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Posts posted by cheech

  1. Hello DangerRuss,


    thanxx for your reply!


    Now i  understand something more^^


    1) so should i use then my modified ui_selectSlot.sqf  ?   http://pastebin.com/PptvJWHa    <--- thats for me the hardest thing to understand, with all those modified right clicks, scroll mouse buttons, etc...confusing me everytime...



    2) server_functions.sqf i know very well ;-)

    3) whats with that Building folder which i cant find, should i make a new one?

    4) ok, i should use the random hemp spawn




    Update 08:11 PM:  first 2 fiberplant fields spawning..but without markings on the map...  1st success :D

  2. hi all,


    this would be a nice script, if i ever get this to work...



    1) i dont understand this with that macas right clickable system, many others use the custom right click actions 3.03. is there a workaround with this click system?

        we  have the WPDs-Action-Menu-master  which contains  also an modified ui_selectSlot.sqf.


    2) i dont have a buildings folder in my dayz_server.pbo unpacked. should i make a new one for the weedfarm.sqf?


    3) i dont have that system_functions.sqf, should i call it then from the missions init.sqf?


    4) i never used the 3D map editor before, so will it enough to start with ctrl-e, choose chernarus, go to decided location, hit F5 to create a new vehicle, choose there under MAP_EU_plants,

        select then your B b_betulaHumilis , place it there how many times i like and then save and close that?

        or do i also need that Center, Unit, Group to create first?   because it wont let me save the mission without that! if i do that, i will get alot of errors in my RPT /Hivelog  regarding that created soldier...





  3. Thank you Snake.


    But now i have read more pages,


    and my only Edit to get the Evac Fields back after Server Restart is:


    in the SetEvacChopper.sqf file add only  those 3 letters in line 81  (on my file):    Old


    make from _number_string = getPlayerUID _playertemp ;




    _number_string = getPlayerUIDOld _playertemp ;


    Thats the deal.


    Thanxx anyway :D





    cheers ^^


    --using the Otternase 1.4. Script from Post #1

  4. hehe,  that was funny... ^^  sure the items all appear now :D


    troubleshooting the whole day, only because my hoster has setup the custom traders..funny :-)


    but ok, its interesting.


    thank you very much sir for helping me the whole sunday!


    and i will check your updated 3rd post tommorow then :-)



    do i have to remove something i have added in the database, if i choose your config traders,  or will all still stays there?  cause the traders_data is now around 1.8MiB


    thanks alot, 


    have a nice evening bro :-)





    Cheech Marin ;-)

  5. here you go raymix,  1)  http://pastebin.com/AxShZu9R


    more to come...


    2) cant logout in front of trader, cause  it says i am at trader zone


    dont really know how to disable infistar AH, cause the gtxgaming hoster has its own infistar, i can see something in the missions  init.sqf


    the dayz_server is in a .pbo


    3) original traders work perfect


    4) i have tried 3 other skins during the day... all the same.  but now i choose one from epoch....wait




    have changed skins to Camo1_DZ     same....no items in the menus...


     i have renamed the infistar folder with files, now restart, we´ll see what happens^^

  6. i tried it with both.  have add the line in my init.sqf and have added an new variables.sqf  from here https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/init/variables.sqf  with that line added....


    both is not working.


    people always get killed when using bike, motorcycles,  and gyrocopters after deploy. when they deploy only, the vehicles vanished immediately through the cleanup script thing...


    i think that the variables.sqf needs an call from an other file... but i dont know from  which one.


    cause i never had it on my server...


    how can i pull the variables server side?



  7. i dont have the variable.sqf


    but i do have the init.sqf



    in my init.sqf there is no line with DZE_safeVehicle


    should i make a new one and insert the whole line there?


    or do i need the variables.sqf


    if so, what changes need to be done else to get the variables.sqf working?



    thanks :D

  8. hi all,


    just made an fresh overpoch server at fastpoint gaming.  did all described above.

    i can play as admin,no problems.

    but:  when i log out, something wont let me back in. cant relog in. stuck at black epoch window

    i have to restart the server. then i can login.


    maybe something with those filters?


    thanxx for helping^^



  9. i dont get it to run!


    i have followed all steps in this thread. yeah, 28 pages reading


    i renamed ,"SP_refuel_action","SP_repair_action","SP_rearm_actions"



    i put them in the whitelist table inside the infistar file AHconfig.sqf


     i added "Land_A_FuelStation_Shed", "Land_A_FuelStation_Feed"


    i used different cars, choppers on different gas stations


    the Scroll Menu DOES NOT APPEAR!!!


    Any help out there?


    We run an overpoch Napf server with infistar Antihack


    This script driving me nuts...

  10. That may be because the actions are private to my script only, I am not sure how that works with the antihack tools but my actions are not accessible from any other scripts so you may have problems adding it to infistar.

    One solution would be to make the actions global, this is not nessesary for the script but may help you whitelisting the actions I think:

    change "_refuel_action" to "s_player_refuel_action" in the script (for the other actions as well, just search and replace all) that will make them global and you should be able to add them, you have to remove them in the "private" block above,



    private ["_folder","_servicePointClasses","_maxDistance","_actionTitleFormat","_actionCostsFormat","_costsFree","_message","_messageShown","_refuel_enable","_refuel_costs","_refuel_updateInterval","_refuel_amount","_repair_enable","_repair_costs","_repair_repairTime","_rearm_enable","_rearm_costs","_rearm_magazineCount","_lastVehicle","_lastRole","_refuel_action","_repair_action","_rearm_actions","_fnc_removeActions","_fnc_getCosts","_fnc_actionTitle","_fnc_isArmed","_fnc_getWeapons"];


    private ["_folder","_servicePointClasses","_maxDistance","_actionTitleFormat","_actionCostsFormat","_costsFree","_message","_messageShown","_refuel_enable","_refuel_costs","_refuel_updateInterval","_refuel_amount","_repair_enable","_repair_costs","_repair_repairTime","_rearm_enable","_rearm_costs","_rearm_magazineCount","_lastVehicle","_lastRole","_fnc_removeActions","_fnc_getCosts","_fnc_actionTitle","_fnc_isArmed","_fnc_getWeapons"];

    so just remove the actions ("_refuel_action","_repair_action","_rearm_actions") from that list and change the name to something without the "_" at the beginning should do it.



    Btw I'm wondering how that would add a protection from a hacker, if you just use a variable name like that in your "hack" it won't protect anything I guess lol (but then again most hackers don't know what they are doing, you are lucky I don't develop hacks haha)



    hi there,


    we also use infistar on our Overpoch Napf server.


    I also dont get the scroll  menu.


    i removed the actions...



  11. Hi there,

    i am trying this PiXel Dog Script on Overpoch Napf. I´ve done all the steps, but:

    1. i dont get the scroll menu.
    2. an RPT Error:

    Error in expression <eader getVariable "dogAction";
    if (_commd == "stay") then
    _dog switchmove>
    Error position: <_commd == "stay") then
    _dog switchmove>
    Error Undefined variable in expression: _commd
    File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Napf\addin\dog.sqf, line 47
    I checked the file dog.sqf with Universal SQL Editor, and it shows a color change, error? at Line 26 character 165.
    The String '   maybe misplaced?
    On the dog house it says: Dog is not interested.
    The dog is outside in front of the dog house.
    I can see Dogs hear them barking, and the Houses on correct places.

    Any Help available?
    Or is this not working with Current Game Versions?
    Arma 1.63.125548
    DAYZ Epoch
    Overwatch 0.2.5

    Vilayer Server
    Would be great to hear from you soon :-)
    Thank you very much. 
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