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Posts posted by lesvieuxcrevards

  1. 19 hours ago, TheVampire said:

    It's located in the server.cfg

    forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; // Forces flight model. Default 0 (user config setting), 1 - forced AFM, 2 - forced SFM

    If yours is 0 then the user can decide what they want to use in their settings. If 1 or 2 they are forced to use the server setting.

    AFM = Advanced Flight Model

    SFM = Simple Flight Model

    Thank you

  2. 15 hours ago, TheVampire said:

    You can use that script and change spawn_settings.sqf.

    _HALV_forcespawnMode = 1; would force Halo only.

    _halv_spawn_startmode = 1; forces view to start on map screen.

    _halv_allowgearselect = false; disables gear selection.

    You can then customize the locations allowed to spawn on the map.

    I doubt you will find a script that only does Halo respawn itself.

    Thank you I will try to setup on my server

  3. Hi,

    I've read many messages/board about flight model : Standard or Advanced. Where to setup this parameter description.Ext or another file ? 3 values possiblesn I want force to simply mode (because some of players on my server are very wreck :wacko:)

    Best Regards.

  4. Nice idea when install will be done.

    1. It's nice mod. But it's always same city or random city on map ?
    2. A feature may more challenging : random numbers of AI/ AI Patrol in this case players can't be sure to have clean and secure  the area.
    3. Does it possible to add filter to limit vehicules/ammo/weapons for NPC ?
    4. Does it possible to have random gear for NPC ?
    5. Area market on map ?
    6. May be a bonus for capture the radio : some stuff to loot for players.
    7. AI Patrol are gound only or air too ?
  5. 1 hour ago, Ghostrider-DbD- said:

    Question 2: Yes, you should be able to add any additional items that you want those traders to sell.

    Question 3.1: Yes, in principle but it would require significant revision of the code. You would have to adjust the sizes of the dialogs.

    Question 3.2:  Yes, you can change them in the dialogs (tradedialog.hpp).

    Quesion 3.3: In principle yes but you would need to rework the code.

    Quesion 4: this enables or disables the ability of a player to move the dialog on the screen.


    Thank you @Ghostrider-DbD- I will work on points 2/4/3.2 it's easy simple paramters.

    I will try working on 3.1 but require hugh work to understand the code (an I don't have test server).

    I'm delaying (for unknown duration) point 3.3, it's more cosmetic fetaure than usefull.

  6. Hi,

    I've couple of questions on this mod :

    1. For pricing does it possible to have a selling price and a buying price ?
    2. To add missing  standard items included inside Arma3 and his extensions, I've only to edit "HSPrincing.hpp" and adding items with price ?
    3. About GUI :
      1. Does it possible to change size of GUI ? Where is located this parameter ?
      2. Does it possible to change fonts size ? Where is located this parameter ?
      3. Can i add subsection for items ? For example : have subsection by calibers of ammunitions ? Where is located this parameter ?
    4. Inside "tradedialog.hpp", I've discovered a paramter : moveingenabled=false; whate is purpose of this parameter? How does it work ?

    Best Regards.

  7. Hi,

    Does anyone can help me please with 'Advanced Urban Rappelling'

    1. I've put mod in /arm3/@AUR
    2. Added mod to my server start  : -serverMod="@AUR;"
    3. Edited my epoch.Altis\epoch_config\Configs\CfgRemoteExec.hpp to add required parameters : 

            class AUR_Hint
                allowedTargets = 1;
                jip = 0;
            class  AUR_Hide_Object_Global
                allowedTargets = 2;
                jip = 0;
            class AUR_Enable_Rappelling_Animation_Global
                allowedTargets = 2;
                jip = 0;
            class AUR_Play_Rappelling_Sounds_Global
                allowedTargets = 2;
                jip = 0;

    When I restart serer no issue, mod seem loaded : 

                                                 name |               modDir |    default |               origin |                                     hash | hashShort | fullPath
    13:42:51 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    13:42:51                          Advanced Urban Rappelling |                 @AUR |      false |             GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 |  11fdd19c | C:\SERVICES\ni1220404_1_SHARE\ftproot\arma3\@AUR
    13:42:51 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================

    When I'm trying rappeling from building, I got option to attach my rope, mu char is attached to rope in good position. Without do anything char falling and I've these messages inside log file : 

    13:50:53 "DEBUG: Invalid Vehicle Token, deleted 38a66080# 1815773: aa_01.p3d REMOTE"
    13:50:53 Server: Object 3:15 not found (message Type_170)
    13:50:53 Server: Object 3:16 not found (message Type_170)


  8. Hi,

    I've an issue with plaicing new structures : "Building disallowed: limit 4"

    Partial content of my CfgEpochClient.hpp file :


        buildingNearbyMilitary = 1; //1 to allow building nearby
        buildingNearbyMilitaryRange = 0; //Define radius of blocked area
        buildingNearbyMilitaryClasses[] = {"Cargo_Tower_base_F","Cargo_HQ_base_F","Cargo_Patrol_base_F","Cargo_House_base_F"};
        restrictedLocations[] = {"NameCityCapital"};
        restrictedLocationsRange = 0;
        buildingRequireJammer = 0;        //1 = require jammer to build
        buildingJammerRange = 500;         // jammer range in meters
        jammerPerGroup = 200;                // allowed number of jammers per group.
        jammerGLOnly = 0;               // allow only group leader to place Jammer
        minJammerDistance = 0;        // min distance to next Jammer
        maxBuildingHeight = 100;            // Max Height, building is allowed.
        buildingCountLimit = 3000;        //overall building limit in range of jammer (overridden if "useGroupCountLimits=1")
        storageCountLimit = 3000;        //overall storage limit in range of jammer (triggers only if "splitCountLimits=1" & "useGroupCountLimits=0")
        splitCountLimits = 1;            //1 = distinguish buildingCountLimit from storageCountLimit (ex.: buildingCountLimit=100, storageCountLimit=100 >> you can build 100 baseparts AND additional 100 storage objects like safes, lockboxes...)
        useGroupCountLimits = 1;        //1 = enable leader and member counts (doesn´t affect "splitCountLimits")
        buildingCountLeader = 1000;        //ignore if "useGroupCountLimits=0"
        buildingCountPerMember = 1000;        //ignore if "useGroupCountLimits=0"
        storageCountLeader = 100;        //ignore if "splitCountLimits=0" & "useGroupCountLimits=0"
        storageCountPerMember = 100;        //ignore if "splitCountLimits=0" & "useGroupCountLimits=0"
        maxdoors = 200;                    // Max allowed doors per Group
        maxgates = 200;                    // Max allowed Gates per Group

    Any one have idea about this issue ?

    Best regard.

  9. 22 hours ago, Rezusty said:

    Ok, now I see why everything went wrong.

    To edit a map you need to use maca134's M3Editor http://maca134.co.uk/portfolio/m3editor-arma-3-map-editor/

    You have to run it alongside Arma 3 before editing your map.

    When you are done with it, click on M3Editor tab at the top and choose Export All.

    This will open a window with all the code of your buildings (position, state, etc...)

    Simply choose copy and paste it to your text editor. Save your file and rename it from building.txt to building.sqf (or whatever you want to name it).

    Now you have to follow this small tutorial:

    Everything should work fine then.



    Thank you for your help

  10. Hi,

    I've tried to edit my map of my server (altis epoch), but after that, blackmarker vendor not working, and players joining servers no longer Civilian (but BOFOR). I've moved the edited mission file to original PBO  to get all scripts/addons.

    Any tips, guides, helps for map editing of server? 

    Best regards

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