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errors after update

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Please advise on how to resolve this. There are no guns spawning in any of the crates.


15:20:05 [DZMS]: (DZMSUnitsMajor) Waiting for 16/16 Units or Less to be Alive and a Player to be Near the Objective.
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSpistolList select >
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSpistolList select >
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 54
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSpistolList select >
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSpistolList select >
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 54
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSpistolList select >
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSpistolList select >
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 54
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 1 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSsniperList select >
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSsniperList select >
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 66
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 1 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSsniperList select >
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSsniperList select >
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 66
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 1 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSmgList select _sSe>
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSmgList select _sSe>
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 78
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 1 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSmgList select _sSe>
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSmgList select _sSe>
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 78
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSprimaryList select>
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSprimaryList select>
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 90
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSprimaryList select>
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSprimaryList select>
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 90
15:20:05 Error in expression <rom 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSprimaryList select>
15:20:05   Error position: <_sCount);
_item = DZMSprimaryList select>
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _scount
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 90
15:20:05 Error in expression <oGlobal [_item,1];
_scount = count DZMSpistolList;
for "_x" from 0 to 2 do >
15:20:05   Error position: <DZMSpistolList;
for "_x" from 0 to 2 do >
15:20:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmspistollist
15:20:05 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSBox.sqf, line 52
Here is my DZMSBox.sqf (default):
Usage: [_crate,"type"] execVM "dir\DZMSBox.sqf";
_crate is the crate to fill
"type" is the type of crate
"type" can be weapons or medical
_crate = _this select 0;
_type = _this select 1;
// Clear the current cargo
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate;
// Define lists. Some lists are defined in DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf in the ExtConfig.
_bpackList = ["DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1","DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1","DZ_Czech_Vest_Puch","DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1","DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1","DZ_British_ACU","DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1","DZ_Backpack_EP1","DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1"];
_gshellList = ["HandGrenade_west","FlareGreen_M203","FlareWhite_M203"];
_medical = ["ItemBandage","ItemMorphine","ItemEpinephrine","ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottle","FoodMRE","ItemAntibiotic","ItemBloodbag"];
_money = ["ItemSilverBar","ItemSilverBar10oz","ItemGoldBar","ItemGoldBar10oz"];
// Medical Crates
if (_type == "medical") then {
// load medical
_scount = count _medical;
for "_x" from 0 to 40 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = _medical select _sSelect;
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item,(round(random 2))];
// Weapon Crates
if (_type == "weapons") then {
// load grenades
_scount = count _gshellList;
for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = _gshellList select _sSelect;
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item,(round(random 2))];
// load packs
_scount = count _bpackList;
for "_x" from 0 to 3 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = _bpackList select _sSelect;
_crate addBackpackCargoGlobal [_item,1];
// load pistols
_scount = count DZMSpistolList;
for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSpistolList select _sSelect;
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
if (count _ammo > 0) then {
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 8))];
//load sniper
_scount = count DZMSsniperList;
for "_x" from 0 to 1 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSsniperList select _sSelect;
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
if (count _ammo > 0) then {
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 8))];
//load mg
_scount = count DZMSmgList;
for "_x" from 0 to 1 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSmgList select _sSelect;
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
if (count _ammo > 0) then {
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 8))];
//load primary
_scount = count DZMSprimaryList;
for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSprimaryList select _sSelect;
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
if (count _ammo > 0) then {
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 8))];
// Epoch Supply Crates
if (_type == "supply") then {
// load tools
_scount = count DZMSConTools;
for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSConTools select _sSelect;
_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item, 1];
// load construction
_scount = count DZMSConSupply;
for "_x" from 0 to 30 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = DZMSConSupply select _sSelect;
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item,1];
// Epoch Money Crates
if (_type == "money") then {
// load money
_scount = count _money;
for "_x" from 0 to 3 do {
_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
_item = _money select _sSelect;
_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [_item,1];


Also, how can I lower the number of AI that spawns in the missions?

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Please advise on how to resolve this. There are no guns spawning in any of the crates.


Also, how can I lower the number of AI that spawns in the missions?


Did you modify your DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf in the ExtConfig folder?


Can I see an entire RPT?


And open the missions that have too much AI and it is self explanatory.

//DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission.
//Usage: [[_coords], count, skillLevel, unitArray]
[[(_coords select 0) - 10.5005,(_coords select 1) - 2.6465,0],6,1,"DZMSUnitsMajor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
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The error you posted shows an error for an Init.sqf file from a Utes mission. You are running Chernarus.

Are you sure you're looking at the right RPT's?

Looking at the right RPTs? Im positive i got this error when i tried your newest fix, and i have no idea why it came up with Utes Mission Reference

Error stopped when i reverted the file, but still getting same, error in expression lines as everyone else

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15:37:34 Error in expression <[DZMS]: Currently Running Version: %1", DZMSVersion];

if (DZMSVersion != "1.1F>

15:37:34 Error position: <DZMSVersion];



I fixed the error message already, by where the file location was pointed to i forgot to change.



Double edit;;


Seems it's all fixed possibly due to the simple slight misdirection of where the path was set too in my DZMSConfig.sqf


will keep you updated.



triple edit;; lol, how would i go about adding the EM1 mission in without it erroring out and saying it cannot find it when trying to run it.

Can you please tell me, how you solved the problem? I get this kind of messages after the update and don't know how to solve the problem:

waitUntil {DZMSMajDone};

DZMSMajDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error position: <DZMSMajDone};

DZMSMajDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmajdone

3:22:17 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMajTimer.sqf, line 42

3:22:17 Error in expression <or Mission %1.",_varName];

waitUntil {DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error position: <DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmindone

3:22:17 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 42

3:22:17 Error in expression <easurehunt %1.",_varName];



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Can you please tell me, how you solved the problem? I get this kind of messages after the update and don't know how to solve the problem:

waitUntil {DZMSMajDone};

DZMSMajDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error position: <DZMSMajDone};

DZMSMajDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmajdone

3:22:17 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMajTimer.sqf, line 42

3:22:17 Error in expression <or Mission %1.",_varName];

waitUntil {DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error position: <DZMSMinDone};

DZMSMinDone = nil;


3:22:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmindone

3:22:17 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 42

3:22:17 Error in expression <easurehunt %1.",_varName];




Download the newest version from the github here:



Or you can look at this link for the fixes.


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This seems to solve the problem! Thank you very much!!!

Now I hope the treasure hunt will spawn. Last time nobody found any loot...



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It's me again.

Ok. Now I get this error (after installing Treasure Hunt):

waitUntil {DZMStreasureDone};

DZMStreasureDone = ni>

2:27:20 Error position: <DZMStreasureDone};

DZMStreasureDone = ni>

2:27:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmstreasuredone

2:27:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMStrTimer.sqf, line 36

2:27:20 Error in expression <easurehunt %1.",_varName];

Are there similary changes to do like before?



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It's me again.

Ok. Now I get this error (after installing Treasure Hunt):

waitUntil {DZMStreasureDone};

DZMStreasureDone = ni>

2:27:20 Error position: <DZMStreasureDone};

DZMStreasureDone = ni>

2:27:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmstreasuredone

2:27:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMStrTimer.sqf, line 36

2:27:20 Error in expression <easurehunt %1.",_varName];

Are there similary changes to do like before?




That's not my code, so you need to talk to whoever made that code about how to fix it.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

after updating I still get this error


DZMSPurgeObject = {
 9:24:39   Error position: <_sleepTime;};

DZMSPurgeObject = {
 9:24:39   Error Undefined variable in expression: _sleeptime
 9:24:39 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 253
 9:24:44 "TIME SYNC: Local Time set to [2013,8,3,8,24]"
 9:24:46 Error in expression <nterval; (diag_tickTime - _startTime) > _sleepTime;};

//sleep function that uses diag_tickTime for accuracyDZMSSleep = {

    _sleepTime = _this select 0;
    _checkInterval = _this select 1;

    _startTime = diag_tickTime;
    waitUntil{sleep _checkInterval; (diag_tickTime - _startTime) > _sleepTime;};

//Let's wait for it to finish or timeoutwaitUntil {DZMSMajDone};
DZMSMajDone = false;
//Let's wait for it to finish or timeout
waitUntil {DZMSMinDone};
DZMSMinDone = false;
// Let's get the clocks running!
[] ExecVM DZMSMajTimer;
[] ExecVM DZMSMinTimer;
DZMSMajDone = false;
DZMSMinDone = false;
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I did an update that should fix _tavHeight and _aicskill being undefined.


If you are still getting errors after updating DZMS, let me know.

still getting errors. read my last comment..


does anyone have  an updated version that is not spamming rpt with errors??


could you please share it..

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still getting errors. read my last comment..


does anyone have  an updated version that is not spamming rpt with errors??


could you please share it..


I have a modified version of this if you want to try it out. Many things are modified like loot box with all Overpoch weapons. Weapons not included are the one that were poping up an on-screen error. I have alots of item dropping from the crate so it might not be for you. It's modified for easy fast base building and crate has sometimes gems in them for the Alchimist script. You might want to modify that too.


There is a scenario mission type included, but i suggest you deactivate it as it's not done yet, only Part #1 of the scenario is completed and it's not for a solo player to complete, really hard. It also has boat and Heli patrol that will spawn at the mission and over 40+ AI. It could cause lag on your server. A bridge spawn when mission start to skalisty Island, and get deleted at mission completed. You can try it out but i really suggest you turn it off if you don't want any lag issue.


I have yet to see any rpt error.

All files were renamed, so you will have to add, in your " server_monitor.sqf "

[] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZXX\DZXXInit.sqf";


Instead of:


[] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSInit.sqf";


To disable the scenario incomplete mission, open DZXXinit.sqf and comment out the line #111 to disable the ISLtimer so that array is not activated.



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  • 3 months later...

Vampire please help me im getting this error


18:43:56 Error in expression <nterval; (diag_tickTime - _startTime) > _sleepTime;};

DZMSPurgeObject = {
18:43:56   Error position: <_sleepTime;};

DZMSPurgeObject = {
18:43:56   Error Undefined variable in expression: _sleeptime
18:43:56 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\DZMSFunctions.sqf, line 256

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