Jump to content, is not what it name says. Beware.


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I am gonna make this as short as i can, but i want to give you some information too regarding why the topic.
Played a few hours on your Epoch last night with ingame nick "Richard Kuklinski".
It does not say i cannot be a bandit on the server name. So i chosed the server and started playing. 
Still, on loading screen it did not say it was an PvE server only. Havent played Epoch before, but i have seen that it says so in server name when its PvE only.
In Stary, i came online after beeing at my girls house. Wanted to try to get a safe on my first Epoch experience. Coming from south side, i see 3 guys around the barn+safe zone. I chosed to PvP against a group, not a single player. To me this PvP win would have been a victory, showing skill when taking out a bigger group.
I kill two of the players.
The third guy shoots at me, then he runs inside the safezone. At first i didnt know where safezone was at, so i shot at him, a full mag. He shot back from the safe zone. Several times.
Okey, so we talk and his mates that died also join in and talk to me. I say i can leave the area and they can go pick up their gear again. The surviving guy starts shooting at me again, and instead of me leaving, i end up in a firefight with him. He does NOT leave the safezone, so i cannnot shoot him. 
"Okey then, i will leave if he acts like this" is what im thinking and starting to run off. BOOM he runs out from safezone to shoot at me.
Now, i dont care about dying, done that alot. Gear? Dont care, placed a tent 15 min before with gear inside it. M24, some concrete mix, some plank stuff i could unpack, cloths etc. (Second floor in green mountain tower)
But the flaming towards me after that happend. Would have killed him 3-4 times over if he wasnt inside a safezone. 
Ridiculous. Really pathetic. It said clearly everywhere; "Flaming after getting killed isnt allowed". Wtf? PvE or PvP server? What is this? Someone explain to me.
I want this server to change name. 'PvE only' so you clearly know.
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Well. I've played there quite a lot and some stuff you say doesn't ring true with what I experience. I was there late last night actually, not that I saw your nickname. It's definitely not PVE-only. One player tried holding up a regular for loot, he got a whole bunch of other regulars wound up for picking on a hero and they got ready to come and hunt him. Says in the rules that there are many PVE elements but also PVP is fine if you're mature about it i.e. don't act like some Call of Duty kid.


They have god mode safezones and I've been in them what, 100+ times and never can you shoot outside from within. New players try it all the time but end up looking like idiots, as it even says "weapons de-activated" upon entry. In reference to it saying to not flame your victims (or as you say, "flaming after getting killed"), I see flamers get insta-banned there for acting like pricks in side chat.

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I prefer safe zones at trader cities. The reasons why is....1. to simulate what one would imagine a market place would be like in a post apocalyptic land (there would be some policing otherwise traders simply wouldn't risk setting up stall). And 2. To allow relative safety while one buys their shopping.

As far as I believe the top ranked Epoch servers have God mode in trader cities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can also backup what Nesta is saying.


Let alone i do not know Nesta myself and 2 mates have just been banned for pretty much the same thing. I went on yesterday and found 2 peoples bases 1 of which i used a ladder to break into, which was great because the silly fool didnt lock his safe... so i raided it. In this safe i found a satchel charge which i used to blowup an enterance into what landed up being the admin base. The next day i come on i get told that its against the rules to raid bases and blow them up using explosive, let alone this is not displayed on the rules on the splash page. So i argue this and all hell breaks loose. (I raided enough to get a safe, a load of weapons and stole their URAL and Medi Heli)


Anyway that argument subsides for about 30mins until i was bantering with someone that i had killed about me sometimes playing as a bandit and sometimes not, when all of a sudden i get a torrent of abuse from one of the admins friends (who was also arguing with me earlier for no apparent reason), which escalated into a couple of the admins having a proper midre about nothing. PVP is not banned on the server, yet if you somehow get into the wrong bases they moan like little kids who have lost their rattle. The reason for this is that they do seem to be little kids who only put "MATURE" on their servername to make it look appetising, but alas the admins (this doesnt go for the normal players who seemed sound enough) are as mature and rational as Fox News are fair and balanced.


In short: Go on this server if you like, it seems stable enough and the players on their also seem nice, but if you have any intent on defending yourselves or taking advantage of others stupidity then i would recommend staying the hell away from this server. Frankly, i have seen more rational admining on CoD games.


Not worth the hassle especially if you have a hankering for playing the game the server hosts and not some bastardised 'cant raid admins, but we can raid you' mentality.

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In cases like the above Jack, its the server owners responsibility to make sure they do everything they can to automatically enforce the rules. If they don't want bases blown up, theres a script for that. If they don't want their bases raided, theres a script for that (domes that remove players). Otherwise the admins need to be very active and very vigilant, or not have silly complicated rules.


It solves any issues like this from turning into a case of bad adminning but mostly everything needs to be laid out 100% in writing for new players to see, maybe not so much on the splash screen but there needs to be accurate and informative rolling messages within suitable time frames.


Luckily in DayZ it often takes at least 30-60 minutes to get fully to grips with a starter set of items, by then all of the rolling messages would have passed so no excuse to a new player who should be looking out for rules.


However it is also down to the client to seek out any rules laid out elsewhere, most servers have a website with the rules on and providing when you break a rule.. when you check the website that the last time the rules edited werent after you broke this rule. For this we use the forum, as it has a last edited feature which while I can turn it off as the web site owner, I've deliberately left on so it can't be abused and if we make a mistake we can own up to it.


I fully maintain that admins should be limited to the abuse they can cause, this is right down to my admins ability to read the logs they don't have deletion access so can't forge anything. This is for my peace of mind as much as the players on my server but you will always find servers where they are run by people who shouldn't be admins or they let their admins get away with things that if they saw on another server, would complain or not play on that server anymore.


Please note, I'm not affiliated with this server the post is about.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, find a good server that you can trust the admins on.. or at the very least, if an admin goes rogue, know that no matter what.. they will be dealt with properly. Its a shame that a professional company hosting and hiring admins doesn't exist, that would certainly provide the best gaming experience but its just not a viable business and unfortunately gets left down to joe public to do it.


Luckily there are plenty of servers to try, check out the servers website before committing, it'll take a bit of time.. but not as much time as you'd lose by being banned for a stupid reason and losing all your hard work.

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I can also backup what Nesta is saying.


Let alone i do not know Nesta myself and 2 mates have just been banned for pretty much the same thing. I went on yesterday and found 2 peoples bases 1 of which i used a ladder to break into, which was great because the silly fool didnt lock his safe... so i raided it. In this safe i found a satchel charge which i used to blowup an enterance into what landed up being the admin base. The next day i come on i get told that its against the rules to raid bases and blow them up using explosive, let alone this is not displayed on the rules on the splash page. So i argue this and all hell breaks loose. (I raided enough to get a safe, a load of weapons and stole their URAL and Medi Heli)


Anyway that argument subsides for about 30mins until i was bantering with someone that i had killed about me sometimes playing as a bandit and sometimes not, when all of a sudden i get a torrent of abuse from one of the admins friends (who was also arguing with me earlier for no apparent reason), which escalated into a couple of the admins having a proper midre about nothing. PVP is not banned on the server, yet if you somehow get into the wrong bases they moan like little kids who have lost their rattle. The reason for this is that they do seem to be little kids who only put "MATURE" on their servername to make it look appetising, but alas the admins (this doesnt go for the normal players who seemed sound enough) are as mature and rational as Fox News are fair and balanced.


In short: Go on this server if you like, it seems stable enough and the players on their also seem nice, but if you have any intent on defending yourselves or taking advantage of others stupidity then i would recommend staying the hell away from this server. Frankly, i have seen more rational admining on CoD games.


Not worth the hassle especially if you have a hankering for playing the game the server hosts and not some bastardised 'cant raid admins, but we can raid you' mentality.

An entertaining write-up. Yeah, I was online for this one.


On the loading screen it says something like 'no acting like a pubeless wonder in side chat', which you then went on to do from the off. Was very irritating for the rest of us and there were many calling for your heads so to speak as you wouldn't stop. "Players there seem nice", but you acted nothing like them, baited repeatedly, bitched on the admins and then ran out of luck. You come to a server with rules boldly stated and then romance the story here when you break them. You were banned and forgotten about swiftly. Wouldn't be surprised if you're the same guy as the OP, as you're making the same sense. Raiding bases is part of the game, so as long as you're not glitching or being a side chat schmuck then there's nothing to complain about. That is what they enforce. You're trying to make out here that they want players to try hard securing their base but not allow bandits to test that. A boring and pointless existence.


Fair amount of long-term players play there who break into bases, murder other players and steal stuff. They've been on for months because they can do it without filling side chat with nonsense. You also bring up CoD when mentioning the admins there which is quite ironic considering your time online made the side chat feel like Call Of Duty's voice chat.


Ah and you picked on a regular player, repeatedly. Regulars stick together. Was not an admin base.

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How childish is this post my god just stop trying to give our server a bad name because you broke the rules, got butthurt and move the fek on please... Theres over 1000 more out there.

This post is a complete waste of time..

We will keep enjoying our server with our rules btw we dont care much for player numbers why do you think we are running @ 30 slots..


As the loading screen states

"Rules: ignore and be banned.."

Its that simple.


I love it how we put the word mature in the server name and it has brought even more tools into the server. :D


Also how the safezones work now.

1. You have god mode in them

2. You cant shoot your gun in or out of them

3. If someone shoots you when you are exiting they will be killed and a message will broadscast to the whole server stating there name and who they have tried to shoot. (this effect last between 10-30 secs after you have left the safezone)

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