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"Vehicle Spawned. Key added to toolbelt." but not really



Hey guys im a long time lurker here. I used help run a few arma 2 servers back in the day. Life servers, Wasteland servers etc. was always an avid DayZ player and with all the variations now i settled on Epoch and recently decide on a whim to start up a server and go Overpoch (so conformist i know). 


i did fine got it up and going for awhile all by myself, added all the mods people love, SBB, r3f Tow/Lift, AI, Missions, Snapping, Safe zones, Indestructible Bases, all the staples. got the Overwatch loot working good. just threw all the Overwatch guns and ammo in the Blackmarket Trader cause im lazy called it good. ran great for awhile.


then i dont know exactly what went down but it was when i was trying to spread the Overwatch Guns out over a few different sections (because theres so many that it took forever to load that section on the trader). i made the adjustment and that worked fine, but i think theres something messed up in the DB. because now certain vehicles wont load at the trader.


Mountain Bikes, Vodniks, certain Humvees, wont load now. it says its spawning it, makes a pink arrow, says it spawns the arrow disappears, gives you a key, and no vehicle.


same thing happens when i try to force a spawn of a vodnik with the admin tools. says its doing it but either it dosnt load, or is deleted.


ive searched this forum and google. found alot of things about the anti hack probably deleting it right away so i made amendments to my serverupdatemonitor file, my servercleanup fsm, server update object, all sorts of files as different posts suggested. all supposed to disable the games antihack that would delete a sketchy looking vehicle and no fix.


i tried disabling BE and still no fix. its really mindbottling. and very strange that its only certain vehicles. for instance Old Bike spawns fine, Mountain Bike just doesnt. Utility Humvee doesnt spawn, but SOV spawns fine. i dont understand it. all the traders have been restocked, and quantity of vehicles reset to 50. its very strange.


TLDR: Trader says it spawns Vodnik but it wont spawn, gives you the key, but nothing. Some vehicles work some dont. ive tried editing files that would be responsible for a anti hacking deletion but no fix. the only change i made to the server before it started was messing about a bit with the Black Market Trader in the DB. cant figure it out.


considering wiping the server and DB and starting anew but would really love to avoid having to do all the addons and stuff all over again so posting here as one last try to figure this out.


thanks for your time, any input would be greatly appreciated.

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ok..... so really nobody?


last night i went thru and removed all vodniks from the DB, restarted to server went to the trader bought a vodnik. this same bug happened, checked the DB and it created the new Vodnik, but just either does not load it or deletes it right away?


what is going on here?


please help.

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 t i see a bunch of servers running 112555 and able to work normalling. so they are just flukes? no that figured out a fix obviously. i mean thanks and all BetterDead but hes right. theres gotta be a fix. prettty sad it isnt standard now. it boggles my mind how tight people are in the DayZ community nowadays. i remember back in the day it seemed like people shared to help better the community as a whole. nowadays people seem to covet everything. pretty sad.

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this is garbage/  its seems overpoch is so buggy. i dont get the allure afterwhile. the new guns are fun and all but the desync is bad and the crazy DB glitches are getting ridiculous. if you have diligent mod/admin team who dosnt mind dealing with this its ok. but it kinda seems like a pain in the balls for any casual admin. i mean overwatch guns are nothing special they are just ARMA 2 addons combined same with the overwatch vics. how is it better to work it this way and someone just not make a version of Epoch with all the vil_ and other gun mods from Armaholics that Overwatch uses? Aside form the skins and shit overwatch did nothing special with adding these guns. whats to stop Epoch from using the same arma 2 mods and getting wicked with new guns?

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OP, FYI, there is no fix if something doesn't break for you in the first place, been using 112555 since it was pushed onto commander, not had any vehicle issues, what i would do is try a fresh DB (make a backup first) but to be honest if your admin tools can't spawn them either just try a fresh install, theres not alot you can do without rolling back, i'm running Overpoch and theres nothing wrong with my server, now i've updated to the 1.0.5 patch though it seems i take forever to load in and thats about it

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ive actually wiped this server to clean slate 3 times and still get the same bugs. certain vehicles just dont spawn at the trader, infistar cant spawn the same vehicles, also if i try to put the vehicle into the mission sqm to spawn static it just dosnt spawn. they all get loaded into the DB though.. i dont know what it really is.


maybe its something on vilayers end. im really less than impressed with there hosting. is epoch 1.0.5 out in full release? if so i dont think vilayer has it up yet. maybe im not looking in the right place.


EDIT: just saw that epoch server 1.0.5 was release yesterday. damn. i hope vilayer gets it up soon. sorry if i sound annoyed with things but man its getting old reinstalling everything.

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IMPORTANT ! It isnt cause the 112555 version or smth. like this. They are simply banned in Overwatch ! Go in your overwatch folder -> unpbo dayz_anim -> cfgBanned -> cfgvehicles and remove ALL VEHICLES YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH ! Hope I helped you out.

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