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Posts posted by DaveA

  1. Odd as mine works with "inventory" there tho it came from El Dubya's work not directly mine, so I am not sure what else offhand that needs to be changed. There may be other instances where that word needs to be changed I guess. Hope it goes well adding P4life.

  2. I re-read it and it doesn't actually say that the person that built the plot pole actually put their name on the plot, so I was making sure that part was done as it isn't intuitive that the person that built it also has to be on the plot in order for it to work. However, since you are saying that the person is on there will need to look in another direction.

    From the github instructions


    STEP 8 This one is in your dayz_server.pbo (Modifying server_monitor.sqf)
    8 A

    _object setVariable ["ObjectID", _idKey, true];

    After that, add

    if (typeOf (_object) == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ") then {
    _object setVariable ["plotfriends", _intentory, true];

    8 B

    if (count _intentory > 0) then {

    Replace that with

    if ((count _intentory > 0) && !(typeOf( _object) == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ")) then { [/spoiler]


    In 8b change intentory to inventory if you haven't done that. If that doesn't work we'll have to look a bit further. I gotta run to class so will check back later. 


  3. Ahh, well I don't have a direct answer for you as I haven't run into that before tho I think I read about it. But, I think you'll need to look at your vector install for some reason it isn't carrying over the angle. Maybe missed a step in there. Comb thru the posts or google for it. 

  4. The problem is that may not be your only error. We really need to see the launch parameters and probably the rest of it tho it looks like you need to copy your addons folder from arma 2 to arma2oa. If it is still there please post the very first part of your login attempt along with the server details you are trying to join. I've quit using the launcher lately but you may try using the advanced tab on it. Just add them in the correct order Overwatch first then Epoch. Also if the server has Origins you''ll need to launch that first then Overwatch and Epoch last.. Gotta head to work for now go luck.

  5. You'll need to find your arma2oaserver.rpt file and look at that. It will show you what is happening. Anything that that says "error" or "missing" try using a search engine to see if you can find the answer. If not you can paste it here using a spoiler button so others can have a look at it. There is also another report on your home computer called arma2oa.rpt that saves stuff from the client sometimes that is really helpful too when tracking down these problems.

  6. None of the last stuff there you posted would keep you out of the game. You'll need to empty out your report and retry to join again one time. Then copy paste the whole report here using a spoiler button or dropbox or something similar. things you can try first-

    -verify your install through Steam

    -verify your mod order, for Overpoch you'll need your launch parameters to be   "-mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;" without the quotes. be sure to change them to match your folders ie your dayz folder may be called dayz_epoch1051.

    -go to your appdata folder C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\MPMissionsCache and delete the files here.

    You also may be getting kicked for your battleye not updating you can google how to fix this if this is happening. It will show up at the lower left corner of the server screen jsut before it boots you.

  7. Ok I finally found where it was hiding in dayz_code.pbo under actions then player_usemeds.sqf


    private ["_item","_id","_onLadder","_hasmeditem","_config","_text"];
    _item = _this;
    call gear_ui_init;
    _onLadder =        (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
    if (_onLadder) exitWith {cutText [(localize "str_player_21") , "PLAIN DOWN"]};

    _hasmeditem = _this in magazines player;

    _config = configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _item;
    _text = getText (_config >> "displayName");

    if (!_hasmeditem) exitWith {cutText [format[(localize "str_player_31"),_text,"use"] , "PLAIN DOWN"]};
    switch (_item) do {
        case "ItemBandage": {
            _id = [0,0,0,[player]] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\bandage.sqf";
        case "ItemMorphine": {
            _id = [0,0,0,[player]] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\morphine.sqf";
        case "ItemPainkiller": {
            _id = [0,0,0,[player]] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\painkiller.sqf";
        case "ItemAntibiotic": {
            _id = [0,0,0,[player]] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\antibiotics.sqf";
        case "ItemBloodbag": {
            _id = [0,0,0,[player]] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\self_transfusion.sqf";
        case "ItemHeatPack": {
            player removeMagazine "ItemHeatPack";
            dayz_temperatur = (dayz_temperatur + 5) min dayz_temperaturmax;
            cutText [localize "str_player_27", "PLAIN DOWN"];


  8. Heatpacks aren't working atm on my server. So far I haven't had any luck finding where in the code the call for using them is. 

    So far I've looked thru most of the mission files fn_selfactions, variables, compiles. The server files like server_monitor, server_functions. The arma 2oa files which is where I thought I would find them especially under dayz_code.pbo or dayz_epoch.pbo I haven't gound anything there listing the "itemheatpack". In the dayz_code.pbo there is even a folder for medical but heat pack isn't listed.

    I am not sure if I am lam looking for heatpacks in all the wrong places or whether I am looking for the wrong name. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    (edit) Also i tried looking thru the files on the github and don't see heatpacks there tho I believe they were a part of the original dayz so them may just be using that code.

  9. Empty your .rpt's and get fresh ones go thru them looking for the errors. Or you can just scroll down to get to the newest logins but I always found it easier to just empty them out. Use a search engine on them or pieces of them to find answers as most of these have popped up before.  

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