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Mr White

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Mr White last won the day on March 9 2018

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  1. Hello, I've been out of this for a while, just getting back in by setting up a very basic setup. I started on the Takistan map and things haven't been smooth. First thing I noticed, Takistan spawn point is far off the map. Basically it is featureless dunes very far south. I'm spawning in with no gear, which was by default and I have no issue. However without a map I was so far out there that I didn't know what direction to run. The other thing I noticed, when spawning the first time I picked a female character, spawned in. When I camped out and came back in, I was the male survivor2 skin. I deleted the data and recreated, and I checked the database and it does truly create me as the survivor2 character even though it is visually skinning me in the female. So it seems to mark the database with something other than what I'm using at the time and when I load back in, it takes the database entry. Is this known and already addressed? I'm not having the best of luck with searches, so I apologize for any redundant redundancy. I see BEC is still a thing, I had hoped there were some worthy successors out there... oh well. Are folks using heavily modified configs, or are most folks just using it to send announcements and restart warnings? I used to use NSSM for running the server as a service, so if the server reboot from a patch it would just keep going after a reboot of the box. I was wondering what people are using these days? I figured some people would just rdp in, launch a batch file and lock the console and others probably just ran scheduled tasks. I'm starting vanilla for now, so I can run around in the sandbox and play for a bit before I start modding things. When I looked in the mission files I noticed it was essentially pre-modded with things that folks used to add, and that most of it can be toggled. I'm hoping they aren't so embedded that I can't mod those things as well. I also noticed the lack of prices/traders in the database, so I presume the live economy is now a thing of the past (I had some ideas, which I think I can still adapt). Update... again: Managed to get it working, though I am not sure which made it work. What seemed to do it in the end, was running naph, then going back. Now it actually interacts with the database. I did have to empty the scripts.txt because I was getting script be kicks with the stock filters. I'll get some more testing in and then submit a bug once I can isolate things a bit more.
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