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Posts posted by Affraid

  1. Nice Work , but one question i have .

    Who can i delete m136 and rpg from the loot box ?

    Just edit the The file "missionCfg.sqf"   located in the WAI/missions folder to what ever guns and items you want . just scoll down and look for 


    // Number of guns to spawn in ammo boxes 

    wai_mission_numberofguns = 8;
    // classnames of guns to spawn in ammo boxes (only class weapons)
    ammo_box_guns = [
  2. Great job man. Really. love it .No fps drop what so ever, this will be our 4th ai city running with over 40 custom missions. Thanks. Also thanks for the walk thru on adding  more ai points.

    I have a hard time setting up para drops. i got the  world location i want but cant get them to work. even with your guide it . does not tell you how to  get the right cords for the  set up.

    Thank You I'm glad you're liking it. it's a hit on my server also. Sometimes i see them coming and dropping after we leave that area. I do believe there is a setting to make them come quicker . I believe the way the  para drop works is you hit a trigger point (Cords entered) . Then they come . found it works some of the time. I go the cords by placing an object in 3D editor . then look at the mission file associated with the object I placed. Copy and paste the cords from the object to the custom para drop.  

  3. Max,

    Great work .I really like how it came out. Here is my problem I'm having . I uploaded everything and when I logged in , my anti-hax is going nuts. Keeps flashing something is hacking. (Sorry not home to give correct code). I unistalled files and there is no problem. Did you come across this problem yet ? Or someone know a fix.

    Thank you

  4. Here is an example of how I did it. This one is custom .


    Make a Seprate SQF File ...  " What everynameyouwant.SQF" and put that either in a custom folder or just put it in your mission.pbo 


    In you INIT.sqf in Mission.PBO


    But this on bottom of page 


    [] execVM "\What aeveryname youwant.SQF";


    Repack and upload.



    Here is one of my Custom crates. 




    if (isServer) then {

    _vehicle_99 = objNull;
    if (true) then
     _this = createVehicle ["SpecialWeaponsBox", [9875.6211, 14061.259, 0.00051879883], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
     _vehicle_99 = _this;
     _this setDir 20;
              _this setVariable ["permaLoot",true];
     clearWeaponCargoGlobal _this;
     clearMagazineCargoGlobal _this;
     _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemBriefcase100oz",10];
     _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemVault",10];
     _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Skin_Graves_Light_DZ",2];
     _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["PipeBomb",10];
     _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemGPS",10];
     _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["Binocular_Vector",10];
     _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["Skin_CZ_Special_Forces_GL_DES_EP1_DZ",4];
  5. +++UPDATED 11-4-14+++

    ++Updated Version of AI city

    ++Added Dynamic Spawns using DZAI (files included)

    ++Gunners using WAI (Files included)

    ++Edits have been done to map to Help prevent Vehicles/tanks getting into city

    BY using these Updated Files will Help Your Servers FPS's Alot.

    +++UPDATED 7-24-14+++

    ++ AI SPawn points updated with m2 gunners added++

    ++ editor weapon box's deleted so players don't get kicked for looking into them++

    ++ Some Edits to the Map++

    I want to share the AI City I have Designed since I have used some of the Custom Bases Posted on this Site. I've been told by many of the players on my Server , They like the challenge when they go there . My Epoch server info is listed below if you want to come check it out.

    The AI City has close to 100 AI's , 4 mission crates and 2 para drops. using the .(Love&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> this add-on.) I also added 2 special crates . One with building supplies and another called "The Lottery Box" and that is located in the Cave behind Boss's house. Also through out the city are hidden Ammo/Weapon crates. This city has a lot of Great rewards for your players but it's a big risk going there .It's not that easy to do. Feel free to Customize the crates to the loot you want to offer. The one thing I notice , is that sometimes the AI still goes through walls and bldgs . What I have read they say to upload it server side , which I have done. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

    I included directions on how to install The AI City and Copy of WAI in the download link below. Hope it's not too confusing.

    Click Here For More Pictures of Affraid's AI City


    DownLoad Link For Affraid.Net AI City Files & files from MARK311


  6. Hello!

    I'm having some trouble with my crate. I have added stuff to spawn in the crate but when I get ingame to test it all i see are 50x M240 and M249 mags, nothing else.

    Here is the code for the box: http://pastebin.com/Yv7dqdpN


    What did I do wrong?

    The only thing I see .. It looks like the _amountAmmo 



    Your looks like this


    1. _this addMagazineCargo ["ItemSodaPepsi", _amountAmmo];
     Try doing this 
    1. _this addMagazineCargo ["ItemSodaCoke", 10];   <<<(add the amount you want)
  7. Also had another good idea about the service center script. It works great if you don't have it. 



     Every time someone pays to get car repaired the gold gets put in to a crate/box hidden somewhere on server. And if someone finds it they get a great payday. I'll just have to keep going to see if it gets empty , then i'll move it to another location. Or the gold just gets put into an Admin safe. :) 

  8. You could always just put a backpack on them and beef up the stuff inside of it. 

    Thanks for the suggestion.  I was thinking that also , but I know on the other spawned AI that is set to random will get that loot on them if I make a seprate array .  And I only want it on that one guy. I guess I'll just play around with it for a bit.

  9. Yea thats what i'm using now also.I made a Custom AI city and have them spawn all over . so far working out good. Except them running through walls and buildings. But my Idea was to just spawn 1 guy and when he dies he drops a crate with a very nice loot..Kinda like killing a Boss in WOW or something. I'm going to put the base SQF up when i'm totaly done with it.  I thought maybe there was something that could be done on the bottom of the code so When the group or guy is killed (in that custom group) it will trigger a Spawn Crate/box at the spawn location.


    it's just an idea that if someone knows how to do it or there was a script out there , it would bring a kool feature to a server. Right now I just have a crate/box at the end point where the most  AI is and made it  the hardest part to clear , the reward is great. It defently very hard to solo . designed to be a group mission. 


    Thanks for the reply & stay safe



  10. I'm looking for a script to add to an AI mission,  That when An That AI dies dies he spawns A crate that can be customized. I was searching around and couldn't find anything or I over looked it. 



     So the way I really want it to work in Set an AI group with Just one Guy in it. And when He dies a Customized Crate spawns. 


      Any Idea's will be appreciated .



      Thank You in advance.



  11. First off like many other people here have said here. GREAT JOB ON THIS I Love it. Ok now I have a few questions. 1. Everything was working fine and now when missions start up all The AI's are dead with the exception of 2 AI's. Is anyone else having that problem and if so how did you fix it? 2. With custom Static spawns , I add'd my locations and units and nothing comes up. Do they spawn as a random mission ? if so is there a way I can make them just spawn all the time and after they get killed only respawn after server restart? And the same question for static Ammo box's? Sorry if this question have been asked , I read through and might have missed my answers. Thanks in Advance AFFRAID

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