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Are "Ammo_Supply_Box" items saved in the database?



14 answers to this question

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Thanks for the answers guys.

Since I need it, as the admin of the server, do I have to revert to the old method of jumping in my heli and looking for it everywhere?


Is there no AdminMagic to teleporting to the box or teleporting it to me? I really don't care her place or mine, just need to meet up lol





EDIT - OK found it, this one below, added to mpmissions init.sqf worked...

The super high number is for test purposes obviously. With this number, if you go to NWAF you can find about 15 there lol

// # of black vehicle ammo boxes... the setting below works on next restart. 
MaxAmmoBoxes = 999;

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Its just ammo.

If you require ammo that much, create a crate with the following ammo =)

private ["LocalOrGlobal","spawnCrate"];
LocalOrGlobal = _this select 0;

// Name of this crate
_crateName = "Vehicle Ammo";

// Crate type. Possibilities: MedBox0, FoodBox0, BAF_BasicWeapons, USSpecialWeaponsBox, USSpecialWeapons_EP1, USVehicleBox, RUSpecialWeaponsBox, RUVehicleBox, etc.
_classname = "USOrdnanceBox";

// Location of player and crate
_dir = getdir player;
_pos = getposATL player;
_pos = [(_pos select 0)+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];

if(LocalOrGlobal == "local") then {
	spawnCrate = _classname createVehicleLocal _pos;	
} else {
	spawnCrate = createVehicle [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

spawnCrate setDir _dir;
spawnCrate setposATL _pos;

// Remove default items/weapons from current crate before adding custom gear
clearWeaponCargoGlobal spawnCrate;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal spawnCrate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal spawnCrate;

// Add magazine-slot items to crate
// Syntax: spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ITEM", number-of-items];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["2000Rnd_762x51_M134", 5];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_127x99_M2", 5];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 10];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["48Rnd_40mm_MK19", 5];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 10];

// Send text to spawner only
titleText [format[_crateName + " spawned!"],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;

// Run delaymenu
delaymenu = 
	["Select delay", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["30 seconds", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=30;"]], "1", "1"],
	["1 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=60;"]], "1", "1"],
	["3 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=180;"]], "1", "1"],
	["5 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=300;"]], "1", "1"],
	["10 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=600;"]], "1", "1"],
	["30 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=1800;"]], "1", "1"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["No timer", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=0;"]], "1", "1"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:delaymenu";
WaitUntil{commandingMenu == ""};

if(selectDelay != 0) then {
	titleText [format[_crateName + " will disappear in %1 seconds.",selectDelay],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;
	sleep selectDelay;
	// Delete crate after selectDelay seconds
	deletevehicle spawnCrate;
	titleText [format[_crateName + " disappeared."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;
} else {
	titleText [format[_crateName + " has no timer. Shoot it to destroy."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;

You get the idea =)


Just add it to your admin tool menu

["Vehicle Ammo Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","vehicle_ammo.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
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Its just ammo.

If you require ammo that much, create a crate with the following ammo =)

private ["LocalOrGlobal","spawnCrate"];
LocalOrGlobal = _this select 0;

// Name of this crate
_crateName = "Vehicle Ammo";

// Crate type. Possibilities: MedBox0, FoodBox0, BAF_BasicWeapons, USSpecialWeaponsBox, USSpecialWeapons_EP1, USVehicleBox, RUSpecialWeaponsBox, RUVehicleBox, etc.
_classname = "USOrdnanceBox";

// Location of player and crate
_dir = getdir player;
_pos = getposATL player;
_pos = [(_pos select 0)+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];

if(LocalOrGlobal == "local") then {
	spawnCrate = _classname createVehicleLocal _pos;	
} else {
	spawnCrate = createVehicle [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

spawnCrate setDir _dir;
spawnCrate setposATL _pos;

// Remove default items/weapons from current crate before adding custom gear
clearWeaponCargoGlobal spawnCrate;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal spawnCrate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal spawnCrate;

// Add magazine-slot items to crate
// Syntax: spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ITEM", number-of-items];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["2000Rnd_762x51_M134", 5];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_127x99_M2", 5];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", 10];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["48Rnd_40mm_MK19", 5];
spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", 10];

// Send text to spawner only
titleText [format[_crateName + " spawned!"],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;

// Run delaymenu
delaymenu = 
	["Select delay", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["30 seconds", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=30;"]], "1", "1"],
	["1 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=60;"]], "1", "1"],
	["3 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=180;"]], "1", "1"],
	["5 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=300;"]], "1", "1"],
	["10 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=600;"]], "1", "1"],
	["30 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=1800;"]], "1", "1"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["No timer", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=0;"]], "1", "1"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:delaymenu";
WaitUntil{commandingMenu == ""};

if(selectDelay != 0) then {
	titleText [format[_crateName + " will disappear in %1 seconds.",selectDelay],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;
	sleep selectDelay;
	// Delete crate after selectDelay seconds
	deletevehicle spawnCrate;
	titleText [format[_crateName + " disappeared."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;
} else {
	titleText [format[_crateName + " has no timer. Shoot it to destroy."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;

You get the idea =)


Just add it to your admin tool menu

["Vehicle Ammo Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","vehicle_ammo.sqf"]]],"1","1"],

Thanks for this but I don't need ammo I just wanted the crate itself. My admin tool ('admintools') already has the option of deploying a "All Weapons/Items Crate" which -as far as I can see- contains all ammos.

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Yeah I don't think I have it, Where should I add that line?

Probably anywhere in the file. See below code, that's where I have it.
// DayZ Epoch config
spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)
spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500

// Turn off spawning as infected
DZE_PlayerZed = false;

MaxVehicleLimit = 800; // Default = 50
MaxDynamicDebris = 25; // Default = 100
dayz_MapArea = 14000; // Default = 10000
dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30; // Default = 30 
DZE_BuildingLimit = 200; //Default = 150, decides how many objects can be built on the server before allowing any others to be built. Change value for more buildings.

// # of black vehicle ammo boxes. Tested & setting below works fine (on next restart).
// MaxAmmoBoxes = 999;
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Thanks for the answers guys.

Since I need it, as the admin of the server, do I have to revert to the old method of jumping in my heli and looking for it everywhere?


Is there no AdminMagic to teleporting to the box or teleporting it to me? I really don't care her place or mine, just need to meet up lol





EDIT - OK found it, this one below, added to mpmissions init.sqf worked...

The super high number is for test purposes obviously. With this number, if you go to NWAF you can find about 15 there lol

// # of black vehicle ammo boxes... the setting below works on next restart. 
MaxAmmoBoxes = 999;


I don't think this will increase the spawn rate of those ammo boxes. That only raises the cap of them.


You have to go to your init.sqf and add more events and also go to your server.pbo and go to modules then go to that type of event and change spawn chance to 1 so it has 100% chance to spawn instead of 50% chance of spawning or whatever the value you have on it.


There is another way to show debug of the said drop but you have to change the event file for that to work also not sure if it would show for everyone... you will have to test it.

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I don't think this will increase the spawn rate of those ammo boxes. That only raises the cap of them.


You have to go to your init.sqf and add more events and also go to your server.pbo and go to modules then go to that type of event and change spawn chance to 1 so it has 100% chance to spawn instead of 50% chance of spawning or whatever the value you have on it.


There is another way to show debug of the said drop but you have to change the event file for that to work also not sure if it would show for everyone... you will have to test it.

Well, I added that line, restarted the server, logged in, teleported to NWAF, I saw 25 ammoboxes on and around the runway. So in my opinion it does work. At least on my server.

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Well, I added that line, restarted the server, logged in, teleported to NWAF, I saw 25 ammoboxes on and around the runway. So in my opinion it does work. At least on my server.


That's really strange, I tried using it and never worked for me, what worked was adding more events in the EpochEvents, same thing with HeliCrashes the option in the init.sqf didn't do anything.


Maybe I did something wrong back then, going to give it a try later.

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You do know that this is in server.pbo/server_monitor.sqf

if(isnil "MaxDynamicDebris") then {
    MaxDynamicDebris = 100;
if(isnil "MaxAmmoBoxes") then {
    MaxAmmoBoxes = 3;
if(isnil "MaxMineVeins") then {
    MaxMineVeins = 50;

It could be reading this and appling the the MAX Amount. As we know arma does some strange shit at times :P

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