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Posts posted by matrixmark

  1. I had the same problem. I just moved the DZE_PlotPole = ##,##; around the init file.


    Eventually it worked being placed under the following line you should be able to find in your init.sqf



    dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30; // Default = 30



    Placed it under the above line and it's worked ever since. Might help.... if not I'd say something else is interferring with it somehow.

  2. Hey,


    Since the update, my users have told me removing junk piles / vehicles on roads etc are now taking forever.


    I went and tried it and it's confirmed. it starts off at 1 out of 800 steps until complete.


    800!!! steps to remove a junk vehicle... same is happening to the rubbish piles.


    Any ideas on how i can fix this?


    Thanks for your time.


    edit: this is also happening for any buildables. 800 steps for any item.

    edit 2: this only happens when DECONSTRUCTING buildables.

  3. Yeah thats the default setting Richie but I wanted to increase it.


    It just doesn't seem to increase when changing them numbers. It did the first time and I saw the markers and it was all good.


    But then I died and had to redo my plot pole... on redoing it, I didn't see the markers again and it now wont let me build beyond 30m

  4. No I dont think thats right ozersk as the changelog has it in the [x,y] format.


    X being the plot pole radius and y being the exclusion zone.




    [ADDED] Global variable to set plot pole radius and exclusion zone, enabled via mission file. DZE_PlotPole = [x,y] in the mission file controls the [Radius, Exclusion zone].
            Default: DZE_PlotPole = [30,45]. @dayz10k @Skaronator


    But it just isn't working after that first time.


    When it says "enabled via mission file" do they mean the init.sqf?

  5. I have added the following to the init.sqf



    DZE_PlotPole = [60,90];



    And then restarted server etc. Went in game and slapped a plot pole down. I saw the markers and it looked fine and I could build within that.


    But I died and had to rebuild pole. Now I don't see any markers and it wont let me build beyond 30m.


    Any ideas plawks :D

  6. I didnt noticed a bend when building a wall, even if its 100m long but i will have a look at it again


    There is nothing i can do about this behaviour.

    I cant predict if the walls on that position gets shifted after restart.

    The moving of the objects after restart is not only sideways, they do move forward, backward also, sometimes.

    Its just a small amount if they do but not predictable.

    sorry :unsure:


    No worries dude, if it can't be helped :D


    It's still saving a lot of time for my users. I just cover the gaps with metal panels etc as I have some users that tend to shoot through the gaps just to damage peoples vehicles etc.


    Thanks for the reply.

  7. Was this gap right on building or after the restart of the server? Cause when i build a cinderwall i have no gap between left and right, but after restart the building parts "shifts" alittle bit, that is normal behaviour from the "built flat" fix that epoch uses so the built items doesnt follow the angle of terrain level .


    Yup perfectly level before a restart.


    Afterwards its a gap like you can see. Any way to stop that? or is it just normal and nothing we can do?

  8. The only cinder walls that have this "gap" are the Half-Cinderwalls but this is on purpose, upgrade them and the next Half-Cinderwall will snap in perfect position!

    Yeah for the most part this works awesome! and saves us all a lot of time but here's a picture.


    Hopefully that will mean something lol.


    This wall in the picture was built completely using the snap in.




    You can clearly see the HUGE gap between the left and right wall.


    As I said above these walls were both built using the snap in.

  9. Using any of the filters posted in this thread either doesnt work at all or I just get the incompatible error.


    4:00:30 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.185)
     4:00:30 Host identity created.
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: remoteexec.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: createvehicle.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: setdamage.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: deletevehicle.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: publicvariable.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: publicvariableval.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: mpeventhandler.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: teamswitch.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: addweaponcargo.txt
     4:00:31 BattlEye Server: Incompatible filter file: addmagazinecargo.txt



    I even used the latest ones that Blur sent out in his latest update and they give the same results.

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