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Infistar grey screen



Tried to install infistar on a fresh namalsk overpoch server and get a grey screen just as i get into game. I only bought it today so im guessing its up to date!


Been searching google all day, cant really find a solution and was wondering if anyone had any ideas, I know we're not supposed to talk too much about it on here, I have emailed infistar, just waiting to hear back.


Anyone else had this error?





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I just tried it on a normal fresh install of normal epoch (non-overpoch)


Get the exact same thing.


And I get this  when I log in as a non admin on my namalsk overpoch

11:40:31 "infiSTAR.de Log: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) | CheatEngine1 4: private ['_dummy']; _dummy = _this call compile preprocessFile 'pauseOnload.sqf'; 			private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\pauseCutScene.sqf'; 			_dummy = ['Init', _this] execVM '\ca\ui\scripts\pauseLoadinit.sqf'; 			_dummy = [] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\uiPostEffectBlur.sqf'; (BANNED)"
11:40:31 "infiSTAR.de Log: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) | CheatEngine1 13: private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this, "CA_VO_ToggleAdvanced"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers	"\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf"; _dummy; (BANNED)"
11:40:31 "infiSTAR.de Log: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) | CheatEngine2 504: RscArmorySelectIsland ("private ["_handle"]; _handle = _this call compile preprocessFile	"\ca\ui\scripts\armory\selectWorldArmory.sqf"; private ["_dummy"]; _dummy = [_this, "CA_SI_IslandSelected"] call compile preprocessFile "\ca\ui\scripts\islandPicture.sqf";")"
11:40:44 "infiSTAR.de Log: SERVER kicked Mike (Admin)(76561198144120874) @057012"
11:40:45 "get: STRING (76561198144120874), sent: STRING (76561198144120874)"
11:40:45 "DISCONNECT: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) Object: B 1-1-B:1 (Mike (Admin)) REMOTE, _characterID: 4 at loc [5702.68,11565,0.00137901]"
11:40:45 Client: Remote object 3:5 not found

Does it thing everyone is cheating or something? 







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no, no one else can join, it kicks everyone as soon as they click on the ok button after 'bad content was not found'


and throws up the same error in the rpt


Yes its in my server.pbo, same location as server_functions


last thing infistar said was  



Did you try to disable the cheatengine check?

_UCC = false;



thankful for everyones input on this,







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Hi dude, I tried that mate, yes, I also searched for every instance of 'true;'  and changed them all to 'false;' and vice versa and it still happened, Ive given up now because it was winding me up every time I logged in and saw that stupid grey screen, spent hours on it.


Many thanks to everyone for trying anyway







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Yeah i'm probably  gonna get moaned at if I post my files on here.


Like I said im gonna forget it because its winding me up, ill just stick to the admin tools by Nox, much better for my mental health.


Thanks for the help mate







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You might upload it for known people here only. I suspect you modified something in your ah.sqf the very beginning ..

So even if ppl copy it for the lulz and save a few bucks, it will turn out with the same problems as mentioned in here hehe.


The last time i had players being kicked for no reason was when i forgot to copy the infistar BE filters over the vanilla ones :)

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Hello, I dont think he does refunds


I just tried again with the latest update and when i tried to join, I get in game for a split second, and then the whole of Arma 2 shuts down and pops up this





Rpt log


12:25:22 "DEBUG: Too many at [6176.53,10806.8]"
12:25:30 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,13,25]"
12:25:37 "get: STRING (76561198144120874), sent: STRING (76561198144120874)"
12:25:37 "DISCONNECT: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) Object: B 1-1-B:1 (Mike (Admin)) REMOTE, _characterID: 12 at loc [7978.64,11601.7,0.00172091]"
12:25:37 Client: Remote object 3:5 not found
12:30:03 "RUNNING EVENT: crash_spawner on [2014,8,6,13,30]"
12:32:49 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 76561198144120874   _name: Mike (Admin)"
12:33:16 "get: STRING (76561198144120874), sent: STRING (76561198144120874)"
12:33:16 "DISCONNECT: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) Object: B 1-1-B:1 (Mike (Admin)) REMOTE, _characterID: 12 at loc [7978.64,11601.9,0.00172615]"
12:33:16 Client: Remote object 4:0 not found
12:33:16 Client: Remote object 4:5 not found
12:33:32 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,13,33]"
12:35:40 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 76561198144120874   _name: Mike (Admin)"
12:35:56 "infiSTAR.de Log: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) | CheatEngine1 4: private ['_dummy']; _dummy = _this call compile preprocessFile 'pauseOnload.sqf'; 			private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\pauseCutScene.sqf'; 			_dummy = ['Init', _this] execVM '\ca\ui\scripts\pauseLoadinit.sqf'; 			_dummy = [] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\uiPostEffectBlur.sqf'; (BANNED)"
12:35:56 "get: STRING (76561198144120874), sent: STRING (76561198144120874)"
12:35:56 "DISCONNECT: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) Object: B 1-1-B:1 (Mike (Admin)) REMOTE, _characterID: 12 at loc [7978.64,11601.9,0.00116301]"
12:35:56 Client: Remote object 5:0 not found
12:35:56 Client: Remote object 5:5 not found
12:35:56 "infiSTAR.de Log: SERVER kicked Mike (Admin)(76561198144120874) @"
12:38:32 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,13,38]"
12:39:25 "infiSTAR.de PlayerConnected: _uid: 76561198144120874   _name: Mike (Admin)"
12:39:25 "infiSTAR.de Log: SERVER kicked Mike (Admin)(76561198144120874) @"
12:39:30 "infiSTAR.de Log: SERVER kicked Mike (Admin)(76561198144120874) @131131"
12:39:43 WARNING: Function 'name' - 177f8080# 200798: proxy_man.p3d REMOTE has no unit
12:39:43  - network id 2:834
12:39:43  - person Steven Mitchell
12:39:43  - dead
12:39:43 "PDEATH: Player Died 76561198144120874"
12:39:43 Error in expression <DEATH: Player Died " + _playerID);

if (_characterID != "0") then
_key = forma>
12:39:43   Error position: <_characterID != "0") then
_key = forma>
12:39:43   Error Undefined variable in expression: _characterid
12:39:43 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerDied.sqf, line 89
12:39:45 "nil player object attempting PV, :["76561198144120874","Mike (Admin)"]"
12:39:45 "get: STRING (), sent: STRING (76561198144120874)"
12:39:45 Client: Remote object 6:0 not found


Anyone else had this?






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infiSTAR.de Log: Mike (Admin) (76561198144120874) | CheatEngine1 4: private ['_dummy']; _dummy = _this call compile preprocessFile 'pauseOnload.sqf'; private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'onload'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\pauseCutScene.sqf'; _dummy = ['Init', _this] execVM '\ca\ui\scripts\pauseLoadinit.sqf'; _dummy = [] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\uiPostEffectBlur.sqf'; (BANNED)"


From your screenshot it now looks as if others can join?

Did you, by any chance, not remove the admin tools from your server?

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I gave up mate, using epoch admin tools instead, real shame really cause I'm getting loads of hackers :(









Are you by any chance having the ACE mod enabled in your Arma 2 OA Extension list? 

Cause it looks like the things you are getting banned for (and you are getting banned by InfiSTAR for this) is scripts associated to the Ace_Main.pbo. 

If it is as simple as disabling @ACE to let you get in and fully use your server and the InfiSTAR tool, well.. there you go - get rid of Ace. :) 

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