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Posts posted by GH-SQ-DELTA

  1. hey 




    I only ask what needs the aia pack cause ive made some map alterations for Altis but the following things don't show up







    and a few others , I thought perhapse they may need the AIA pack to work



    Also is there a script to spawn an aircraftcarrier in A3 Epoch as ya could in  Day Z epoch ive seen a mission for A3  that adds and aircraft carrier






    Hey ho,

    1. The only thing you have to do, is to start the Game without AiA Pack, and the Editor doesnt show the AiA Building.

    2. i know that in the AiA Pack is a Aircraft Carrier, is splitted in 7 Parts (or 6 or 8) you have to build together in the Editor. its a little bit tricky but possible.





  2. Sorry guys but the next update is delayed. I am trying to stuff a bunch of new code and features in that I haven't had time to test anything yet and there are still issues.

    I'll do my best to try to get it done this weekend and release it.


    You dont need to excuse... its you free time an we all thanks you 4 your work.  :)

    i will wait 4 the next Update and think it will be great.



    DELTA  B)

    I can add support for MAS Weapons with auto detection of the addon.
    Will not be implemented in the next update, but I write it on the "to do" list.

    Greez KiloSwiss



    It would be very cool, i reworked all the Crates and Boxes, because i dont want to spawn the "mas Weapons" all over the World, want to force the Players to Play the Missions to become the "mas Weapons"

    but i know its not the Major Step for you and its ok, your Mission System is awesome  :) and i can wait...... but not to long  :lol:  :P  :lol:  *JOKE*

    One question, if its ok. are you from Switzerland (because your NickName)





  4. Hey Mates,


    I try to reconfig my Crates, but i have a Probelm.

    4 Example into the crate spawn list i add 2 Weapons like "m4a3" and maybe "m249" what ever... 

    if the crate spawns, there are 2 "m4a3" and 5 "m249" in there, where can i set, that every item spawn only one time so if i add 1 "m4A3" and 2 "Magazines" only this 3 items spawn ???
    I want add a lot of Wepaons from @mas with about 5-10 Magazines per Weapon, but ever only 1 Weapon.

    Thx 4 help.



  5. if magazines are added, without designating a specific location, they will go to whatever available space the unit has.

    Yeah, thats correct.

    But, we know that the Ai doenst have a Backpack (Vampire didnt implement that to time, i ask 4 an few sides before), and the EPOCH Clothes doesnt have space for loot... so the only thing the loot can spawn is the Vest  ;)

  6. Hey together....    :D


    Vampire i have a Problem with This Code Change it to the Same Like my Welcome Messages, but at the Second Mission spawns i become a Error Message like, Custom fonds does not support, change to ARMA Standard.
    Its an font from your Picture Vampire, whats the Problem ?


    And since 1.0.0c with same config no Crate spawn and you can stay in front of a AI, they doesnt react on me or an other Player.

    I changed the Group 3 to 12 to test but it spawn only 4 AI Soldiers in 1.0.0b i have 13 AI Soldiers with many Firepower... does we have a Group Limit ? 


    //Vampire Mission Framework

    "VEMFChatMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    [((_this select 1) select 0),"align = 'center' size = '0.85' font=PuristaBold' color = '#FF8E13'],
    [((_this select 1) select 1),"align = 'center' size = '0.75' font=PuristaMedium' color = '#FF8E13']
    ] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;
    VEMFChatMsg = nil;


    Changed box:

    // Load Random Loot Amount

    for "_i" from 1 to ((floor(random 25)) + 25) do {


    changed File in Mission pbo.


    Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework Config by Vampire

    If you paid for this script, they are breaking the license terms.
    If you paid to have this installed, I suggest you get a refund.

    VEMF: https://github.com/SMVampire/VEMF

    /* Mission Config */
    // VEMF Debug Settings:
    // Creates a lot of RPT Entries, turn off after debugging
    VEMFDebugLocs = false;
    VEMFDebugAI = false;
    VEMFDebugFunc = false;

    // AI Group Count per City
    // Default is 3 Groups
    VEMFGroupCnt = 3;

    // Punish Players who Run Over AI?
    // Causes 10% Vehicle Damage per AI Runover
    VEMFPunishRunover = true;

    // Dynamic Crate Loot?
    // Blacklist Still Applies
    VEMFDynCrate = false;

    // Crate Loot List
    // (DynCrate must be off)
    VEMFLootList = [

    // Blacklist Crate Loot
    VEMFCrateBlacklist = [

    // Min & Max Mission Times (Will Be Made Better)
    // Time is in Minutes
    // Min Must Be Less Than Max
    VEMFMinMissTime = 5;
    VEMFMaxMissTime = 25;

    // Timeout (No Players Near)
    // Time in minutes
    VEMFTimeoutTime = 20;

    // Enable Timeout?
    // In false waits forever
    VEMFTimeout = true;

    // Announce to Last Killer or to Near Players?
    // Distance in Meters. 0 for Last Killer option.
    VEMFMissEndAnn = 0;

    // Mission Name Array
    VEMFMissionArray = ["DynamicTownInvasion"];

    // Custom Addon Array (Don't Touch Unless You're Positive)
    // What is your addon script name?
    // Example: Caves.sqf
    VEMFAddon = [""];

    // Blacklist Zone Array -- missions will not spawn in these areas
    // format: [[x,y,z],radius]
    // Ex: [[06325,07807,0],300] //Starry Sobor
    VEMFBlacklistZones = [

    /* AI Config */

    // Generate Dynamic Weapon List?
    // If True WeaponLists Below Ignored
    // Recommended to Use With Blacklist
    VEMFDynWeapons = false;

    // Required Kill Percentage
    // Example 0.80 (80%)
    VEMFRequiredKillPercent = 1.0;

    // Blacklisted Weapons
    VEMFWepBlack = [

    // AI Headgear Array
    // 39-70, 74-92, Festives
    VEMFHeadgearList = [

    // AI Uniform Array
    VEMFUniformList = [

    // AI Vest Array
    VEMFVestList = [

    // AI Rifle Array
    VEMFRiflesList = [

    // AI Pistol Array
    VEMFPistolsList = [

    /* ======== Do Not Modify Below ======== */
    diag_log text format ["[VEMF]: Configuration File Loaded!"];
    VEMFVersion = "1.0.0c-PreAlpha";


    anithing wrong ?  :unsure:


    - Text, i thinks its ok with the Hotfix Release to time, One Mission without any Errors...
    - Box spawn again, have loot an the Message shows too... cool thanks, it works
    - But the AI doesnt fight with me, no reaction... nothing, rund habby cross the Town   :blink:




  7. Game Crasht when i click on Save...


    Think you Have Windows 8 or 8.1 you need to right click on all the .dll and .pbo Files and allow this. after that it works.


    In German:

    (Also alle Dateien anklicken mit rechtsklick und dann rechts unten im Fenster auf zulassen klicken, dann sollte es funktionieren)


    regards, DELTA

  8. Wanted to go more in-depth with this.

    I felt that just giving the AI vests felt more realistic.

    Real soldiers don't carry packs in battle unless they are required to, but always have a vest.

    I also felt adding a bag to pretty much every AI would be too overpowered to the player base. A backpack to me seems a little rarer than most.

    I rather see rarer items be in the crates as a chance instead of being on every other AI. I might change it in a future version.


    Weapon attachments were just a feature I hadn't added yet. Yet again to not flood the servers with attachments, i'm probably gonna make it something like a 1/5 chance of an AI having one random attachment.


    Glad all of you are enjoying the mod. :P


    Ok, i understand this  ;)

    I know its not your Priority, but it would be very Cool, if can decide it by myself if the Ai has Backpacks and Attachments or not... but i cant do it, i need you  :D


    by the way, i am an Ex German Military Police Sergeant and let me say, we have BackPack at Patrol in this we have a bit water, food maybe ammo and definitely Medical Supplies because if you have bad luck the Medic needs houres to arrive you. You are many Miles from the Next Base and the Streets are not so good like Home and German Medevac dosnt fly under to much Fire. :mellow:

    you throw the BackPack to the Floor under Fire to minimize the target or use as an cover.


    regards, DELTA  B)

  9. Hey Vampire,
    Big THX 4 This Script, Works Great 4 me.
    But i Have 1 question.
    That is my config File in the Spoiler, Works Great, i have Add a Example for Attachments and Backpacks (big and indigo) Is it Possible to add a funktion that this Code works ?

    Sorry for my english, but Greetings from good old Germany  :D 

    // AI Headgear Array

    // 39-70, 74-92, Festives
    VEMFHeadgearList = [

    // AI Uniform Array
    VEMFUniformList = [

    // AI Vest Array
    VEMFVestList = [

    // AI Rifle Array
    VEMFRiflesList = [

    // AI Attachment Array
    VEMFAttachmentsList = [

    // AI Pistol Array
    VEMFPistolsList = [

    //AI Backpack Array
    VEMPFBackpackList = [

  10. Hey, 

    Big THX 4 The Tool !

    I have 1 Question.
    Try to add Buildings from AiA Terrain Pack without (_F) at teh End, like the Hedgehog, but they dont spawn.
    Try to add the Addons from AiA Pack to this Line in my Mission.sqm:

    #define _ARMA_
    //Class epoch.Altis : mission.sqm{
    version = 12;
    class Mission
    addOns[] = {"A3_Soft_F_Car","A3_Soft_F_Quadbike...............................   <--- here
    addOnsAuto[] = {"A3_epoch_config","a3_map_altis"};
    nothing happend, all other Buildings with (_F) spawn.
    Can anyone help me ?
    can it be, that i need to add "@AllInArmaTerrainPack" to the Server Parameters ?
    Sorry 4 my bad english, i am from Germany.
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