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Posts posted by Corpulio_Hun

  1. On 2017. 06. 07. at 7:27 PM, Thug said:

    Has anyone got the Origins buildings from working with

    I have a Taviana server up with Origins, Overwatch and Epoch 

    I have the Origins Vehicles working.  Just can not get a handle on the houses.

    how to have u origins vehicle to work? pls write tis me! thx

  2. On 2017. 05. 18. at 11:06 AM, Schalldampfer said:

    It's here.

      Reveal hidden contents

    _randomCases = round(random(3));
    switch (_randomCases) do {    
            case 0 :{
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemSapphire";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemSapphire";
            case 1 :{
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemAmethyst";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemEmerald";
            case 2 :{
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemRuby";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemEmerald";

    In this code, random(3) will create value between 0 and 3, which will be "round"ed to 1 - 3.

    So, the reward is selected from case 1, case 2 and case 3 - here, case 3 does not exist.

    To fix this, change case 0 to case 3


    okay, i chang and not work. When i go in the body then finish the event. So what is wrong now?

  3. Hi,

    Death body and marker is there, but nothing in the body inventory. Maybe i do something wrong?


    private ["_spawnRadius","_spawnMarker","_position","_positionarray","_mainpos","_markerRadius","_marker","_this","_center_1","_bodygroup","_deathcorpseskin","_randomCases","_despawn_timer",

    _spawnChance =  0.70; // Percentage chance of event happening
    _spawnRadius = 5000;
    _spawnMarker = 'center';
    _position = [getMarkerPos "center",0,5500,10,0,2000,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    _positionarray = [
    [(_position select 0) - 84.5, (_position select 1) - 21,-0.012],
    [(_position select 0) - 70, (_position select 1) - 20,-0.012],
    [(_position select 0) + 45, (_position select 1) + 25,-0.012],
    [(_position select 0) + 96, (_position select 1) - 14,-0.012],
    [(_position select 0) + 49, (_position select 1) + 17.5,-0.012],
    [(_position select 0) + 38.5, (_position select 1) - 16,-0.012]
    _mainpos = _positionarray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _markerRadius = 350; // Radius the camp can spawn and used for the marker

    if (isNil "EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING") then {
    // Check for another event running
    if (EPOCH_EVENT_RUNNING) exitWith {
    diag_log("Event already running");


    // Random chance of event happening
    _spawnRoll = random 1;
    if (_spawnRoll > _spawnChance) exitWith {};


    _marker_on_radius = createMarker ["bodycorpse",_position];
    _marker_on_radius setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _marker_on_radius setMarkerType "Cricle01";
    _marker_on_radius setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
    _marker_on_radius setMarkerAlpha 0.8;
    _marker_on_radius setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _marker_on_radius setMarkerSize [(_markerRadius + 50), (_markerRadius + 50)];

    _marker = createMarker ["DeathLostBody", _position];
    _marker setMarkerText "Death Lost Body";
    _marker setMarkerType "mil_circle";
    _marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
    _marker setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _marker setMarkerSize [0.1, 0.1];

    _this = createCenter civilian;
    _center_1 = _this;
    _bodygroup = createGroup _center_1;
    _deathcorpseskin = "INS_Lopotev_DZ";
    _deathcorpse = objNull;
    _deathcorpse = _bodygroup createUnit [_deathcorpseskin, [(_mainpos select 0) + 2, (_mainpos select 1) + 2], [], 1, "NONE"];
    [_deathcorpse] joinSilent _bodygroup;
    _deathcorpse playMove "AidlPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_SleepA_death";
    removeAllWeapons _deathcorpse;
    removeAllItems _deathcorpse;
    _randomCases = round(random(3));
    switch (_randomCases) do {    
            case 0 :{
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemSapphire";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemSapphire";
            case 1 :{
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemAmethyst";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemEmerald";
            case 2 :{
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemBriefcase100oz";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemRuby";
        _deathcorpse addMagazine "ItemEmerald";

    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"THERS A DEATH LOST FIND A REWARD IN HIS BODY","PLAIN",7.5] call RE;    

    _despawn_timer = 500;
    _missiontimeout = true;
    _cleanmission = false;
    _playerPresent = false;
    _starttime = floor(time);
    while {_missiontimeout} do {
        sleep 10;
        _currenttime = floor(time);
        {if((isPlayer _x) && (_x distance _deathcorpse <= 20)) then {_playerPresent = true};}forEach playableUnits;//check for nearest players
        if (_currenttime - _starttime >= _despawn_timer) then {_cleanmission = true;};
        if ((_playerPresent) || (_cleanmission)) then {_missiontimeout = false;};



    if (_playerPresent) then {
    waitUntil{{isPlayer _x && _x distance _deathcorpse > 300  } count playableunits > 0};
    deleteVehicle _deathcorpse;
    deleteMarker _marker_on_radius;
    deleteMarker _marker;
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Death Body Lost has been finished", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
    sleep _despawn_timer;
    deleteVehicle _deathcorpse;
    deleteMarker _marker_on_radius;
    deleteMarker _marker;
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"Death Body Lost has been finished", "PLAIN",10] call RE;



  4. 2 hours ago, Kimarik said:

    Hi .  I have updated the 




    Past the new one into your.

    Now it will work



    For me this one is working fully:



    private ["_cost","_wealth","_humanity"];

    _cost = 400000;
    _wealth = player getVariable[Z_moneyVariable, 0];
    _humanity = player getVariable["humanity", 0];

    if (_humanity >= 25000) exitWith {"You have reached the maximum humanity we can provide" call dayz_rollingMessages;};

    if (_wealth < _cost) then {
        cutText[format["You need %1 coins to change your Humanity!",_cost], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
        player setVariable[Z_moneyVariable, (_wealth - _cost), true];
        titleText["Your Humanity has been changed!","PLAIN DOWN"];
        titleFadeOut 5;
        sleep 0.1; [500,0] call player_humanityChange;



    private ["_cost","_wealth","_humanity"];

    _cost = 400000;
    _wealth = player getVariable[Z_moneyVariable, 0];
    _humanity = player getVariable["humanity", 0];

    if (_humanity <= -25000) exitWith {"You have reached the minimum humanity we can provide" call dayz_rollingMessages;};

    if (_wealth < _cost) then {
        cutText[format["You need %1 coins to change your Humanity!",_cost], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
        player setVariable[Z_moneyVariable, (_wealth - _cost), true];
        titleText["Your Humanity has been changed!","PLAIN DOWN"];
        titleFadeOut 5;

        sleep 0.1; [-500,0] call player_humanityChange;


  5. 11 hours ago, juandayz said:

    @Corpulio_Hun if lag = lowers fps .. you can use something like (this is an old antidupe)


     private ["_abortVGmenu","_fps","_validfps"];
    _fps = round(diag_fps);
    _validfps = 10; //put any other value to get the top of restriction
    while {true} do {
        _abortVGmenu = false;
        if (diag_fps <= _validfps) then {
            _abortVGmenu = true;
        if( !isNull (FindDisplay 106) ) then {
            if (_abortVGmenu) then {
                (FindDisplay 106) closeDisplay 1;
               sleep 1;
                systemChat format["VG Menu was closed by low value in fps: %1",_fps];//put your own text
        uisleep 0.2;

    ***the FindDisplay 106 must be changed by the VG menu number.  @theduke knows what i talking about

    -go to your init.sqf  find:

    if (!isDedicated) then {

    somewhere into this section paste:

    [] execVM "VGantidupe\VGantidupe.sqf";

    Can u tell me pls what number is "findDisplay"?


  6. hi,

    I have a big problem with VG. When the server have a lag (some player have always lag because dont have good pc), u multiple hit "get vehicle " button(u use makro button in mouse), then duplicate VG  the vehicle but multiple time. Only one key open ca 5-6 same time spawned vehicle.

    Someone have the solution? I need this quick! A half server player duplicate the vehicle :(

    Pls help me. Thx!



  7. hi all,

    I have a problem with cloth changing in epoch!

    When player change cloth,then duplicate the bacpack content. How can i resolve this problem?

    Thx for the help! :)


  8. Okay i have it! Virtual garage work now with remove thermal!

    DePbo dayz_server


    open with notepad++ server_spawnVehicle.sqf and find:

    clearWeaponCargoGlobal  _object;
    clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _object;

    Below it add:

    	if (_object isKindOf _x) then {
    		_object disableTIEquipment true;
    } forEach vehsRemoveThermal;


    and save it and done!


    P.s.: First u need install virtual garage and upper things put in , this -->

    In your init.sqf, paste the following code:

    vehsRemoveThermal = [];

    In your server_monitor.sqf find:

    [_object,"damage"] call server_updateObject;

    Below it add:

    	if (_object isKindOf _x) then {
    		_object disableTIEquipment true;
    } forEach vehsRemoveThermal;

    In dayz_server\compile\server_publishVehicle2.sqf, find:

    clearWeaponCargoGlobal  _object;
    clearMagazineCargoGlobal  _object;

    Below it add:

    	if (_object isKindOf _x) then {
    		_object disableTIEquipment true;
    } forEach vehsRemoveThermal;


    Done - any vehicle you enter into vehsRemoveThermal will not have thermal.



    vehsRemoveThermal = ["HMMWV_m998_crows_M2_DES_EP1"];

    And thx for BigEgg!!!


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