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    gernika reacted to juandayz in DayZ Epoch Server add custom loot crate   
    And if u wanna have control over the time when the crate spawn and send msg to the players.. you can do the following.
    use this code with your own coords
    spanwcrate.sqf  (mpmissions\your instance\custom\)
    now open your init.sqf
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf"; below paste:
    //customcrate _spawncrate = [] execVM "custom\spawncrate.sqf"; //
  2. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in DayZ Epoch Server add custom loot crate   
    do you wanna spawn a crate into a bandit town? in diferents locations after each server restar, but allways into the area of this bandit town?
    if is it.. first you will need define some coords to mark the center of this bandit town.. for example
    but if u wanna spawn this crate in some random location around the map then i guess u can use the sytax of epoch events
  3. Like
    gernika reacted to ElDubya in DayZ Epoch Server add custom loot crate   
    if (isServer) then { _vehicle_999999 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["TKVehicleBox_EP1", [16434.813,18326.1,4.5776367e-005], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_999999 = _this; _this setDir 20; _vehicle_999999 setVariable ["ObjectID","1",true]; _vehicle_999999 setVariable ["permaLoot",true]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _this; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10]; }; }; Change this for the co-ords of where you want your box to spawn : [16434.813,18326.1,4.5776367e-005]
    Change this to whatever type of box you want : "TKVehicleBox_EP1"
    Change this to alter what spawns in the box :  _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
    You can add more lines for more items : 
    _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
    _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
    _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
    _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
    If it's a weapon, you'll need to change addMagazineCargoGlobal to addWeaponCargoGlobal
    Save that whole thing as lootbox.sqf (or whatever you like)
    Stick it in a "custom" folder in the server.pbo and add this line to the bottom of your server_monitor.sqf (above publicVariable "sm_done";) to spawn it :     [] ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\custom\lootbox.sqf";
  4. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Deploy Anything by Mudzereli   
    All credits for @mudzereli
    i just upload again the old version for all guys who still needs this.
    New version for epoch 1.6.1  here:
    1-you will need a custom compiles.sqf (If u already have one skip it)
    2-Download the folder from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1ayhd8dpagz9a0s/deployAnyDropthefolderinsidetoyourmpmissions-instance-.rar
     VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! paste the "overwrites" and "addons" folders into mpmissions\your instance\
    3-Now open your custom compiles.sqf
    4-open your init.sqf again
    the install its done.
    Now if u need add some click actions open : \MPMissions\your instance\addons\bike\ config.sqf
    follow the original guide into this file to know how add new click actions.
  5. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Deploy Anything by Mudzereli   
    @harcosgoogle , @gernika here you got the right click actions for 1.5
  6. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Dynamics Map Addons   
    You can use something like this to spawn your snow army
    spawnsnow.sqf (mpmissions\instance\custom\)
    Open init.sqf and find:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf"; bellow paste:
    //snow _spawnsnow = [] execVM "custom\spawnsnow.sqf"; //
  7. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Dynamics Map Addons   
    @Jim90 or you can use it as event.. just replace this lines with your snowman  id
    and the loot items on the crate.
  8. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Dynamics Map Addons   
    i think @Jim90 are talking about this snowman army or something like this
    _baserunover = createVehicle ["MAP_snowman",[(_position select 0) - 5, (_position select 1) + 16,-0.12],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _baserunover setDir 0; _baserunover setVectorUp surfaceNormal position _baserunover;  
  9. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Outdated][1.6.1 RELEASE] WORKSHOP UPDATED   
    Nice spot
    also you can use half_cinder_wall_kit   to do it with a 1/3 of cinder wall.
    or more realistic
    _hasitem = [["itemTent",2],[ItemCanvas,2], "ItemPole"] call player_checkItems;
    _removed = [["ItemTent",2],[ItemCanvas,2], "ItemPole"] call player_removeItems;
  10. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Dynamics Map Addons   
    Use this extructure to get different loot places/map addons  , then your map will be look diferent on each server restar.
    1-Place all your mapaddons into dayz_server/maps/
    2-in your server_functions.sqf at very bottom paste:
    Note: you can add any amount of map addons just change the random numbers.
    example if u have 10 files of map addons:
    OPTIONAL!!!! (prevent issues with not included addons/buildings)
    in mission.sqm  find:
    change by:
  11. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    _AttachtoStick = true; in false. to not get attached to the pole.
    And youre right. reading the script ,, we forgot write the deteach from stick.
    if (_AttachtoStick) then { detach _body;};  
  12. Like
    gernika reacted to Jejeleponey in [Making Tie Up] with a lil help of my friends.   
    I've added this part to the script, work fine now !
    Thanks again
  13. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in communal Bans.txt   
    45671ffdd1ee17b3622a787b83e91c37 -1 [LunatiK] Hacker (Teleport) [perm] 23/4/17
  14. Like
    gernika reacted to Robert261171 in communal Bans.txt   
    Dont Know if there is a communal Bans.txt so I thought I would start one and share what I have so far,
    Need to keep these hackers out of our servers..
    This is all I have so far but its a start...
    a4bea4d7dbbb76f645e85b8774735555 -1 Hacking bases
    2c99db4a1c3d97a2fed6c80cfc4b6143 -1 Hacking bases
    304d1cc2182db4925a97edaec5ef7a1c -1 Hacking bases
  15. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in communal Bans.txt   
    good idea It is a shame that you did not put it in the tools section, or server install section to make it more accessible.
  16. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Epoch 1061 Clean up Scripts   
    BEGIN DELETE FROM character_data WHERE Alive = 0; DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Damage = 1; END fn_clean.bat
    echo Cleaning Server Database cd\ cd C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u YOURUSER -pYOURPASS dayz-epoch --execute="call cleanPlayersandVeh()" or just enter as a query the
    DELETE FROM character_data WHERE Alive = 0;
    DELETE FROM object_data WHERE Damage = 1;
    and execute manually.
  17. Like
    gernika reacted to DieTanx in Need Help with 4 Scripts   
    Where would this be added? i would love to test this feature out  for the humanity gain/loos buying
  18. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Need Help with 4 Scripts   
    change the item and the id for made the mozzie script.
    Mozzie and gyro ids
    PartVRotor  PartEngine
  19. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in 1.6.2 [Remote Lock/Unlock Veh] USING KEYBOARD.sqf   
    Hey @WLF sory for the issues...
    1-well see about the veh_handleDam.sqf works for me in my test server,  any way.. gonna test in other server to see what happend.
    *If u want, just use the @S4M way or @BigEgg way.. just remove the veh_handleDam.sqf from remote_key folder to not enlarge your mission file.
    2-About your second question... Yup its true. The engine cant turn on, if vehicle is locked.. the cause? this line:
    if(!locked _vehicle) then {
    if u wanna add the option to turn on the locked vehicles you can try replace this line by
    if ((!locked _vehicle) or (locked _vehicle)) then { or just remove the whole line and his last braket.
    3-Helicopters... honestly i dont test it.. and dont know whers the issue become.. but for now.. you can remove the option on helis in this line:
    _objects = nearestObjects [getPos player, ["LandVehicle","Helicopter","Plane","Ship"], 50];
    Hope its help you mate.
  20. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in 1.6.2 [Remote Lock/Unlock Veh] USING KEYBOARD.sqf   
    @WLF  in veh_handleDam.sqf
    use this line
    if (((locked _unit && (count(crew _unit)) == 0))) exitWith{};
    and remove this
    if (((locked _unit && (count(crew _unit)) == 0))) then { _unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; _unit enableSimulation false; }else{ and the last bracket.
    @Cherdenko  tnks for it.
  21. Like
    gernika reacted to Hooty in 1.6.2 [Remote Lock/Unlock Veh] USING KEYBOARD.sqf   
    Forgot to reply back sorry. Everything is working perfectly now thanks @juandayz 
  22. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in Hacked Vehicles   
  23. Like
    gernika reacted to Bricktop in Hacked Vehicles   
    !! I claim no credit for this and have no idea who thought of it first !!
    It's just some code added to the server_monitor.sqf  to create vehicles with custom weapons. 
    To install:
    Open path: dayz_server.pbo\system\server_monitor.sqf
    Find this block of code:
    Below it place this:
    (This code should be customized to fit your server - I have a militarized server)
    1) These vehicles do NOT spawn with custom weapons when you buy them. 
    2) You must wait for the server to restart before they become armed.
    3) You wont see the weapons after restart - Just get in press F and shoot!
    Here's a small video preview: 
    Here's the list of vehicles included in the code:

    Armed Little Bird with - yakb + 2a70 + flarelauncher

    Armed An2 with - m3p + ffarlauncher + flarelauncher

    Armed tractor with - twinm134 + d30

    Armed mv22 with - M197 + 80mmLauncher

    Armed Bus with - GSh301

    Armed pook amphib with - GSh302 + m119 + flarelauncher

    Armed KORD with - M168

    Armed ATV with - twinm134

    Armed SUV with - m230

    Armed C130J with - mlrs + m168
    Happy Hunting :)
  24. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in 1.6 Safezone   
    try adding below of this:
     if (_end) then
    uiSleep 30;
  25. Like
    gernika reacted to juandayz in 1.6 Safezone   
    please paste your whole 16_safezone.sqf here
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