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FastPoint Gaming

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Posts posted by FastPoint Gaming

  1. NOT True , for instance , check out Fastpoint Gamings forum ATM , the ship sank ..... , so it makes a big difference !!! :blink:


    The ship hasn't sank at FastPointGaming.


    Ricky is in a bad place for personal reasons at the moment, we are eagerly awaiting his return at which point a lot of rebuilding will be in order.

  2. After reading what you all had to say I think it would be a good idea for me to reach out to some of the script developers who post here regularly to see if they would do a drop in on a video, maybe a different dev for each video. I'll send some messages around and see who would be willing to work with us in order to better educate the community

  3. I already checked this tool, it's an awesome work but it's not what i need for my website. I just want to sort a table with best AI killers from desc. A simple request in the database (local, my website is host on the same dedicated server). Thing is, if zupa succeed to see the stats of the player i should be able too, but i can't see any informations in RedisDesktopManager.




    You need to use a server sided language such as PHP to extract the relevant keys from the reds database, then populate your table based on the results.


    Take a look at the predis library for php, this will get you started with querying the database.


    I made a thread a while ago with some basic example using a different library called  TinyRedisClient. You can see my examples

  4. Too many places/people are charging excessive fee's for installing/setting-up what is publicly available to everyone (Scripts/Mods) so we have decided to offer the community a 'class' once or twice a month where we will go over various publicly available scripts showing you how to install them and some important information to keep in mind whenever installing scripts/mods.


    All of this will be completely free of charge and will be open to everyone, I will probably stream my pc for all to view over twitch or some other platform as well as be on teamspeak to answer any questions or assist with confusion.


    Our aim from this is to better educate people on how to take the open sourced scripts/mods and implement them into their server. Please note however this is not an installation service, if you expect to join one of the sessions and have everything installed for you this will not be the case.


    I'm basically looking for a general idea of numbers in terms of how many people would join in on such a session, as well as best times/days for people so I can look to set dates for sessions.


    Let me know what you guys think.




  5. The first logo/ nav bar is tricky to insert as that grey bar flickers on and off so you have to be quick. Once you manage to get it dropped in place its quiet smooth and easy. Nice job!




    Yeah I know what you mean, still early days yet however so that's something I'll improve :)

  6. Are you supposed to be able to drag the header and nav bar over to the webpage ? If so they nothing is happening and doesn't work in any browser I use.. IE 11 & chrome.


    Drag them near the top, watch for a light grey bar appearing, that's when you know they're in the correct place. You build from the top and then work your way down

  7. Hi Everyone,


    Thought I would let you all in something that we're working on at the moment: Website Builder


    While this is still in the very early stages of development I thought it would be a good idea to let you guys (The Community) see one of our many projects as well as get an idea of how many people would find use for such a tool?


    You can find a small demo of the builder HERE


    If you have any suggestions for this tool or any questions please drop them here and I'll get back to you :)




    Kind Regards,


  8. Download redis-cli.exe - http://redis.io/download


    Here's a batch script that will copy your dump.rdb to a new location:

    @echo off
    set root=C:\A3
    set arma3bkpath=D:\backups
    set Redispass=123
    set RedisIP=
    set RedisPort=6397
     :: Set Time and Date
        for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') do set "dt=%%a"
        set "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & set "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & set "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & set "DD=%dt:~6,2%"
        set "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & set "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & set "Sec=%dt:~12,2%"
        set "datestamp=%YYYY%%MM%%DD%" & set "timestamp=%HH%%Min%%Sec%"
        set "fullstamp=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec%"
        SET BACKUP_FILE=Epoch-%fullstamp%.rdb
    D:\redis-cli -h %RedisIP% -p %RedisPort% -a %Redispass% save
    copy "%root%dump.rdb" "%arma3bkpath%\%BACKUP_FILE%"
    Just run that every 15 minutes for example using the windows scheduler.
    some of this was taken from the rotate-logs script however modified.
  9. Thanks guys, this leads to my next question.... If I change server host will I still be able to retain my current DB so current players wont lose everything


    Providing that the host of your choice uses the default database structure (Most do) then yes you can. You can export your database in phpmyadmin like Gr8 said then simply import via the new host's phpmyadmin.


    if you're unsure what your doing I'm sure if you ask the new host to import a backup for you they will.


    Good luck!

  10. Found a problem with you registration system.


    You are allowed to use special characters in the password during registration, but on the login page the password field doesn't accept special characters. I sent an email to [email protected].


    My account is registered and verified, but I cannot log in with the password I chose during registration due to the special character. I cannot see an option to reset or recover my password anywhere either.


    Received your email, I'll make a password recovery option as well as stopping the special character issue. I'll reply here once the update is pushed live.

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