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    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    LOL please do it.
    Do it.
    Do it.
    Do it.
    Do it.
    Do it.
    Do it.
    Do it.
    just put //maded with oldmatecho,hooty,cherdenko,salival,juandayz and dedicated to gernika
  2. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    @gernika LOL
  3. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Joelma's Time Control   
    @Bricktop the "PVDZE_plr_SetDate" in the script seems   been changed in the 1.6 publicEH.sqf by
    "dayzSetDate" addPublicVariableEventHandler { _newdate = _this select 1; _date = +(date); // [year, month, day, hour, minute]. //diag_log ['Date & time received:', _newdate, 'Local date on this client:', _date]; { if (_x != _newdate select _forEachIndex) exitWith { setDate _newdate; //diag_log ['Date has been reset. Local date on this client:', date]; }; } forEach _date; };  
  4. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in MySQL Event Scheduler & Base Maintenance   
    @kingpapawawa maybe this old post can help you.
    And the corresponding SQL script is:
  5. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Vehicles Lokced No Damage   
    i guess the errors become from the "sleep" command , S4M is working now to fix it. the way that scripts its executed not allow the sleep command.
  6. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Outdated][1.6.1 RELEASE] WORKSHOP UPDATED   
    added the id into the main post steps. TNKS!!!
  7. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Outdated][1.6.1 RELEASE] WORKSHOP UPDATED   
    download folder was updated with all fix mentioned by @Schalldampfer and @Grahame    04/12/17
  8. Like
    gernika got a reaction from salival in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    dedicate to me? ohh tnks hahaah
  9. Like
    gernika reacted to theduke in [RELEASE] Custom GUI / Menu UPDATED for 1061   
    Hi Epoch community,
    Have you ever wanted a way for players to be able to see your server rules while in-game?
    Are you tired of repeating yourself with simple answers to simple questions?
    Looking for a different way to deploy items or call certain scripts?
    Our community uses mostly scripts from this awesome epoch community. Its our time to give back :)
    I've decided to make a release version of my GUI for everyone to use.
    In the video, i have my community colors in the GUI, the release version I tried to match the zupa colors.
    I've received tremendous help from SHIX. Most of the credit goes to him for explaining to me how to do this.
    also, I've used the code he provided as a template and built this from that.
    He kindly allowed me to share with all of you
    Ok, now for the fun part.
    This is NOT for someone new to the world of epoch server management. (probly because of my instructions lol)
    This is NOT a plug-n-play addon. You must configure all the files and customize the menu
    I would strongly suggest you have a test server to be able to test it as you create new pages.
    Try one page to make sure it looks good, then go from there.
    If you want to change the colors of stuff, check out the options section before creating pages.
    I will do my best to explain to the best of my knowledge.
    I'm far from being a coder lol
    Tools required
    Notepad ++
    PBO Tool
    patience...with my instructions ;)
    TextView (optional)
    How to create new pages
    Known issues
    Many thanks to SHIX. Without him explaining this GUI stuff to me I wouldn't of made it lol
    Thanks to Kill Zone kids blogs, they are amazing to learn from.
    Thanks casual_jeff for the 1061 fix
    Hope you guys enjoy it.
    I will support this to the best of my knowledge :)
    Added keyboard.sqf for less confusion.  Thanks @RC_Robio
    Also added instructions on how to change button to open the menu
    Now with a github link also. Thanks @salival
  10. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Battlefield 2.0   
    1-dowload files from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Hx4yLjmp8cbEdNV1ZCSWJUeUU/view?usp=sharing
    2- paste the 4 files in dowload folder into \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\
    3-open your server_functions.sqf (located in \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\init\ )
    at very bottom add:
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\battlefieldselector.sqf"; 4-now open the battlefieldselector.sqf
    5-repack your dayz_Server.pbo
  11. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Battlefield 2.0   
    or just execute it as event, and change whatever do you want inside
  12. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in help nedded to add new vechiles   
    original post:
    About vehicles:
    open: \@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server\system\dynamic_vehicle.sqf
    you will see a large list with all vehicles allowed. see lines in blue at the end as example to how add one vehicle
    get vehicles ids from here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_OA:_Vehicles           https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Vehicles
    now you need add this vehicle in one of your trader menu.
    so open \MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\custom\CfgServerTrader\Category\FriendlyUtilityVehicles.hpp
    class UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1 { type = "trade_any_vehicle"; buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"}; sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"}; }; below add:
    class M1A1_US_DES_EP1 { type = "trade_any_vehicle"; buy[] = {8,"ItemGoldBar"}; sell[] = {4,"ItemGoldBar"}; };  
  13. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    i guess @Cherdenko @Hooty and @me,,  we agree that its you who must post it.
  14. Like
    gernika got a reaction from S4M in Vehicles Lokced No Damage   
  15. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Release] Restrict Building - ** Updated for **   
    @DieTanx or you can use the @BigEgg variable to restrict near of defined areas all objects included the fuel pumps
    RestrictedBuildingZones = [ ["Balota Airfield", [5158.72, 2518.75, 0], 600], ["stary", [6325.6772,7807.7412, 0], 600], ["bash", [4063.4226,11664.19, 0], 600], ["klen", [11447.472,11364.504, 0], 600], ["bandit", [1606.6443,7803.5156, 0], 600], ["hero", [12944.227,12766.889, 0], 600], ["whole", [4361.4937,2259.9526, 0], 600], ["air", [12060,12640, 0], 600] ];  
  16. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Vehicles Lokced No Damage   
    the donnovan old post. (
  17. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Battlefield 2.0   
    reading the script sounds like an addons spawns.. and thers a crate with loot.
    also thers 4 diferents battlefields,, and one function to select one..(i guess)  like an epoch event but a lil more complex.
  18. Like
    gernika reacted to heroesandbandits in Battlefield 2.0   
    I tried to follow these instructions, but it is really unclear what exactly to do. Can not get it to run.
    Can someone give Step by Step instructions just like for the other scripts. Basic instalation just to get it working.
  19. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Battlefield 2.0   
    @Bricktop i guess you can execute it with
    -in your server_functions.sqf at very bottom paste
    call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\battlefieldselector.sqf"; and into the battlefieldselector.sqf
    execVM format ["pram here\pram here\%1.sqf",_rand]; enter your paths.
    its something like:
    private ["_randomNumbers"]; _randomNumbers = floor(random 100); if (_randomNumbers <= 20) then { call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\BATTLE_F1.sqf"; }; if (_randomNumbers <= 40 && _randomNumbers > 21) then { call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\BATTLE_F1.sqf"; }; if (_randomNumbers <= 100 && _randomNumbers > 41) then { call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "z\addons\dayz_server\BATTLE_F2.sqf"; };
  20. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [VERY BASIC GUIDE] TO MAKE A NEW SCRIPT   
    mmm if i understand you well.. you can try it
    _rand_player = playableUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;//choose a random player and about the safezone,, i remember some time ago i give you a code in one of your posts to check the safezones, you can use it. so its looks:
    private ["DEFINE ALL VARIABLES HERE","",""]; _safezones = [[6325,7807,0],[4063,11664,0],[11447,11364,0],[1606,7803,0],[12944,12766,0],[4361.4937,2259.9526,0], [12060,12640,0]]; _safezonesRad = 150; _inSafezone = false; _rand_player = playableUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;//choose a random player _playerName = name _rand_player; /////////////CHECK IF THE RAND PLAYER IS IN A SAFEZONE {if (_rand_player distance _x < _safezonesRad) then { _inSafezone = true; }; } forEach _safezones; if((isPlayer _rand_player) && !_inSafezone ) then { [nil,nil,rTitleText,format["%1 is the rand_player",_playerName], "PLAIN",10] call RE; //your code here }else{ [nil,nil,rTitleText,format["%1 cannot be the rand_player cuz he´s in a safezone",_playerName], "PLAIN",10] call RE; //what happend if the rand player is in safezones. };  
  21. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [VERY BASIC GUIDE] TO MAKE A NEW SCRIPT   
    tnks duke! if u wanna add something please do it :)
  22. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [VERY BASIC GUIDE] TO MAKE A NEW SCRIPT   
    A very basic guide to make your own script:
    Feel free to complete this guide :)
    2-IN CASE U NEED ADD A ITEMS REQUIRED (more than one)
    *Now into the same script you will need check if this player have the item variable so:
    if (_hasitem) then { }; so the script can be:
    *Now at very top its time to define the private variables for this script so:
    private = ["name of variable","name of variable"];
    private = ["_hasitem"]; So at this time the script looks like:
    Here you will see how to remove more than 1 item: (   remember for remove only one item you can use player removeMagazine "FoodchickenCooked";  )
    item requiered:
    _hasitem = [["cinder_wall_kit",2], ["ItemWoodFloor",3]] call player_checkItems;
    to remove this items use:
    _remove = [["cinder_wall_kit",2],["ItemWoodFloor",3]] call player_removeItems; So now the whole script looks:
    Thers other way to say "you dont have the item required" see:
    if (!_hasitem) exitWith {cutText [format["You will need 2xcinder_wall_kit and 3xItemWoodFloor"], "PLAIN DOWN"];}; ***Note: the ! before the variable means  NOT   . So here the code say:  if player Dont Have (_hasitem) exitWith {};
    so now the script looks:
    Now whats about if u wanna put a time restriction to execute the script?
    well heres the structure:
    if(_Time < _LastUsedTime) exitWith { cutText [format["wait %1 seconds !",(round(_Time - _LastUsedTime))], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; But you need define what means _Time & _LastUsedTime variables  and need put where start to count.  So:
    _LastUsedTime = 1200;//time in seconds before use again the script
    _Time = time - lastuse; //"lastuse" is where you start to count and is equal to time so you need to put it immediately after the _hasitem variable is checked as fine...
    if (_hasitem) then { lastuse = time; }; Well now the whole script looks:
    Now you wanna put a random events into the script. You can use two ways:
    _randomCases = round(random(2)); switch (_randomCases) do { case 0 :{ //what happend here? }; case 1 :{ //what happend here? }; }; Or the other way:
    _randomNumbers = floor(random 100);//you can use any other number 100,200,50 if (_randomNumbers <= 30) then { //if randomNumbers is less or equal to 30 then //what happend here? }; if (_randomNumbers <= 100 && _randomNumbers > 31) then { //if randomNumbers is into 31 to 100 then //what happend here? }; So for the first example the whole script looks:
    And for the second example looks:
    _inventory = items player; _hastools = "ItemToolbox" in _inventory; if !(_hastools) exitWith { cutText [format["Must be equiped with 1x toolbox in your toolbet."], "PLAIN DOWN"];}; if (_hastools) then { }; So now the script looks:
    6-Allow The script only if player is an hero
    Now you want procced with the script only if player is an hero.. so:
    _PlayerHumanity = (player getVariable"humanity"); if (_PlayerHumanity < 5000) exitWith { cutText [format["Need be a hero"], "PLAIN DOWN"];}; if (_PlayerHumanity > 5000) then { }; So the whole script now is:
    Whats about if u wanna put a coins cost to execute it?
    _costs = 200; if !([ player,_costs] call SC_fnc_removeCoins) then { titleText [format["Needs %1 %2.",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1]; } else { titleText [format["Pay %1 %2 for this",_costs,CurrencyName] , "PLAIN DOWN", 1]; }; So now script looks:
    8-Nearest Required
    Now a nearest required from an objet or AI.
    _playerPos = getPosATL player; _nearestRestriction = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["TK_CIV_Woman01_EP1"], 4] > 0; //TK_CIV_Woman01_EP1 is an AI id if (_nearestRestriction) then { }; you can use it  to execute scripts only into plot area...
    for example:
    _playerPos = getPosATL player; _nearestRestriction = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], 30] > 0; if (_nearestRestriction) then { }; or to restrict if is present
    for example if is a plot pole in the area you cant execute the script
    _playerPos = getPosATL player; _nearestRestriction = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], 30] > 0; if (_nearestRestriction) exitWith { cutText [format["Not in plot area"], "PLAIN DOWN"];}; }; So now the script is:
    in negative case.. (if u cannot execute the script if the objet plot area is present then the script must be):

    9-Give something to the player
    here you can use:
    player addMagazine "item id"; so for example if u wanna give gold money then:
    player addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz"; if u wanna give coins money then:
    _add = [player, 1000] call SC_fnc_addCoins; if u wanna give a random item then:
    _add = ["ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","HandGrenade_west","ItemSodaEmpty"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; player addMagazine _add;  
    So for the 1st example script looks: (give gold)
    for the 2nd example looks: (give coins)
    for the 3rd example (give random item)
    10-Create a small function
    Now you need use random events and repeat a large or medium secuence.. to not write twice.. use a small functiion.. see:
    ///Function function_spawncrate = { _cratemodels=["USBasicWeapons_EP1","LocalBasicAmmunitionBox"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _variete = ["ItemSodaOrangeSherbet","HandGrenade_west"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _stone = ["CinderBlocks","MortarBucket","PartOreSilver"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _wood = ["PartPlywoodPack","PartWoodPile","PartWoodLumber"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _farm = ["FoodchickenRaw","FoodCanCorn","FoodrabbitRaw","ItemKiloHemp","FoodCanCurgon"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _aiweapon = ["M16A2","M4A1"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _crate1 = objNull; if (true) then{ _this = createVehicle [_cratemodels, [8352.9189, 5950.7417, -3.0517578e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _crate1 = _this; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate1; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate1; _crate1 addWeaponCargoGlobal [_aiweapon, 1]; _crate1 addmagazinecargoglobal [_variete, 2]; _crate1 addmagazinecargoglobal [_wood, 5]; _crate1 addmagazinecargoglobal [_stone, 3]; _crate1 addmagazinecargoglobal [_farm, 3]; _crate1 setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; }; sleep 400; deleteVehicle _crate1; }; ////////////////////////////////END FUINCTON  
    script looks:
    other way is call an external script into main script see:
    [] execVM 'path\to\external\script.sqf'; so the variant to not make the small function as above is call this external.sqf 
    your main.sqf
    and you can put into external.sqf same codes as function_spawncrate
    11-Some "Commands"
    sleep  ( you can use it to leave in "stand by" your script for some seconds )
    example: ( wait 40 seconds and proceed to delete a crate called _crate1 )
    sleep 40; deleteVehicle _crate1; also you can use a variable to define the time and make wait the variable with sleep command:
    _wait_time = 40; sleep _wait_time; deleteVehicle _crate1; Other way to let the script in "stand by" is use waitUntil command.
    for example wait for nearest player from an objet:
    _distance = 10; waitUntil {(player distance _xobjet) < _distance}; //proceed with the rest of the script so with waitUntil also you can wait to complete some conditions as above, where script wait for player 10 mts near the _xobjet
    removeAllWeapons player;  //leave a player without weapons
    removeBackpack player;  //without backpack
    {player removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines player;  //without items
    player setVariable['USEC_BloodQty',12000,true]; //set blood amount on player
    r_player_infected = true; //infect player
    [player,-100] call player_humanityChange;//modify humanity of the player
    12-Count amount of item _
    Now you need count how many items had this player in his inventory, to stop giving same item for example if thers more than 2
    _bloodbagAmount = {_x == "ItemBloodbag"} count magazines player; if (_bloodbagAmount > 2) exitWith { cutText [format["WARNING: %1, YOure Full of bloodbags", name player], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; 13-Leave the script if player is in combat
    if (dayz_combat == 1) exitWith { cutText [format["IN COMBAT."], "PLAIN DOWN"]; }; 14-Attach to
    _player = player;//create a _player variable _mark = "RoadFlare" createVehicle getPosATL _player;//create a roadflare called _mark with the same location of _player _mark attachTo [_player, [0,0,0]];//attach _mark to _player with 0/0/0 axis values In this case we create a "RoadFlare" in the _player position and proceed to attach it with the player
  23. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    another thing , we forgot restrict the disconection from server if player are tied up.  we can set this player in combat to not allow this action
    _body setVariable ["startcombattimer", 0, true];  
  24. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Outdated][1.6.1 RELEASE] WORKSHOP UPDATED   
    nice spot!  open upsmallhouse.sqf
    find this line
    _classname = "MAP_bouda2_vnitrek"; change by:
    _classname = "MAP_deutshe_mini";  
  25. Like
    gernika reacted to Grahame in [Outdated][1.6.1 RELEASE] WORKSHOP UPDATED   
    Hi @juandayz I mentioned in my server thread earlier that I had altered the weapons spawned in the supply crate dropped from scanning the Workshop's antenna, but gave no details. The default traders on my server (who's price lists were stock 1.0.6) had different classes for some of the weapons in the crate so I changed lines 64-70 of craftfrecuency.sqf to:
    //weapon lists _weapon = "DMR_DZ"; _weapon2 = "AK74_DZ"; _weapon3 = "L85_Holo_DZ"; _weapon4 = "RPK74_DZ"; _weapon5 = "M14_DZ"; _weapon6 = "M249_DZ";  
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