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Posts posted by Affraid

  1. I decided to remove this for 2 reasons,  


    #1 The location is not the best seeing as players that don't always want to do AI missions end up getting engaged in combat when trying to travel around the area and roads surrounding.


    #2 It is possible to fly a mozzie in under the nets and land to grab all the gold  briefcases then fly off, granted this does normally take about 5 - 6 attempts, but still a horrible loop hole to the whole mission.


    Was  a lot of fun though until the above issues became known.



    Thanks for the heads up on that. I'll do A fix during the week.

  2. hey great script i love it :D


    One problem i seem to have is that the weapon crates (not the lottery or building caches) but the other ones seem to have 100 of each ammo in them, 5 of each gun, even some banned items on my server igla ammo at 80, and loads of other stuff at 100 + each, any ideas on how i can fix this?


    Edit: Some of the class names of these boxes that are causing this problem are









    Those crates can be edited in the WAI folder. Thats the basic config from The WAI mod


    That one ?

    class Item7​
    text="The Last Stand";​
    Edit ; I know how to add markers but i dont know the name of a marker which is big enough for the whole city


    Sorrry I misunderstood your question. I just have it by the entrance . I don't think there is a marker big enough to cover whole city. And the cords i gave there are just one of where AI Spawn in. 

  4. I just redit it again and still having that problem . Just keeps bringing me to Charnarus map. When I exit The Map I want is there in editor menu. I triple checked everything.


     Thanks again 

  5. Thanks for the reply .


    I just checked it and it's set to the right mission instance folder I have set up. I used a custom instance #. I'm going to reinstall it from scratch and see what happens using a cherno mission folder . 



    Thank You 

  6. Does anyone know how to MAP Port ? Want to use a custom map with Epoch.


    Before The post comes up GOOGLE IT.. I did . Here is the problem i'm having


    I have everything changed in mission folder / server.cfg / server.bat files to it points to -mod=@mymap;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server

    When logging in it takes me to the Chernarus map. Is there another place I am missing on this? Everything I read does not say anything different. 


    Any help will be appriciated . 

    Thank You in advance


    Hi Affraid, I've followed the instructions but every time i put in

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\ai.sqf";

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\lottery.sqf";
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\buildingsupplys.sqf",
    my server will not authenticate, it tries several times and then just says you must be stuck beside a rock. I remove those 3 lines from the server_functions and it boots up without an issue.


    try loading it up with one at a time and see how it goes. they maybe a problem with one of the files. If you find out what one it is let me know. I'll look at the file again. 

  8. Hey Affraid.


        Thanks for getting back to me so quick! I did get them to work except the para drops but i see your para drops dont have a start point so thats probably it. All i had to do is just had to add the full WAI folder and turn off the missions. unfortunatly all the static WAI spawns cut the servers frames in half so I may have to remove it for now. but i would love to try out any other citys you have made! (any links would be great!) your addons are great and keep up the great work!


    Thanks again.

    Here is a link to the other city I have done. There is an updated version of it if you want it . And Thank You 


  9. Hey Affraid


         Thanks for all your hard work with this addon, it looks so nice! i have everything working but the AI wont spawn, im running sarge on my server but i would not think that would affect the WAI spawns. have you heard of this problem or anyone run into this? just wondering if i may have missed something, i did use your tut and followed it to a T!


    any help on this would be great.


    Thanks Kidney.




    EDIT: P.S. I only used the WAI folder you had with the RAR file. coud this be my problem?

    I never used sarge AI , I would try just using the just the cords in the customspawn.sqf in the WAI folder. And use them to set up how ever you set up custom spawn points in the SARGE AI folder. 


    Shows the player who are not logged in for 30 days and more,

    SELECT * FROM `character_data` WHERE `LastLogin` <= date_sub(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 30 DAY)

    Delete all players who have not logged it for over 30 days,

    DELETE FROM `character_data` WHERE `LastLogin` <= date_sub(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 30 DAY);

    Great . Thank You for the reply . 

  11. I'm looking for the same thing. My reason is that it's easier to clean up abandoned bases. When looking at build items the Character ID chANGES everytime they die. So it's a real pain in the ass to see who's items they are. 




    I like the way you can check live players in DB for up to certain days. How would you do that with just players who havn't logged in ? Example : i'm looking to just show up the players who havn't logged in 30 days. 

  12. These would be awesome on Napf... Napf has a small airfield in the bottom right that a city would be great around... 

    Yea was going to do something there when I had my NAPF server up. But server wasn't getting any traffic. So after a month I changed it  to Epoch Panthera And then server started to get some population. There isn't really any place good to build a city on Panthera so I just made the North West Island An AI Island with Weapon , Building & Lottery Crates with a Ton of AI. 

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