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Posts posted by syco

  1. 46 minutes ago, IknowYou said:

    Before infiSTAR hacking was the worst.

    After infiSTAR hacking was easier. His anticheat has had open doors to execute your code from. Nothing else needed.

    Every server running is better off without infiSTAR and just running really good battleye filters. Its just like you said. All that code is open on websites. Very easy to bypass when you know what you are up against.

    You think you are making your server secure but all that code you think is protecting the server, makes it easier to hack against. All you are doing is lagging your server and players.

    In the end. All anyone needs is badass battleye filters. Anything that bypass's them infiSTAR wont catch anyways. No one can see what you are filtering for. This is why servers like DE1000 was the most secure servers EVER. They had super strict filters, a custom antihack that no other server had for years and NEVER used infiSTAR. I followed this strategy myself and my old server ran great and rarely had hackers on it.

    The only reason to have infiSTAR is because you need admin tools PERIOD.

    Good day sir.

  2. 7 hours ago, Shawn said:

    @syco still spreading bullshit around like he used to back when he was running DeadCell. He can't stop shit, he just pays his bum buddy Dami too much. I can remember the guy saying that he doesn't do this shit anymore because he's 30 odd years old, but look at him still trying to be relevant on this dead game. Go back to using your hashtag menu lmao.


    p.s. do tell your friends not to use other peoples names when they go hack on servers, thanks b0ss

    Shawn why are you here? You are one of the people hacking these servers when you tried to take all of "FEAR GAMING SERVERS PAYPAL MONEY" about 1 week ago. Go ahead and act like you are not part of it. Was that $100 worth it shawn?

    The best part is back last year when your server "RED Overpoch" was getting smashed in you come to me for help. I provided info on how to stop it and you was too dumb to even apply the filter with a tutorial on how to do it. Yet i'm the one who can't stop shit? Yes, Dami has showed me a lot. Many ways to stop hackers. You have to get help from someone that know what they are doing. After awhile you learn how to do it yourself.

    I might spend 2 minutes making this post then off to hang out with friends and do real stuff. I don't have time to spend on this game anymore. Sorry to those that need help with this kind of stuff.

  3. 6 hours ago, salival said:

    If you did or not is not the issue here, the issue here is servers getting crashed/hacked which you are obviously apart of. 

    You have the power to stop it.

    Just because i know some of the people that still do this stuff to servers, does not mean I am part of it.

    I have no control over other people on the internet. I could tell them to stop. Doubt they would listen to me.

    About the only thing i "could" do is put together something to stop it because i do know what they are using. However, it's not worth my time with how dead this game is.

  4. 1 hour ago, JakeQue said:


    "It's alright, next time he joins with that name he'll receive a nice virus in his mission file."






    That's some funny shit. GL getting "Chris" aka infiSHIT to do anything about it. That guy is the reason 99% of hacks work on servers running his antishit.

  5. 5 hours ago, Hooty said:

    You was already hacking my server before i ever knew who you were. One of my admins caught on to what you were doing. Funny you say 

    I have no reason to lie so...

    Again you are right. When I got word of you selling loadouts and your admins abusing tools ingame. I decided to have some fun.

    It was too easy because you had no clue what you were doing. No battleye filters. Using infiSHIT that was close to 1 year old.

    4 year old scripts that was public worked on your server. That's how big of a failure you are as a server owner.

    Even still your server has trash protection and my 3 year old hacks I made work.

  6. 4 hours ago, theduke said:

    Of course im pissed... wouldnt you be pissed too if i fked everything you've worked hard for... Oh no wait, you're braindead and not human. You cant comply with morals. but like i said in my original post. karma is a bitch it'll get you back... one way or another it'll bite you back in the arse and you'll think of this convo :)

    I would not get mad. I would do everything I could to stop them.

    Google is a powerful tool.

    Why do you think people think I am the bad guy? I learned how to stop hacks by learning how to make them. Got to start somewhere.

  7. 4 hours ago, Shak said:

    Syco taking the death of his shitty server real hard it seems.

    Going around hacking others in a game he considers dead.

    Either extremely bored or simply has no life. Either way it's funny as.

    So has Dami died from his cancer yet or was that just a cool story to gain sympathy and money from all the 12 year olds?

    I see that Bonfart is back up with an amazing 3 players online.

    I don't care about my server to be honest. Its a blessing I shut it down. My life has been so much better since. Only now I wish I would have shut it down sooner.

    Think what you want kid.

    Best part is I have not loaded Arma 2 OA since March 3rd. I will celebrate the 1 year mark of not loading this shit game.

  8. 42 minutes ago, theduke said:

    hooty cant see his post for some reason must of gotten deleted... but people like that need to fall off the face of the earth.. If the game is shit, why TF do you even bother wasting your time, to waste others time. You're nothing but a bully, who shoulda ran down your moms legs, or even better yet, you belong in her a**hole. Fkin pathetic excuse for a human being... go jump off a bridge or something and save us the oxygen for people with morals. You're right, i dont have the knowledge to fully protect myself from kids (yes, i know its probably adults in age, but definately children maturity with that mindset)  I sure hope none of these hackers, including you syco have reproduced... I sure hope you know what condoms are because we dont need more assholes like you and them in the world.  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have some of these behind the screen mama crying bullies to pull off something like this in my face... Id hit you so damn hard your head would go back in time to find that condom your dad refused to use! so in the meantime... im going to get ready for one hell of a shit show. Hacking servers is childish... lets see what we can really hack into ;)

    Someone is mad. ROFL

  9. 29 minutes ago, Hooty said:

    I'd expect something like that from you, hell your prob behind this some how. Sisco used to hack me with his deadcell buddies [OP] "one that I have just recent banned again" then he really hacked the shit out of me when we called him out on it. Try to get me to buy his anti cheat from contract coders who he is or was with. I almost bought it then seen you in the discord. I did not even think of you untill you chimed in and it reminded me of this guy that I ban earlier. Funny how OP is after the name just like the ones from your test server back then.

    Your right I did. You said i could not hack your server so I proved you wrong. I know what i'm doing when it comes to making hacks and stopping them. However, [OP] had nothing to do with it. I have no reason to lie about it.

    The best part of this is you letting the people doing this to other servers right now, play on your server hooty. You and I both know who most of them are, yet you act like you don't. You let them play on your server in return they don't hack your server but they are allowed to use ESP and other stuff that does not cause major issues. Some funny shit.

    I hope you all keep getting smashed in. You are all to dumb to stop it and the only thing you can do is make friends with them so they don't hit you again. ROFL, learn how it all works. Its not that hard.

  10. Another quick one is... using advanced trader while someone has a give money trade dialog open with you.. This one goes right with and requires Gr8's fix for giving money to another player at the same time.

    Player A has advanced trader open and has something ready to buy. Player B has a trade money dialog open on player A and when player A clicks BUY, player B gives him money at the same time. The actions are done at the same time so the money is never taken from player A and he gets the item also.


    To fix this just open up   init.sqf  inside your advancedTrading folder...


    createDialog "AdvancedTrading";


    player setVariable["tradingmoney",true,true];

     Now open up your   advancedTrading.hpp


            class ZSC_RscButtonMenu_AT28: AT_Zupa_BlueButton
                idc = -1;
                x = 0.63 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
                y = 0.77 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
                w = 0.13 * safezoneW;
                onButtonClick = "((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 9000);";
                colorBackground[] =  {1,1,1,1};
                color[] = {0,0,0,1};
                text = "Close";


            class ZSC_RscButtonMenu_AT28: AT_Zupa_BlueButton {
                idc = -1;
                x = 0.63 * safezoneW + safezoneX;
                y = 0.77 * safezoneH + safezoneY;
                w = 0.13 * safezoneW;
                onButtonClick = "((ctrlParent (_this select 0)) closeDisplay 9000);player setVariable [""tradingmoney"",false,true];";
                colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,1};
                color[] = {0,0,0,1};
                text = "Close";

     Also just to be safe.. if the player does not use the close button in advanced trader to close it and uses ESC like 99% of them do out of habit..

    OPEN dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf


    // esc
    if (_dikCode == 0x01) then {
        DZE_cancelBuilding = true;
        call dayz_EjectPlayer;


    if (_dikCode == 0x01) then {
        DZE_cancelBuilding = true;
        call dayz_EjectPlayer;
        if (player getVariable ["tradingmoney", true]) then {
            player setVariable ["tradingmoney",false,true];


    PROBLEM solved...


    Here's one for you.. Fixes several players using advanced trader to sell stuff from the same vehicle at the same time... How it works..

    Player A and Player B have a vehicle with x50 briefcases. Player A gets in driver seat of vehicle then jumps out and goes to the trader clicks sell from vehicle. Puts all 50 briefs in the sell box to the right and WAITS now..

    Player B gets in driver seat of the same vehicle then jumps out and goes to the trader click sell from vehicle. Puts all 50 briefs in the sell box to the right and WAITS now..

    Now both players have 50 briefs from the same vehicle ready to sell because the check for if you was the last in the driver seat is done when you click sell from vehicle in advanced trader.. Now they both count down 3,2,1 and click sell at the same time.. Both of them will get the money for said items. BIG PROBLEM and this can be done with unlimited players..


    To fix this do the following....

    Open up  z_at_getVehicleItems.sqf


    _vehicle = objNull;


    truevic = false;


    _vehicle = _x;


    truevic = true;


    [_normalWeaps,_normalMags, typeOf _vehicle] call Z_checkArrayInConfig;


    truevic = true;


    _ctrltext = format["Get in driver seat first!"];


    truevic = false;


    Now open up  z_at_sellItems.sqf


    _tempArray = Z_SellArray;


    truevic = true;


        if(Z_SellingFrom == 1)then{
            _outcome = [Z_vehicle,_itemsArray,_weaponsArray,_bpArray] call ZUPA_fnc_removeWeaponsAndMagazinesCargo;


        if(Z_SellingFrom == 1)then{
           call Z_getVehicleItems;
           _outcome = [Z_vehicle,_itemsArray,_weaponsArray,_bpArray] call ZUPA_fnc_removeWeaponsAndMagazinesCargo;


    		if (Z_SingleCurrency) then {
    				_success = [player,_money] call SC_fnc_addCoins;
    				systemChat format["Trade successfull, received %1 %2", _money , CurrencyName];
    		} else {
    				_success = [_money, 0] call Z_returnChange;
    				systemChat format["Trade successfull."];


    		if (Z_SingleCurrency && truevic) then {
    				_success = [player,_money] call SC_fnc_addCoins;
    				systemChat format["Trade successfull, received %1 %2", _money , CurrencyName];
    		} else {
    				systemChat "Someone got in your vehicle. You must Get in the driver seat again!";


    NOTE: This fix only works IF you are using Single currency coins ONLY as the } else { statement would give gold bars or briefs for sold items if Z_SingleCurrency is not found or set to false..

    Also need these setting set in your config.sqf inside the advancedTrading folder.

    Z_SingleCurrency = true;
    Z_AllowTakingMoneyFromBackpack = false;
    Z_AllowTakingMoneyFromVehicle = false;

    If need be I could alter this so it also works with briefs/goldbars.. Let me know if you guys want it done..

    PROBLEM SOLVED.. NOW it also checks again when the SELL button is clicked and only the last person in the vehicle will get the money and everyone else will get the message "Someone got in your vehicle. You must Get in the driver seat again!"

  12. On 4/17/2016 at 9:05 AM, Shawn said:




    An important tip I recommend to anyone is, prevent any form of "punishment" which kicks players to the lobby, such as speaking in side chat, x amount of wrong codes for guessing a door code. These can all be easily used for duping. The well known anti hack which I won't name has a lot of kicks to lobby which can be triggered by players. This involves typing anything in chat from the _veryBadTexts array. As a result, the notorious backpack dupe can be achieved. As I mentioned, simply fix this issue by adding:   

    player setDamage 5;

    Along with a message as to why they were killed:

    systemChat 'You were killed to prevent hacking and duping!';

    To the block of code that executes the kick.

    I won't state every single block that requires this added, as there are quite a lot, but it is very simple once you know what to look for.


    If anyone has more ways of preventing duping, please feel free of commenting the fixes below. I can test it out and happily add it to the collection.

    Please remember that all credit goes to the rightful creators of the scripts.


    Should not use   player setDamage 5;

    Use this instead..

    [player,'sick'] spawn player_death;
    player setHit['Body',1];


  13. On 4/17/2016 at 9:05 AM, Shawn said:

    Prevent packing of safe with player/zombie nearby

    What this does is prevents a player from packing a safe if a player or zombie is within 15 meters.

    Simply open up player_packVault.sqf and find:

    if(DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_15") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

    Right after this, paste the following:

    _countplayers = count nearestObjects [player, ["CAManBase"], 15];
    if (_countplayers > 1) exitWith { cutText [format["Cannot perform this action if a player or zombie is within 15 metres!"], "PLAIN DOWN"]; };

    This is my old code and the fix should not be here... Causes a big bug and the player has to relog to remove it and the real fix is done like this....


    FIRST remove that code from the player_packVault.sqf

    Go to your fn_selfActions.sqf and find ..

            if (s_player_packvault < 0 && (_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID)) then {
                s_player_packvault = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",(format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_PACK",_text])], "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];


    		if (s_player_packvault < 0 && (_ownerID == dayz_combination || _ownerID == dayz_playerUID)) then {
    			s_player_packvault = player addAction [format["<t color='#ff0000'>%1</t>",(format[localize "STR_EPOCH_ACTIONS_PACK",_text])], "PATH\TO\vault_pack.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];

    NOTE the  "PATH\TO\vault_pack.sqf"  change to your path to  vault_pack.sqf

    Make a new file called   vault_pack.sqf  place it where ever your path was set above

    Place this code inside it

    private ["_obj","_countplayers"];
    _countplayers = count nearestObjects [player, ["CAManBase"], 15];
    if (_countplayers > 1) exitWith{systemchat "You cant dismantle your safe if a player or a zombie is within 15 meters.";};
    _obj = _this select 3;
    _obj spawn player_packVault



  14. On 8/19/2016 at 11:20 AM, Shawn said:

    With Arma 2 came along the option for players to cheat by holding left shift and the numpad minus key. This can be abused as it is a backdoor to complete the backpack dupe, for which most servers have a fix for. To fix this, it's very simple:

    1. Open up dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf

    2. Find the following: 

    _shift = 	_this select 2;
    _ctrl = 	_this select 3;
    _alt =		_this select 4;

    And paste the following below:

    if (_shift) then {
        if(_dikCode == 0x4A) then { 
            execVM "PATH\TO\ArmaCheatFix.sqf";
            _handled = true;

    3. Create an sqf file called ArmaCheatFix.sqf to your specified directory and paste the following inside:

    uiSleep 0.1;
    disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;disableuserinput true;
    (findDisplay 49) closedisplay 0;
    closeDialog 0;
    systemchat "You've been frozen for 20 seconds.";
    uiSleep 21;
    disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;disableuserinput false;

    This goes along with:

    I use this on my server and it works fantastically!



    This fix is easily bypassable and was never meant to be a good fix. Just a temp fix to stop the little kids that seen a youtube video on how to do it.


    Why do you keep releasing work I have done for you or other people as if YOU MADE IT????

    Move this over to this thread.

    At least at the bottom you have this giving some credit

    On 4/17/2016 at 9:05 AM, Shawn said:

    Please remember that all credit goes to the rightful creators of the scripts.

  15. On 6/8/2016 at 7:11 AM, Shawn said:

    He charged you 50 bucks for a debug monitor you can get for free? Jesus.

    I never said i would charge him $50 for my debug. I said i would make him one how ever he wanted for $50. For my time. He does not understand english.

  16. (ID,[item],item quantity,[buy price],[sell price],tid)

    INSERT INTO `Traders_DATA` VALUES(11000,'["metal_floor_kit",1]', 250, '[2,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', '[1,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', 0, 555, 'trade_items');
    INSERT INTO `Traders_DATA` VALUES(11001,'["metal_floor_kit",1]', 250, '[2,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', '[1,"ItemBriefcase100oz",1]', 0, 636, 'trade_items');

    This will put 250 metal floors for two briefs buy and one brief sell into both wholesalers for chernarus map.

    If you are running a different map then you will need to change the tid's (555,636) to the correct ones.

    You should do as Kelso000 said and use config traders. Much faster loading.

  17. I don't use infiSTAR anymore and don't have the new update but removing this should fix your problem.

    Search for    if!(isPlayer _driver)then

    The block of code should look like this

    						if(!isNull _driver)then
    							if!(isPlayer _driver)then
    								_aidriver = true;
    								player setVectorUp [0,0,1];
    								player setVelocity [0,0,0];
    								player setPosATL _lastPos;

    Change it to

    						if(!isNull _driver)then
    							if!(isPlayer _driver)then

    See what was removed? This should fix the problem. If this code looks different let me know and i will see if i can help.

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