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Trader Speed Limit?



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Thats an interesting idea tbh.

I guess it would be called through the sensors in the mission.sqf right?

Something like this:

_speedlimit = 30;

  while {!canbuild} then { //traders are !canbuild right? Also we need to loop it.
   _cars = vehicle player;
   _myspeed = speed _vehicle;
if (bla something blob) {
// force speed here
sleep 0.2;


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This is from maca's safezone script.

	SafezoneVehicleSpeedLimit = [] spawn {
		_maxspeed = 25;
		while {true} do {
			waitUntil {vehicle player != player and !((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Air')};
			_vehicle = vehicle player;
			_curspeed = speed _vehicle;
			if (_curspeed > _maxspeed) then {
				_vel = velocity _vehicle;
				_dir = direction _vehicle;
				_speed = _curspeed - _maxspeed;
				_vehicle setVelocity [(_vel select 0)-((sin _dir)*_speed),(_vel select 1)- ((cos _dir)*_speed),(_vel select 2)];
			sleep 0.1;
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class Item0
			expCond="(player distance zonestary) < 190;";
			expActiv="canbuild = false; clearzeds = [] execVM ""custom\clearzeds.sqf""; speedlimit = [] execVM ""custom\speedlimit.sqf"";  titleText [""\n\n                        Entering the trader - god mode on"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 1];";
                        expDesactiv="canbuild = true; terminate clearzeds; terminate speedlimit; titleText [""\n\nLeaving the trader - god mode off"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 1];";
			class Effects			
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class Item0
			expCond="(player distance zonestary) < 190;";
			expActiv="canbuild = false; clearzeds = [] execVM ""custom\clearzeds.sqf""; speedlimit = [] execVM ""custom\speedlimit.sqf"";  titleText [""\n\n                        Entering the trader - god mode on"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 1];";
                        expDesactiv="canbuild = true; terminate clearzeds; terminate speedlimit; titleText [""\n\nLeaving the trader - god mode off"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 1];";
			class Effects			


Thanks 2sugars, I will try this out as soon as I get a chance.

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in mission.sqm (miision root)


Find: class Sensors


Add / Amend:

		class Item2
			expCond="(player distance zonesabina) < 50;";
			expActiv="canbuild = false; clearzeds = [] execVM ""custom\clearzeds.sqf""; speedlimit = [] execVM ""custom\speedlimit.sqf"";  titleText [""\n\nEntering Trader City Sabina - God Mode ON - Zed Shield ON - Speed Limiter ON"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 1];";
            expDesactiv="canbuild = true; terminate clearzeds; terminate speedlimit; titleText [""\n\nLeaving Trader City Sabina - God Mode OFF - Zed Shield OFF - Speed Limiter OFF"", ""PLAIN DOWN"", 1];";
			class Effects
		class Item3
			expCond="(player distance zonesabina_safezone) < 50;";
			expActiv="inSafeZone = true;";
			expDesactiv="inSafeZone = false;";
			class Effects

I have it set like so and both infiSTAR's safezone (Called in the init.sqf within the if Dedicated section at the bottom) and all the above works flawlessly.




   by: http://infiSTAR.de || http://DayzAntiHack.com
   *updated on 14.07.2014
USE_CANBUILD = true;		// if you don't want to define your own positions
USE_TraderCity = true;	//	if you don't want to define your own positions (Epoch 1.0.5)
USE_POSITIONS = false;	// to use own positions and radius
USE_AI_REMOVER = true; // use this to remove Missionbots (AI) within 100m of a player if the player is in a SafeZone
USE_AntiSteal = true;	// use this to block opening gear if another player is within 3m!
USE_SIGNS = true;              // use this to build signs around the SafeZone
LOG_EnterLeave = true;	// This will log to your .rpt when a player enters or leaves a SafeZone! (only works with infiSTAR.de Admintools / AntiHack)
/* You can use USE_CANBUILD or/and (works together) the custom positions below (USE_POSITIONS) [position or zone,radius] */
_infiSZ =
if (isServer) exitWith
	if (USE_SIGNS) then
			_center = _x select 0;
			_radius = _x select 1;
			_lSign = _x select 2;
			if (_lSign) then
				for '_i' from 0 to 360 step (270 / _radius)*2 do
					_location = [(_center select 0) + ((cos _i) * _radius), (_center select 1) + ((sin _i) * _radius),0];
					_dir = ((_center select 0) - (_location select 0)) atan2 ((_center select 1) - (_location select 1));
					_object = createVehicle ['SignM_FARP_Winchester_EP1', _location, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
					_object setDir _dir;
					_object setVehicleInit 'this setObjectTexture [0, ''custom\sign.paa''];';
		} forEach _infiSZ;
waitUntil { !isNil 'dayz_animalCheck' };
if (isNil 'inSafezone') then {inSafezone = false;};
[_infiSZ] spawn {
	_infiSZ = _this select 0;
	_startSafeZone =
		if (isNil 'outNow') then
			_msg = 'You entered a Safe Zone!';
			hint _msg;
			taskHint [_msg, [0,1,0,1], 'taskDone'];
			inNow = nil;
			outNow = true;
			if (LOG_EnterLeave) then
				_obj = vehicle player;
				_pos = getPosATL _obj;
				PVDZE_send = [player,'SafeZoneState',[1]];
				publicVariableServer 'PVDZE_send';
		player_fired2 = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_fired.sqf';
		player_fired = {_this call player_fired2;deleteVehicle (nearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4]);};
		player_zombieCheck = {};
		fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};
		fnc_usec_unconscious = {};
		object_monitorGear = {};
		player removeAllEventHandlers 'handleDamage';
		player addEventHandler ['handleDamage', {false}];
		player allowDamage false;
		_x = vehicle player;
		if ((_x isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_x isKindOf 'Air') || (_x isKindOf 'Ship')) then
			_szs = _x getVariable ['inSafeZone',0];
			if (_szs == 0) then
				_x removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired';
				_x addEventHandler ['Fired', {_this call player_fired;}];
				_x setVariable ['inSafeZone', 1, true];
				_x removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage';
				_x addEventHandler ['HandleDamage', {false}];
				_x allowDamage false;
		_cwep = currentWeapon player;
		if (_cwep in ['MAAWS']) then
			_swep = '';
				if ((getNumber (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _x >> 'Type')) == 2) exitWith
					_swep = _x;
			} forEach (weapons player);
			if (_swep == '') then
				player playActionNow 'PutDown';
				_iPos = getPosATL player;
				_radius = 1;
				_removed = ([player,_cwep,1] call BIS_fnc_invRemove);
				if (_removed == 1) then
					_item = createVehicle ['WeaponHolder', _iPos, [], _radius, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
					_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_cwep,1];
				player selectweapon _swep;
	_endSafeZone =
		if (isNil 'inNow') then
			if (str fnc_usec_damageHandler == '{}') then
				_msg = 'You left the Safe Zone!';
				hint _msg;
				taskHint [_msg, [1,0,0.1,1], 'taskFailed'];
			inNow = true;
			outNow = nil;
			if (LOG_EnterLeave) then
				_obj = vehicle player;
				_pos = getPosATL _obj;
				PVDZE_send = [player,'SafeZoneState',[0]];
				publicVariableServer 'PVDZE_send';
		player_fired = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_fired.sqf';
		player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf';
		fnc_usec_unconscious = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_unconscious.sqf';
		object_monitorGear = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\object_monitorGear.sqf';
		_x = vehicle player;
		if ((_x isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_x isKindOf 'Air') || (_x isKindOf 'Ship')) then
			_szs = _x getVariable ['inSafeZone',0];
			if (_szs == 1) then
				_x setVariable ['inSafeZone', 0, true];
				_x removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage';
				_x addeventhandler ['HandleDamage',{ _this call vehicle_handleDamage } ];
				_x allowDamage true;
		_end = false;
		if (isNil 'gmadmin') then
			_end = true;
			if (gmadmin == 0) then
				_end = true;
		if (_end) then
			player allowDamage true;
			fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf';
			player removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage';
			player addeventhandler ['HandleDamage',{_this call fnc_usec_damageHandler;} ];
	while {1 == 1} do
		_state = false;
		_obj = vehicle player;
		if (isNil 'inSafeZone') then { inSafeZone = false; } else { if (typename inSafeZone != 'BOOL') then { inSafeZone = false; }; };
		if (isNil 'canbuild') then { canbuild = true; } else { if (typename canbuild != 'BOOL') then { canbuild = true; }; };
		if (isNil 'USE_POSITIONS') then { USE_POSITIONS = false; } else { if (typename USE_POSITIONS != 'BOOL') then { USE_POSITIONS = false; }; };
		if (isNil 'USE_CANBUILD') then { USE_CANBUILD = true; } else { if (typename USE_CANBUILD != 'BOOL') then { USE_CANBUILD = true; }; };
		if (isNil 'USE_TraderCity') then { USE_TraderCity = true; } else { if (typename USE_TraderCity != 'BOOL') then { USE_TraderCity = true; }; };
		if (USE_POSITIONS) then
				_z = _x select 0;
				_r = _x select 1;
				if (_obj distance _z < _r) exitWith {_state = true;};
			} forEach _infiSZ;
		if (USE_CANBUILD) then
			if (!canbuild) then {_state = true;};
		if (USE_TraderCity) then
			if (isInTraderCity) then {_state = true;};
		if (_state) then
			inSafeZone = true;
			call _startSafeZone;
				if (!isNull _x) then
					if !(isPlayer _x) then
						deletevehicle _x;
			} forEach (_obj nearEntities ['zZombie_Base',15]);
			if (isNil 'USE_AI_REMOVER') then { USE_AI_REMOVER = false; } else { if (typename USE_AI_REMOVER != 'BOOL') then { USE_AI_REMOVER = false; }; };
			if (USE_AI_REMOVER) then
					if ((!isNull group _x) && (getPlayerUID _x == '')) then
						deleteVehicle _x;
				} forEach (player nearEntities ['Man',100]);
			inSafeZone = false;
		uiSleep 2;
		if (!inSafeZone) then
			call _endSafeZone;
if (USE_AntiSteal) then
	[] spawn {
		while {1 == 1} do
			if (inSafezone) then
				_cnt = {isPlayer _x && _x != player} count (player nearEntities [['CAManBase'], 3]);
				if ((_cnt > 0) && (!isNull (findDisplay 106))) then
					(findDisplay 106) closedisplay 0;
					closeDialog 0;
					_log = format['%1 You are not allowed to open Gear while near another player!',name player];
					cutText [_log,'PLAIN'];
					hint _log;
				uiSleep 2;
			uiSleep 0.1;


Clear Zeds:


if (isNil "canbuild") then {
    canbuild = true;

while {!canbuild} do {
            _entity_array = (getPos player) nearEntities ["CAManBase",50];
                if (_x isKindof "zZombie_Base") then {
                    deletevehicle _x;
            } forEach _entity_array;
            uiSleep 4;


Speed Limiter (Set to 50):


	speedlimit = [] spawn {
		_maxspeed = 50;
		while {!canbuild} do {
			waitUntil {vehicle player != player and !((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Air')};
			_vehicle = vehicle player;
			_curspeed = speed _vehicle;
			if (_curspeed > _maxspeed) then {
				_vel = velocity _vehicle;
				_dir = direction _vehicle;
				_speed = _curspeed - _maxspeed;
				_vehicle setVelocity [(_vel select 0)-((sin _dir)*_speed),(_vel select 1)- ((cos _dir)*_speed),(_vel select 2)];
			uiSleep 0.1;


I also have the sign.paa which is here: http://www.filedropper.com/sign


all the files except the safezone one is in a folder named "custom" the safezone is in the mission root


Hope this helps



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