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FastPoint Gaming

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Posts posted by FastPoint Gaming



    maxmemory 4gb
    save 900 1
    save 300 10
    save 60 1000
    requirepass MYPASSWORD


    Try this:

                function uniqueUsers() {
                    $client = new TinyRedisClient( 'localhost:6379' );
                    $auth = $client->AUTH( 'MYPASSWORD' );
                    $value = $client->GET( 'PLAYERS:6379' );
                    $object = json_decode($value, true);
                    $number = count($object);
                        return $number;
                $uniquePlayers = uniqueUsers();
                echo $uniquePlayers;
  2. I use Windows Server 2008, not linux.




    I did this:

                function uniqueUsers() {
                    $client = new TinyRedisClient( 'localhost:6379' );
                    $value = $client->GET( 'PLAYERS:6379' );
                    $object = json_decode($value, true);
                    $number = count($object);
                        return $number;
                $uniquePlayers = uniqueUsers();
                echo $uniquePlayers;

    and thats it. Changed nothing in TinyRedisClient.php


    Can you send me the contents of your redis.conf as well?

  3. Hi,


    is there any possibility to work with PHP and Redis?

    I want to programm a User-Control-Panel, but Redis seems very difficult to work with.


    So is it as easy as it is with MySQL?

    Because everytime I close Redis-Server the .dat disappears.




    Search is your friend :)


    You can request code there also.

  4. yea u can use that ,, but hosters dont want u to know this cos  they run the main TCadmin on a big server with other game servers on to save money, and may lag them out


    when really they should have TCadmin on a main server by its self


    Not necessarily,


    Our master server only runs our TCAdmin and custom database control panel.

  5. So for my server to restart every 4 hours It will be...

        <!-- Restart Server -->
        <job id='5'>

    And my TCAdmin "should" start the server back up after... I will give this a try I guess :)


    And I guess this: <start>040000</start> means it will shutdown after 4 hours of running and not at 4am / 4pm? Just wanted to make sure before trying :)


    I believe so, and yes 040000 is 4 hours of running time.

  6. I'm with a hoster using TCAdmin would I need to just do...

        <!-- Restart Server -->
        <job id='5'>

    If I do something like   <cmd>shutdown</cmd>  would that shut down the server and then TCAdmin starts it again by its self or do I have to use a .bat?


    I believe so, though we don't use that method as we perform other tasks along side these events

  7. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    	<!-- Give 30 minute warning -->
    	<job id='0'>
    		<cmd>say -1 Server restart in 30 minutes</cmd>
    	<!-- Give 15 minute warning -->
    	<job id='1'>
    		<cmd>say -1 Server restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
    	<!-- Give 10 minute warning -->
    	<job id='2'>
    		<cmd>say -1 Server restart in 10 minutes</cmd>
    	<!-- Give 05 minute warning -->
    	<job id='3'>
    		<cmd>say -1 Server restart in 05 minutes GTFO</cmd>
    	<!-- Give 01 minute warning -->
    	<job id='4'>
    		<cmd>say -1 Server restart in 01 minutes</cmd>
    	<!-- Restart Server -->
    	<job id='5'>
  8. You can use a .bat file to handle the starting of your server, then after you start the sever call a .bat file responsible for BEC.


    BEC\Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc


    call D:\arma2oaserver.exe -Slots=40 -port=2412 "-config=cfgdayz\config.cfg" "-cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg" "-profiles=cfgdayz" "-BEpath=BattlEye" -name=cfgdayz "-mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"
    start D:\bec.bat
  9. From looking at your redis.conf file and your EpochServer.ini, I see the database port is


    But in your redis.conf you're not specifying the port therefor it will run on the default port of


    Try changing the redis.conf file to specify the port to match what the server is trying to connect to:

    port 23423
    maxmemory 4gb
    save 900 1
    save 300 10
    save 60 1000
    requirepass PASSWORDHERE
  10. Is it possible that there is another server on their network with the instance ID: Developer Test.


    Also by looking at the error you sent me: 

    Fault address:  65798C1F 01:00017C1F C:\TCAFiles\Users\dzrealkiller\71\@EpochHive\EpochServer.dll

    And the BattlEye path in your EpochServer.ini:

    BattlEyePath = C:\TCAFiles\Users\dzrealkiller\77\Battleye

    One has a service ID of 71 and the other of 77, is this correct?

  11. This is all I have, Its strange tho It crashes every...

    3am, 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm11pm, (UK Times)

    4am8am, 12am, 4pm, 8pm, 12pm,(France Times)

    Without fail.. The weird thing is we have reinstalled the whole server fresh.. and it still do it. Its only my server tho..


    The below crash is 4pm France Time.. My server Is In France... just thought this little comment could help.. I dunno :(


    Mods: @EpochHive

    Distribution: 0

    Version 1.36.128579

    Fault time: 2014/12/10 04:00:14

    Fault address:  65798C1F 01:00017C1F C:\TCAFiles\Users\dzrealkiller\71\@EpochHive\EpochServer.dll

    file:     epoch (__cur_mp)

    world:    Altis

    Prev. code bytes: 83 C4 04 85 C0 74 09 50 E8 CF 75 02 00 83 C4 04

    Fault code bytes: 83 3F 06 75 35 C6 03 00 8B 57 14 80 3A 00 75 0D


    EAX:00000000 EBX:00B6C22C


    ESI:00B6C230 EDI:00000000


    SS:ESP:002B:00B6C104  EBP:00B6C210

    DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B



    note: Minidump has been generated into the file SC\arma3server_2014-12-10_01-45-22.mdmp


    Never seen the EpochServer.dll be the fault before.

    Can you send me the contents of your epochserver.ini (Remember to remove and passwords before posting).

    Also if you have access, your redis.conf

  12. Yeah I am already planning this :)

    <!-- this job will start at 23:59:00 (11:59 pm) and will only run once a day at set time -->
    <job id='0'>
    <cmd>say -1 Testing In Game Warning System!</cmd>

    This code Is literally just to test I had BEC working :) Once we get my server running correctly I can then adjust all of these for the exact reason you mentioned "if you manually restart your server, your restart times are not out of sync with your scheduler


    Yeah we use the Schedule Tasks to manage restarts, For me this just seems easier :) I may learn about how to run the restart via BEC I guess it would be better that way I can restart at 11:05:20 for an example If I wished :) I just like how fast and easy to setup restart are using the Schedule tasks :)


    You could use an external batch files to handle the restarts like we do.


    	<!-- Restart Server -->
    	<job id='5'>

    This way your restarts can never be out of sync with the restart messages. Ask swiftnode if they can do something like that for you. If not let me know and I'll supply you with a batch file

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