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Major Khunt

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Posts posted by Major Khunt

  1. this is the thread i used to get them working.

    i think all i had to do was add the blowout folder to my mission pbo and read through the script making sure all paths correctly lead to the blowout folder.

    add the variables to my init.sqf and call the blowout init.sqf from there then add whats needed to description.exe

    but its all in that thread.

  2. panthera only has one city thats the problem. i posted a fix sum wer in this thread


    // Get a list of towns
    // Shouldn't cause lag because of the infrequency it runs (Needs Testing)
    _townArr = nearestLocations [_cntr, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital"], 30000];
    change to 
    // Get a list of towns
    // Shouldn't cause lag because of the infrequency it runs (Needs Testing)
    _townArr = nearestLocations [_cntr, ["NameVillage","NameCity"], 30000];
    sum wer around line 150 VFunctions.sqf
  3. the epoch team are currently working on panthera so is it worth ur time learning all this or are you just doing it fun? 

    yup you will need to make your own mission through the editor and learn how to edit alot of things to get it working. there are a few panthera servers currently running, there may even be a dino running about!

  4. trying this on an unsupported map panthera3 so feel free to skip this post.

     below is the last message i get before sem goes dark and no missions start.


    14:27:54 "#SEM DEBUG: World Data ("Panthera3" [-2,[5192.21,4994.37,0]]) received, waiting for missions to start"
    14:27:54 "#SEM DEBUG: Online players: 0"
    14:27:54 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_init
    14:27:54 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
    any tips?
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