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Posts posted by JasonTM

  1. I have uploaded the fix for the exploding patrol vehicles.  Just replace the whole file called vehicle_patrol.sqf. For some reason the update to CfgAISkill in 1.0.7 is causing the driver and the gunner to exit the vehicle when shot at. This fix prevents them from leaving the vehicle.


    Remember that the vehicle is designed to go up in flames by setting damage to full when both the driver and the gunner are dead. If you do not want the vehicle to do this then edit function wai_monitor_ai_vehicles. Take out the setDamage part.



    So it's like this:

    wai_monitor_ai_vehicles = {
    		local _vehicle = _x;
    		if (alive _vehicle && ({alive _x} count crew _vehicle > 0)) then {
    			_vehicle setVehicleAmmo 1;
    			_vehicle setFuel 1;
    	} count _this;


  2. 5 hours ago, deik said:

    hello. guys tell me how to run one of the three files randomly when restarting the server. now it runs ExecVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\sector.sqf";, and I need to have sector.sqf, sector2.sqf, sector3.sqf. sorry for my English, I use online translation.

    ExecVM format["\z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\static\%1.sqf",(["sector","sector2","sector3"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom)];

  3. I don't think those particle definitions work in Arma 2. A2 uses the universal particle effects.

    The way to accomplish a moving tornado would be to spawn an AI with the invisible skin and attach your particle source to the AI. Have the AI move through the list of waypoints. You would need a fail-safe like a timer in case the AI's movement was blocked by something.

  4. If you comment out the line then you are disabling that feature of the anticheat. I put that in there on purpose because Epoch Admin Tools is based on commanding menus. You need to read what the kicks say. The kicks are for additional commanding menus on that mod. Add them to the array like the other one. Like this:

    #define MENUS ["","RscTeam","RscMainMenu","RscGroupRootMenu"]

    Look through the files for that mod and see if there are any other commanding menus to white list. Testing should not be done on a live server if possible.

  5. 59 minutes ago, Hux said:

    My players are still getting kicked when using Tilde ~ or Backspace keys.

    I installed new file and added: #define MENUS ["","RscTeam"]

    The reason I thought it was working before was that I had antiCheat disabled (commented out in init) to test but once I enabled it my players got kicks again.

    Any ideas?



    What does the server rpt say?

  6. 17 minutes ago, jackal40 said:

    Hmmm, not getting back to what I am looking for. Before I installed the Admin tools, the HUD/debug monitor just displayed icons of the players health, hunger, blood, etc. Those are what I am trying to get back. Commenting out the debug line just left no hud at all - I was hoping that would bring back those icons.

    Any suggestions?

    Are you referring to the status icons in the lower right of the screen? The admin tools shouldn't disable those. They can be toggled off and on with the F3 key in game.

  7. 1 hour ago, jackal40 said:

    Thanks Jason - commenting out that line did remove the EAT Debug monitor, but I haven't figured out what file has the original debug or how to call it.

    The debug monitors are in the same folder: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/Epoch-Admin-Tools/tree/TestBranch/AdminTools/DebugMonitors

    You just have to modify the line so that it references the other file. So instead of:

    #include "\z\addons\dayz_server\adminTools\DebugMonitors\debugMonitor2.sqf"

    you have:

    #include "\z\addons\dayz_server\adminTools\DebugMonitors\debugMonitor.sqf"


  8. 11 hours ago, jackal40 said:

    Thank you for these tools, they are working quite well.

    I would like to disable to debug manager and use the default - but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that.


    For regular players, the debug is loaded at the bottom of the anticheat here: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/Epoch-Admin-Tools/blob/TestBranch/AdminTools/AntiCheat/antiCheat.sqf#L99

    For admins/mods it is loaded near the bottom of the activate.sqf file here: https://github.com/worldwidesorrow/Epoch-Admin-Tools/blob/TestBranch/AdminTools/Admin/activate.sqf#L51

    You can comment out the lines to disable the debug or change the file name to use the old style debug monitor.

  9. The mission file is defined here: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server Files/DZE_Server_Config/11_chernarus.cfg#L36

    It doesn't sound like the server is set up correctly.

    At the top of your server rpt, there should be an entry like this. It will show you what is being loaded.

    == C:\path\arma2oaserver.exe  -port=2302 "-config=C:\DZE_Server_Config\2_chernarus_winter.cfg" "-cfg=C:\DZE_Server_Config\basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\DZE_Server_Config" -name=server "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"


  10. Those mod names don't sound correct. Check the names of the mods you have in your Arma 2 OA directory. It should be more like @panthera; @DayzOverwatch; @DayZ_Epoch;

    By default, I think that DayZ Launcher sets the directory as the my documents folder but that should be changed in settings and the files moved to the Arma 2 OA directory.

  11. Superadmin has the Base Manager function which still does not work with vectors. It also has the ability to spawn buildings on the map while in game. This is not a good feature to use on a live server because you have to make exceptions for all of the buildings in createVehicle.text. Otherwise, superadmin has the same features as regular admin.

  12. Your server rpt tells you where to look.

     9:26:20 Error in expression < _pos;
    _truck setVehicleLock "locked";m
    _truck setVariable ["CharacterID","9999">
     9:26:20   Error position: <_truck setVariable ["CharacterID","9999">
     9:26:20   Error Missing ;
     9:26:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\fuelstationbomb.sqf, line 73

    You can see on line 72 that you have a rogue "m" after the semicolon. That is where it's bombing.

  13. That anti-cheat was originally written by ebayShopper to work with DayZ Vanilla Mod and DayZ Epoch. It is very restrictive by default, but if you choose to add 3rd party scripts which modify the checked variables/handlers, then you will have to comment out the lines. The checks are meant to be coupled with effective Battleye filters. I'm not sure what you mean by pros/cons, but disabling anti-cheat measures means that cheaters can potentially modify settings on their clients.

    BTW, you should be using this safezone script: 


  14. On 12/30/2019 at 3:20 PM, Free4oK said:


    I set "setViewDistance" to 4000, but it is still 1600 on the server. Even in "server.ArmA2OAProfile" file "viewDistance" returns 1600. And I have already found out about "gdtmod_grass" (thanks for the reply anyway) - at least I can disable it on my client to enjoy the nature.

    Where are you running setViewDistance? This command is run on the client, not the server.

  15. On 12/25/2019 at 2:11 PM, Free4oK said:

    Hello. I have set up DayZ Epoch server, but I can't change view distance and increase grass density.

    I have tried "setViewDistance 2000;" and "setTerrainGrid 12.5;" in mission "init.sqf", but that didn't help.

    setViewDistance definitely works. You might not notice a difference with only 2000 meters. You cannot increase the grass density in DayZ Epoch because  of the gdtmod_grass 1.00 patch.

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