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    Luna reacted to Thug in AI Skalisty Island, not so easy   
    UPDATED 2/20/2018
    Click here for files from Github
    Hello all
    I have been asked to post this so here goes. The island is surrounded by 20m high walls. Only 4 ways in, well you could try and land a heli,  There is two weapon creates and a lottery box behind the palace.
    M2s waiting to greet you.
    If you would like the files, please PM me and I will send them to you.  Don't forget to leave email in PM. I am looking to find a new way to post links since DropBox changed the way they share.
    You have to update the items in the crates to the new class names in Epoch  DONE
  2. Like
    Luna reacted to f3cuk in [Release] Anti Combat Log   
    Anti Combat Log
    Grew tired with the combat logging on our server and felt like I had to do something about it. What I came up with was actually pretty easy - and as such - has probably already been done loads of times before but since i couldn't find it -> here goes.

    What this does
    Whenever a player combat logs from the server ALL of his gear will be taken from his body and put in a crate right where he logged off. This way, when it was a malicious log, the other side has the possibility to get the (well deserved) gear. When it was an accident log, there is a good chance the box will still be there when the player logs back in and he can safely take his stuff back.
    Installation instructions
    1.) Unpack your dayz_server.pbo
    2.) Open compiles/server_onPlayerdisconnect.sqf

    private ["  
    Replace with

    private ["_removebackpack","_pos","_backpack","_weapons","_weapons_backpack","_magazines","_current_magazine","_magazines_backpack","_loot_box","  
    _playerPos = []; Add below
    _removebackpack = false;  
    _playerObj setVariable["NORRN_unconscious",true, true]; _playerObj setVariable["unconsciousTime",300,true]; diag_log format["COMBAT LOGGED: %1 (%2) at location %3", _playerName,_timeout,(getPosATL _playerObj)]; //diag_log format["SET UNCONCIOUSNESS: %1", _playerName]; // Message whole server when player combat logs _message = format["PLAYER COMBAT LOGGED: %1",_playerName]; [nil, nil, rTitleText, _message, "PLAIN"] call RE; Replace with
            _playerObj setVariable["NORRN_unconscious",true,true];         _playerObj setVariable["unconsciousTime",120,true];         _pos                 = getPosAtl _playerObj;         _backpack            = unitBackpack _playerObj;         _weapons            = weapons _playerObj;         _weapons_backpack     = getWeaponCargo _backpack;         _magazines            = magazines _playerObj;         _current_magazine    = currentMagazine _playerObj;         _magazines_backpack = getMagazineCargo _backpack;         _loot_box             = createVehicle ["USBasicAmmunitionBox",_pos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"];         clearMagazineCargoGlobal _loot_box;         clearWeaponCargoGlobal _loot_box;         {             _loot_box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];         } count (_weapons);         _magazines set [(count _magazines),_current_magazine];         {             _loot_box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];         } count (_magazines);         if (typename _weapons_backpack == "ARRAY") then {             _i = 0;             {                 _loot_box addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,((_weapons_backpack select 1) select _i)];                 _i = _i + 1;             } count (_weapons_backpack select 0);         };         if (typename _magazines_backpack == "ARRAY") then {             _i = 0;             {                 _loot_box addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,((_magazines_backpack select 1) select _i)];                 _i = _i + 1;             } count (_magazines_backpack select 0);         };         if(typeOf _backpack != "") then {             _loot_box addBackpackCargoGlobal[(typeOf _backpack),1];         };              diag_log format["COMBAT LOGGED: %1 (%2) at location %3 - DEBUG: Weapons: (%4 - %5) / Magazines: (%6 - %7) / Backpack: (%8)",_playerName,_timeout,(getPosATL _playerObj),_weapons,_weapons_backpack,_magazines,_magazines_backpack,_backpack];         _message = format["PLAYER COMBAT LOGGED: %1",_playerName];         [nil, nil, rTitleText, _message, "PLAIN"] call RE;         _removebackpack = true;         {             _playerObj removeMagazine _x;         } count magazines _playerObj;         {             _playerObj removeWeapon _x;         } count _weapons; Find
    [_playerObj,_magazines,true,true,_isplayernearby] call server_playerSync; Replace with
    [_playerObj,_magazines,true,true,_isplayernearby,_removebackpack] call server_playerSync;  
    3.) Open compiles/server_playersync.sqf

    private ["  
    Replace with

    private ["_removebackpack","
    Find _playerwasNearby = false; Add below
    _removebackpack = false; Find
    if ((count _this) > 4) then {     _playerwasNearby = _this select 4; }; Add below
    if ((count _this) > 5) then {     _removebackpack = _this select 5; }; Find
        if (_isNewGear || _forceGear) then {         //diag_log ("gear..."); sleep 0.05;         _playerGear = [weapons _character,_magazines];         //diag_log ("playerGear: " +str(_playerGear));         _backpack = unitBackpack _character;         if(_playerwasNearby) then {             _empty = [[],[]];             _playerBackp = [typeOf _backpack,_empty,_empty];         } else {             _playerBackp = [typeOf _backpack,getWeaponCargo _backpack,getMagazineCargo _backpack];         };     }; Add below
        if(_removeBackpack) then {         _playerBackp = ["",[[],[]],[[],[]]];     };  
    3.) That's it, save, close, repack and you're all set!
  3. Like
    Luna reacted to SadBoy1981 in [RELEASE] Christmas Tree on Chernarus Map!   
    You can find my post also in  A2: Custom Bases section, but now i want to share it here..
    Christmas tree must to be  not like just a custom base :) so here is my tree...
    All Trader zones and big cities on Chernarus..
    In init.sqf after
    if (isServer) then { add
    [] execVM "christmas\init.sqf"; Download files and put in your mission folder.
    Also mission file with mission.biedi 






  4. Like
    Luna reacted to Glenn in infiSTAR Safezones   
    If you have the latest version of the safezone script, then you have two ways of using it....  
    1.) Use the default tradercity info = no need to use the list of worldpositions
    2.) Use the custom location list = not going to listen to tradercity info and instead use your defined list of positions. 

    If you want to remove the Hero/Bandit protection, switch your defined variables at the top to be FALSE for the "Use Tradercity" options and then make sure you dont have the Hero/Bandit locations defined in the position list. 
  5. Like
    Luna reacted to sisquo007 in Cars with lost key   
    If u want to delete non key vehicles then run both. If u just want to unlock tem then just the second one.
  6. Like
    Luna got a reaction from blayr in [OLD] JAEM - Just another Evac-Chopper Mod v1.4 (Updated 06/14/2014) ** OUT OF DATE **   
    Are you sure you addet the 3 Battleye files that came with the script ?
    They look different to me....
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