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Posts posted by cheech

  1. to get rid of the smoke just remove this part of the code:

    Flare = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position player;
    		if (vehicle player != player) then { Flare attachTo [vehicle player,[0,0,0.]];}
    		else {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0.]];}
    The effects should be visible if you have ppeffects enabled in your Video Options

    Yeah, you´re the greatest, SchwEde!

    From what should i knew else that those ppe´s have to enabled first...LOL

    now the effects working as i like to have em:D

    for the kicks, i have to relog as normal player and check my logs..

    million thanks! now the odysse is over after almost 3 weeks ;-)


  2. ok just for my understanding:

    Are the plants stored in the database?

    Are the plants spawned on server restart new and on random directions?


    If the plant is not stored in the database, then there is no reason for this code:


    [_objectID,_objectUID] call server_deleteObj;
    other then that, its even missing some content and should give some errors.


    BTW: Why there is not an option to cancel the farming process when moving? This could come in handy in some situations, just sayin' ^^



    The missing ; is in line 30 after the last }

    else {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0.]];} << here add a ;

    Nice one SchwEde, congrats, the missing ; was it!

    Which plants u mean, the fiberplant, or the kilohemp?

    None of these seems to be in my database. i have commented the line out.

    the script runs now, but the only thing i see is the smoke of a green flare.


    also if i join as normal player, i get directly banned..why?

    i really like to see those effects. would that ever be possible???


  3. both new files you given dont work.

    now i even cant harvest with right click on plant, nor i can smoke it...

    error msg directly appears when i try to right click on hemp or knife

    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\smokeshit.sqf, line 31
    Error in expression <else {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0]];}
    ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration">
      Error position: <ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration">
      Error Missing ;
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\smokeshit.sqf, line 31 
  4. omg,

    i was trying to use the same effect on the hookah bong,

    wrong error msg..sorry, my bad...

    here´s the correct one, there we can see why GR8´s version does not work on my server...


    Error in expression <icle _weed;
    [_objectID,_objectUID] call server_deleteObj;
    _weed setDamage 1;
      Error position: <server_deleteObj;
    _weed setDamage 1;
      Error Undefined variable in expression: server_deleteobj
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\hemp.sqf, line 31
    Error in expression <lse {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0.]];}
    ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration">
      Error position: <ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration">
      Error Missing ;
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\smokeshit.sqf, line 31
    Error in expression <lse {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0.]];}
    ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration">
      Error position: <ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration">
      Error Missing ;
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\smokeshit.sqf, line 31

    here´s the hemp.sqf  


    put together for DayZ Epoch
    Credits to Shogun338 from Insurrection gaming
    modified for separate "gather weed" script
    private ["_gearmenu","_playerPos","_nearWeed","_weed","_objectID","_objectUID"];
    _playerPos = getPosATL player;
    _hempqty = {_x == "ItemKiloHemp"} count magazines player;
    _nearWeed = count nearestObjects [_playerPos, ["fiberplant"], 4] > 0;
    _weed = nearestObject [player, "fiberplant"];
    if !(_nearWeed) exitWith {
    cutText [format["You need to be near the weed plants in order to gather."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if (_hempqty > 6) exitWith {
    cutText [format["WARNING: %1, You have maximum amount of weed in your inventory! You could get arrested by the police ;)", name player], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    if (dayz_combat == 1) then {
    cutText [format["You are in Combat and Cannot Gather the Weed."], "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
    _gearmenu = FindDisplay 106;
    _gearmenu CloseDisplay 106;
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    r_interrupt = false;
    sleep 6;
    _objectID = _weed getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
    _objectUID = _weed getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
    deleteVehicle _weed;
    [_objectID,_objectUID] call server_deleteObj;
    _weed setDamage 1;
    player addMagazine "ItemKiloHemp";
    sleep 2;
    cutText [format["You've Gathered Some Weed! Smoke that shit or sell it at Drug market dealer!!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];

    here´s the smokeshit.sqf

     [] spawn {
        hint "You just smoked a huge blunt! And you are high now as crazy fuck! (lasts 90 seconds)";
        player removeMagazine 'ItemKiloHemp';
        player setDamage 0;
        r_player_inpain = false;
        r_player_injured = false;
        dayz_hunger    = dayz_hunger + 0.4;
        dayz_thirst = dayz_thirst + 0.4;
        r_player_lowblood = 	false;
        dayz_sourceBleeding =	objNull;
        player setVariable ["USEC_injured",false,true];
       {player setVariable[_x,false,true];} forEach USEC_woundHit;
        player setVariable['medForceUpdate',true,true];
        Remove_Drug_effects =
    		{ppEffectDestroy _x;} forEach (_this select 0);
    		ppEffectDestroy ppe2;
    		ppEffectDestroy ppe3;
    		setaperture 0;
        _time = time;
        _effects = [];
        player playMoveNow "ActsPercMstpSnonWpstDnon_sceneBardak01";
        while {true} do
    		Flare = "SmokeShellGreen" createVehicle position player;
    		if (vehicle player != player) then { Flare attachTo [vehicle player,[0,0,0.]];}
    		else {Flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0.]];}
    		ppe2 = ppEffectCreate ["chromAberration", 1555];
    		_effects = _effects + [ppe2];
    		ppe2 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.25,random 0.25,true];
    		ppe2 ppEffectCommit 1;
    		ppe2 ppEffectEnable true;
    		ppe3 = ppEffectCreate ["radialBlur", 1555];
    		_effects = _effects + [ppe3];
    		ppe3 ppEffectEnable true;
    		ppe3 ppEffectAdjust [random 0.02,random 0.02,0.15,0.15];
    		ppe3 ppEffectCommit 1;
    		sleep random(1);
    		if (_time + 90 < time) exitWith {[_effects] call Remove_Drug_effects;};

  5. My method is very simple with only 1 player. No need for any transferring of items or logging out. you can do it 100% of the time. But if you do it too quickly the 'fix' catches you. You just have to wait for the vault to finish locking completely before you perform the dupe. if you try to dupe while it is 'processing' it catches you. sometimes.


    EDIT: After further testing it turns out this glitch isn't a 'dupe'. I can actually generate any number of coins i choose. It has nothing to do with the inventory of the vault


    cant simply get your method.  explain how to test that.



  6. Short answer, no.



    LOL. like that short answer...  but could we all know why not?  thx


    now i also got that client side RPT error:

    Error in expression < "PartVRotor";
    if (_damage >= 1 && (_part == "PartEngine" || _part == "PartV>
      Error position: <_part == "PartEngine" || _part == "PartV>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _part
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\JAEM\CallEvacChopper.sqf, line 94

    and yesss, my HeliPad and everything else is still there after server restart!  (cause i also changed to oldGUID)


    So anyway i would give 1.6 a try. But i am on Coins now.


    if i just throw in my 1.4 SetEvacChopper.sqf i get those errors:

    Error in expression <rRescueFields;
    player removeAction s_player_makeEvacChopper;
      Error position: <s_player_makeEvacChopper;
      Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_makeevacchopper
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\JAEM\SetEvacChopper.sqf, line 37
    Error in expression < to cancel",_cnt]);
    if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
      Error position: <_locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
    Error Undefined variable in expression: _locationplayer
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\JAEM\SetEvacChopper.sqf, line 108
    Error in expression < to cancel",_cnt]);
    if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
      Error position: <_locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _locationplayer
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\JAEM\SetEvacChopper.sqf, line 108
    Error in expression <perFieldsUpdate";
    player removeAction s_player_evacCall;
    s_player_evacCall = ->
      Error position: <s_player_evacCall;
    s_player_evacCall = ->
      Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_evaccall
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\JAEM\SetEvacChopper.sqf, line 152
    Cannot create non-ai vehicle c_grasstall,
    Error in expression < cursorTarget >= 20 && speed player < 1 && actionMenu) then {
    callEvac = true;
      Error position: <&& actionMenu) then {
    callEvac = true;
      Error &&: Type Array, expected Bool,code
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\JAEM\EvacChopper_init.sqf, line 231
    Error in expression < "PartVRotor";
    if (_damage >= 1 && (_part == "PartEngine" || _part == "PartV>
      Error position: <_part == "PartEngine" || _part == "PartV>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _part
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\custom\JAEM\CallEvacChopper.sqf, line 12

    Could someone please make a fix for the 1.6  from this / my 1.4  coins SetEvacChopper.sqf


    /* JAEM */
    /* Just another Chopper-Evac Mod v1.4 */
    /* OtterNas3 */
    /* 01/14/2014 */
    /* Last update: 06/14/2014 */
    private ["_allNearRescueFields","_locationPlayer","_cnt","_objectID","_objectUID","_targetVehicle","_playerUID","_magazinesPlayer","_hasBriefcase","_location","_dir","_object"];
    evac_chopperPrice = 100000;
    //This prevents the building of Evac-Chopper field on trader signs
    _allNearRescueFields = (nearestObjects [player,["HeliHRescue"],50]);
    if (count _allNearRescueFields > 0) then {
    if (((_x getVariable["ObjectID","0"]) == "0") && ((_x getVariable["ObjectUID","0"]) == "0")) then {
    systemChat ("You cant build a Evac-Chopper next to a Heli-Rescue sign that is part of the Map or from a Trader!");
    systemChat ("You need to wait 60 seconds before you can try to set a Evac-Chopper again!");
    [] spawn {
    sleep 60;
    s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
    breakOut "exit";
    } forEach _allNearRescueFields;
    player removeAction s_player_makeEvacChopper;
    s_player_makeEvacChopper = 1;
    //Getting the target Vehicle and needed variables
    _targetVehicle = _this select 3;
    _location = ([_targetVehicle] call ON_fnc_GetPos);
    _dir = getDir _targetVehicle;
    _playerUID = ([player] call ON_fnc_convertUID);
    _magazinesPlayer = magazines player;
    //Cause we can only make a sign on Terrain and not on buildings or buildables
    //We check if the Chopper height is below 1m above Terrain
    if ((_location) select 2 >= 3) then {
    systemChat("Sorry but Evac-Choppers need to be build on flat Terrain");
    systemChat("Make sure you dont stand on a Building or a builded object!");
    //Check if player has the needed amount of Coins to pay for the Evac-Chopper
    //If not exit script
    _hasBriefcase = player getVariable["cashMoney",0]; //_hasBriefcase = player getVariable["headShots",0];
    if (_hasBriefcase < evac_chopperPrice) then {
    systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - You dont have it - Sorry!", evac_chopperPrice, CurrencyName]);
    s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
    breakOut "exit";
    //If player already has a Evac-Chopper
    //tell him that only 1 Evac-Chopper is allowed
    //Give him 5 seconds until we change the Evac-Chopper to the current target
    if (playerHasEvacField) then {
    systemChat("WARNING! You already have a Evac-Chopper - Maximum reached");
    _cnt = 5;
    _locationPlayer = (([player] call ON_fnc_GetPos));
    for "_p" from 1 to 5 do
    systemChat(format ["WARNING! Changing Evac-Chopper to this target in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);
    if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
    systemChat("Changing Evac-Chopper canceled");
    s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
    breakOut "exit";
    sleep 1;
    _cnt = _cnt - 1;
    _objectID = playersEvacField getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
    _objectUID = playersEvacField getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
    PVDZE_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID,player];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Delete";
    PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate = ["rem",playersEvacField];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate";
    deleteVehicle playersEvacField;
    playerHasEvacField = false;
    playersEvacField = nil;
    //Before we start the building process
    //we give the player a warning that Evac-Choppers needs free sight around
    //Countdown for 10 seconds
    systemChat("WARNING! Evac-Choppers needs free sight to all sides");
    sleep 2;
    systemChat("WARNING! Make sure you got no objects like Buildings or Trees around!");
    sleep 2;
    _cnt = 10;
    for "_i" from 1 to 10 do
    systemChat(format ["Building of Evac-Chopper starts in %1s - Move to cancel",_cnt]);
    if (player distance _locationPlayer > 0.2) then {
    systemChat("Building of Evac-Chopper canceled");
    s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
    breakOut "exit";
    sleep 1;
    _cnt = _cnt - 1;
    //Start Building
    //Player did not had a Evac-Chopper yet or decided to replace it with the new target
    //So we check again if he STILL has the Briefcase in his inventory
    //If yes, we remove it and say thanks ^^
    if (!([player, evac_chopperPrice] call SC_fnc_removeCoins)) then {
    systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - You dont have it - Sorry!", evac_chopperPrice , CurrencyName ]);
    s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
    breakOut "exit";
    } else {
    systemChat(format["Making a Evac-Chopper costs %1 %2 - Thanks for your payment!", evac_chopperPrice, CurrencyName]);
    //The player payd so we make the Sign and write it to the database
    //We use the playerUID so the ownage is permanent!
    _object = createVehicle ["HeliHRescue", _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _object addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}];
    _object enableSimulation false;
    _object setDir _dir;
    _object setPosATL _location;
    player reveal _object;
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    _object setVariable ["CharacterID",_playerUID,true];
    _object setVariable ["Classname", "HeliHRescue",true];
    PVDZE_obj_Publish = [_playerUID,_object,[_dir,_location],"HeliHRescue"];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_obj_Publish";
    PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate = ["add",_object];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZE_EvacChopperFieldsUpdate";
    player removeAction s_player_evacCall;
    s_player_evacCall = -1;
    s_player_makeEvacChopper = -1;
    playerHasEvacField = true;
    playersEvacField = _object;
    //Thats it for the creation part of the Evac-Chopper
    //Hope you enjoyed it :)



  7. i got an client RPT error when spwaning a dog:

    Error in expression <dle"];
    _handle = _this select 0;
    while {_watchDog && alive _dog} do {
    _watchDog >
      Error position: <_watchDog && alive _dog} do {
    _watchDog >
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _watchdog
    File z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\warn.sqf, line 15
  8. when i spawn me a dog, i get client RPT error: 

    Error in expression <dle"];
    _handle = _this select 0;
    while {_watchDog && alive _dog} do {
    _watchDog >
      Error position: <_watchDog && alive _dog} do {
    _watchDog >
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _watchdog
    File z\addons\dayz_code\actions\dog\warn.sqf, line 15
  9. After installing Wootenstien's Coin disappearing / anti dupe fix. (Which worked, kinda) I came across another Dupe method. I wont mention how the dupe is performed in this post, just looking for advice.


    What would be the best way to go about finding a fix for this? Just letting people know here what the dupe is or contacting Zupa direct?


    I know most of my player base would abuse the hell out of this glitch if they knew how to do it.


    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Slinky, can u please tell me how exactly you find out that this method is kinda working?  maybe you better write me an PM...


    Cause my dupe method still works, even with backpacks, or the money storage at all.. i can copy all the money -.-


    i only want to test, in which case / dupe method wootenstiens fix work..



  10. ok, yesterday i found my client RPT for the first time.. i thought before, that it would be merged with the server  rpt, but that wasnt..


    so here is an error about that smoking stuff

    Error in expression <ayer_fillfuel = -1;
    player removeAction s_player_hookahHit;
    s_player_hookahHit =>
      Error position: <s_player_hookahHit;
    s_player_hookahHit =>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_hookahhit
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 942
    Error in expression <"",""];
    } else {
    player removeAction s_player_hookahHit;
    s_player_hookahHit =>
      Error position: <s_player_hookahHit;
    s_player_hookahHit =>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_hookahhit
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 655
    Client: Object 2:677 (type Type_98) not found.
    Cannot create non-ai vehicle c_grasstall,
    any ideas?
  11. Single Currency 3.0 & Storage DEFAULT HIVE ( No global banking).


    AKA: ZSC 

    // Name of your currency
    CurrencyName = "Coins"; 
    // Objects that can hold money. Vehicles are added automaticly. Size of  money capacity is depended on ammount of magazines the object can hold.
    ZSC_MoneyStorage = ["VaultStorage","LockboxStorage","StorageShed_DZ","OutHouse_DZ","Wooden_shed_DZ","WoodShack_DZ","GunRack_DZ","WoodCrate_DZ","TentStorage","TentStorageDomed","TentStorageDomed2"];
    // Multiplier how much money an object can hold. This number X ammount of magazines it can hold. ( so URAL -> 500 items * 1000 = 5 MIL cash).
    ZSC_MaxMoneyInStorageMultiplier = 1000;


    found an little mistake :-)  its not 5 Millions, its 500.000   500k ;-)   (and my ural has only 200 items)


    Alright everyone, I am tired of these coins getting removed randomly all the time from vaults so I decided to spend a few hours and take a look on how dayz epoch handles vaults and such. After searching around I found the problem to the coins not saving. Let me explain to the people that actually want to understand why it was happening and then I will post the fix.


    Dayz epoch actually has 2 variants of the vaults, one in which is locked and one in which is unlocked. When a player unlocks the vault what is actually happening is all the variables that were stored onto that locked safe are saved to local variables, next the locked vault gets removed and a new unlocked variant is placed down in the exact same spot and in the same direction, after that the these variables from the old safe gets written to the new vault, (3 of the variables are actually calculated by finding the weapons, magazines and the backpacks of the safe and then places all the info on an array,which then get's called to the new vault to "fill" it up with the old loot). Now another variable called "bankMoney" is added from this mod to the vaults of your server(s). As you can remember about the unlock vault and the vault lock is one of the first things it does is get the variables from the old vault so it can apply them to the new vault. It grabs this variable "bankMoney" from the old one and attempts to write the new variable to the new vault.


    Now there could be a bad glitch which involves people to take the money of the old vault before the new one get's places down, but this is "fixed" by one of the scripts, (The player_lockVault.sqf). I am sad to say that the way this was originally designed was absolute laziness as all the "fix" does is make the variable "bankMoney" to 0 before it is written to the database so if another player tries to take money when the player is locking the vault it would give them that there is not enough money in the vault. That is all fine and dandy, but if you take a look at this line PVDZE_log_lockUnlock = [player, _obj,true]; AND publicVariableServer "PVDZE_log_lockUnlock"; it basically calls the server to safe the inventory of the vault which also means the coins... but since they are now set to 0 you will get a big fat zero in your database, so when the player opens the vault or the server is restarted there will be nothing in the vault no matter if you put 10 coins to 200000 coins, so ya that needs to fixed...




    1) Go to your mission folder

    2) If you don't have a custom player_lockVault and are using the zupa's varient go into your ZSC folder and search for it, if you ARE using one find your player_lockVault.sqf

    3) Open player_lockVault.sqf

    4) Search for _obj setVariable ["bankMoney", 0, true]; which is around line 42 and remove it

    5) Search for _pos = _obj getVariable["OEMPos",(getposATL _obj)];

    6) Add this below it:


    sleep 1;



    this antidupe hotfix will not fix my known dupe method.

    the old one with backpack insert / cars,tents,safes - [disconnect] still work... also with storage deposit / coins [disconnect]


    what kind of antidupe is this, how can i test it?


    yea, i think i got it now...

    the point is: the include command will look for a "ZSC" folder IN "gui", which is wrong.

    try this:

        #include "..\ZSC\config\ZSChud.hpp"
    #include "..\ZSC\config\ZSCdefines.hpp"
    #include "..\ZSC\config\ZSCdialogs.hpp"

    the double dot (..) should make it go one folder up, and then its fine.




    EDIT: actually even that wouldnt work, as you can see here:


    that is pretty weak, if you ask me.


    so the easiest way to get around this is moving the 3 files into your "gui" folder, and call them like this instead:

        #include "ZSChud.hpp"
    #include "ZSCdefines.hpp"
    #include "ZSCdialogs.hpp"



    Yeah, finally, i got it :-)))


    After finding the "topic search" function, i  did some research in the postings between LIQUID and BangL from Post #257 up to  #314 i got it run.


    I also have the ATD.hud running, so that was my problem too.


    Really good work guys ! Many thanks for this amazing script and sooper support ^^ now its time to check the new coin system...


    p.s. And today after almost a year i found my client RPT file, which gaves me the correct error ;-)  LOL /*  C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2oa.RPT */

  14. hi there,


    without going throug the 30 pages here,


    cant get it to work...


    i´ll stuck at the loading screen, but i can hear me walking ingame,ingame sounds also,  when i hit my controls...


    client rpt: 

    Warning Message: Resource title ZSC_Money_Display not found
    Error in expression <ariable "ZSC_Money_Display"; 
    _vitals = _wpui displayCtrl 4900;
    Money = player g>
      Error position: <_wpui displayCtrl 4900;
    Money = player g>
      Error Undefined variable in expression: _wpui
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\ZSC\compiles\playerHud.sqf, line 6

    any ideas?



  15. Hi all,

    i have seen that sometimes the Mouse Scoll Action Menu dissapears. (WPD Action Menu)
    It simply vanished.
    I dont really have a clue why is that.

    I have found 2 fn_selfActions.sqf files on my server.
    is that correct, or should we use only one?

    Problem happens when i activate many scoll Menu´s, eg: F2  Admin Scroll Menu, Wardrobe Menu, different Magazines to reload, and Laserdesignator i think...

    Also i like to have the Action Menu permanent when i am inside vehicles, to change the distance view inside in choppers, cars...
    But that Menu also sometimes dissapears.

    currently we have zupa´s take clothes 2.0 installed. but i think to swap over to the 3.0 version...

    After relog, the Action Menu is back on.

    What can be done?



  16. great script!


    but when i tried it with server_playerDied.sqf  from post #1    first i choosed to get killed by dynamic AI.   messages ingame were perfect.

    then i tried to get killed by a zombie,  message was died of natural causes


    and then i never get back the AI kill message!  no matter if oneshot kill or more...  only "died of natural causes"  also in RPT


    after that i choosed the server_playerDied.sqf  from post #35 on page 2

    this wont give me any kill messages ingame, only -->  player was killed


    only in RPT i can see the correct message, which i wish to have ingame!


    any ideas?


    do i am testing this too fast?  should i gave the server / AI more time?


    we run WAI and DZAI, but i dont really know how my mate configured the AI, if neutral west or east..dunno...

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