32031,-1.2016}};


So each building has a loot location(s) where loot can spawn, then the building is put into a general class, things like military, industrial, residential etc

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You have to enable DZEdebug in your init. Then you can save to rpt, it says on the wiki,

DZEdebug = true;

I tried it once but never got the option come up when I mouse wheeled. I'm not sure if you need the loot position tool from the epoch github??? If you work it out I would love to know how.







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  • 2 months later...


I'm wondering if you managed to find a solution for this?

I have one, it sort of works.

Firstly, I used the scroll menu from Bexs post here:



It is in German, but at the time I just wanted the actions to mess around with on my testserver.

I have also had a play with this Pwnoz0r finding building loot position, I used this in the 3D editor on my tavi test map and it seems to work:




Then, I thought of combining them as it was a bit of a pain to keep going to the editor and tabbing out of game to paste the clipboard, so I thought is it possible to add the findlootpos.sqf to the actions script? And it appears to work.

So, all credit for this goes to Bexs and Pwnoz0r as they have done the leg work.

Change line 7 in Bexs conig.sqf code to this:

["BldgLootPos", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"lootpos.sqf"]]], "1", "1"],

Create a file lootpos.sqf and copy Pwnoz0r's code into it:

	title: Loot Position Finder
	author: Pwnoz0r
	description: Find the loot positions within buildings and structures on any map.
	usage: Load this mission file up in the 2D editor.
		Once executed the output will simply copy the string to your clipboard. You may then paste that string anywhere.
		If you would like to change the map simply edit the mission.sqm file to included the addons of another map.
	version: 1.0
	Example output: Land_a_stationhouse :: {3.08496,1.78516,-9.47058};
	modified to output to RPT by adding line 28

hint "Show Loot Position";

_building = nearestObject [player, "Building"];
_relPos = _building worldToModel (getPosATL player);
_getBuildingName = typeOf nearestBuilding position player;

_timeFactor = time;
player sideChat format ["Copied to clipboard! :: %1", _timeFactor];
x = _relPos select 0;
y = _relPos select 1;
z = _relPos select 2;

hint format ["%4 :: {%1,%2,%3};", x, y, z, _getBuildingName];
diag_log text format ["[DEVTOOL] Copied BldgPos to RPT %4 :: {%1,%2,%3};",x, y, z, _getBuildingName];

copyToClipboard format ["%4 :: {%1,%2,%3};", x, y, z, _getBuildingName];

Place this file into the Bexs action menu folder.

The code when executed places a line into your client RPT file like this:

[DEVTOOL] Copied BldgPos to RPT Land_SS_hangar :: {0.458984,-14.1797,-5.87254};

I added the diag_log text format line because I am lazy and did not want to keep tabbing out of the game to paste the clipboard.

This seems to work in most instances, but not all, there are occasions when the z position seems off, and the loot appears in the air. I have only had a brief look into the code, but my current theory is it seems to sometimes save the z position incorrectly in some cases, could be by a factor of 10?

But, the bottom line is that it enables you to log into the server and click the mouse wheel a few times in a building writing the spots to the RPT file.

I tested it on an empty building in the Tavi map "Land_helfenburk", checking first that the building classname did not exist inside the CfgBuildingPos.sqf.

I then copied the created loot positions in the format:

class Land_helfenburk: Residential {
        zombieChance = 0.4;
		minRoaming = 0;
		maxRoaming = 1;
		zombieClass[] = {"z_doctor"};
        lootPos[] = {
		lootPosZombie[] = {{-2.81689,0.12207,-3.00396}};

into my CfgBuildingPos.hpp file.

Now, the zombie pos is from inside the building, but the zombie appears to spawn outside it about 10 metres away.

Loot seems to spawn in the building at the positions I clicked the mouse wheel at, as I say every now and then I seem to have a position that seems to have an incorrect z value.

I hope this helps.

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Danke Falcon/THX Falcon,


have the same Question.

I built a LootBase/LootSpot on Sauerland and have to fill the Houses/Baracks with more special Loot than CarWheels etc. like Weapons or stuff like that.

Only thing i always find is that you have to write a customized LootTable (including Building positions etc). But isn't it enough to 

modify an established Loottable?


Next thing is - i want to have about 100 Zombies located into this LootSpot/Base - how do i get these Zombies in there?

It's just for making it more difficult to loot in there (like you have a 30-50% Chance to survive in there while looting).



cheers Shizo




edith: DANKE Falcon für diese wunderbare massig große schöne Map :)

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every building i put into the custom map was already named with "LAND_barracks" etc.


Is it a Problem when the original Sauerland doesn't have these Barracks i built? 


Because e.g. i had problems with African Buildings - they are "unknown" when i log in. I mean they are there, positioned where i put them but i get the message "African Building can not be loaded because of "unknown" blablabla". Little bit confusing.


But thanks - i'll check the building ID's again. Maybe i overlooked the new buildings.

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every building i put into the custom map was already named with "LAND_barracks" etc.


Is it a Problem when the original Sauerland doesn't have these Barracks i built? 


Because e.g. i had problems with African Buildings - they are "unknown" when i log in. I mean they are there, positioned where i put them but i get the message "African Building can not be loaded because of "unknown" blablabla". Little bit confusing.


But thanks - i'll check the building ID's again. Maybe i overlooked the new buildings.


Add the unknown blablabla to your mission.sqm under addons, copy the name from your RPT

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Add the unknown blablabla to your mission.sqm under addons, copy the name from your RPT

Yup will do that. This Failure comes everytime you log in. Annoying. 

Just.....the last time i found the RPT was coincidence - where is it?^^



2. I think my LootSpot won't be used anymore. I built in WickedAI and DZMS and there're so fu***** much items to loot. Maybe someday i'll add something to the Spot just for single Players e.g.! I've got a few informations now about ZombieSpawn and a different way for Loot in Buildings.



Thanks for every help.



Cheers Shizo

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  • 5 months later...

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