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Posts posted by Halvhjearne

  1. A guy on opendayz.net gave me this brilliant idea for a script, big thanks to titan!



    This can delete vehicles completely from the database!

    beware that if not set correctly you can end up deleteing vehicles un-intended, wich is mainly the reason why i made a log of vehicle type,pos,cargo and so on when it is triggered


    HOWEVER i can not stress this enough, backup, backup, backup ... before you use this!!!


    after that warning, heres what i did ...


    in server_monitor.sqf find this:

                        // total each vehicle
                        serverVehicleCounter set [count serverVehicleCounter,_type];

    add the line like this:

                        serverVehicleCounter set [count serverVehicleCounter,_type];
                    [_object] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\Server_DeleteObjInsafezone.sqf";

    now make a text file and call it server_deleteObjInsafezone.sqf and add this code:

    	Script by HALV
    _obj = _this select 0;
    if (!isServer) exitWith {diag_log "Server_DeleteObjInsafezone.sqf - ERROR: NOT SERVER?"};
    //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Setup Area ////////////////////\\
    //vehicle types to Check for
    _delVeh = ["Air","Landvehicle","Ship","Tank"];
    //Action to take when vehicle is detected in a [VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE]
    //0 Delete vehicles ingame but keep in database. NOTE: This will stack vehicles in database if not cleaned propper
    //1 Tp vehicles outside [VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE] ("radius" + 50 meter to 4x "radius" from VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE pos eg: if radius is 100 vehicles are moved 150-400 meter away)
    //2 Tp vehicles to a position within 125m of _safespot (remember to set a position below)
    //3 will delete vehicles completly from database
    _Action = 1;
    //if _Action = 2 then enter the position you desire here (default is by grozovoy pass around 022010)
    _safespot = [2283.19,14255,0];
    //how large radius to spread them in this area in meters (default 125m)
    _radius = 125;
    //damaged above this amoun, vehicle is deleted (set to 1 to only delete completely destroyed vehicles)
    _dam = 0.90;
    //if true will delete vehicles matching array below by default
    _delbikmot = true;
    //if above is true will delete these by default
    _defdelar = ["Bicycle","Motorcycle","CSJ_GyroC","CSJ_GyroCover","CSJ_GyroP"];//,"ATV_Base_EP1"
    //set to true, to unlock vehicles by default when TP'ed
    _unlock = true;
    //log text, this is what you want to look for in the logs, if you need to know something about a moved vehicle
    _txt = "[VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE]";
    //Update vehicles to the hive, and make sure they are not moved each restart?
    _updateHIVE = true;
    //VEHICLE CLEANUP ZONE's/areas switch choosing the map name for cleanup location purposes
    	diag_log format["%1: selecting world to cleanup ...",_txt];
    	_WorldName = toLower format ["%1", worldName];
    	switch (_WorldName)do {
    		case "napf":{
    //			diag_log format["%2: Cleanup zones for napf selected! (check: %1)",_WorldName,_txt]; //logging if right worldname was selected, if uncommented
    			//position					//radius	//cityname/text
    			[[8246.3184,15485.867,0],	125,		"Trader City Lenzburg"],
    			[[15506.952,13229.368,0],	125,		"Trader city Emmen"],
    			[[12399.751,5074.5273,0],	125,		"Trader City Schratten"],
    			[[10398.626,8279.4619,0],	125,		"Bandit Vendor"],
    			[[5149.9814,4864.1191,0],	125,		"Hero Vendor"],
    			[[2122.7954,7807.9878,0],	100,		"West Wholesaler"],
    			[[5379.0342,16103.187,0],	100,		"North Wholesaler"],
    			[[6772.8877,16983.27,0],	100,		"Nordic Boats"],
    			[[16839.973,5264.0566,0],	100,		"Pauls Boats"],
    			[[15128.379,16421.879,0],	100,		"AWOLs Airfield"]
    		case "chernarus":{
    //			diag_log format["%2: Cleanup zones for chernarus selected! (check: %1)",_WorldName,_txt]; //logging if right worldname was selected, if uncommented
    			//position					radius		cityname/text
    			[[6325.6772,7807.7412,0],	125,		"Trader City Stary"],
    			[[4063.4226,11664.19,0],	125,		"Trader City Bash"],
    			[[11447.472,11364.504,0],	125,		"Trader City Klen"],
    			[[1606.6443,7803.5156,0],	125,		"Bandit Camp"],
    			[[12944.227,12766.889,0],	125,		"Hero Camp"],
    			[[13441.16,5429.3013,0],	100,		"Wholesaler East"],
    			[[4510.7773,10774.518,0],	100,		"Aircraft Dealer"],
    			[[7989.3354,2900.9946,0],	100,		"Boat Dealer South"],
    			[[13532.614,6355.9497,0],	100,		"Boat Dealer East"],
    			[[4361.4937,2259.9526,0],	100,		"Wholesaler South"]
    		case "tavi":{
    //			diag_log format["%2: Cleanup zones for tavi selected! (check: %1)",_WorldName,_txt]; //logging if right worldname was selected, if uncommented
    			//position					//radius	//cityname/text
    			[[11698.81,15210.121,0],	75,			"Trader City Lyepestok"],
    			[[15309.663,9278.4912,0],	75,			"Trader City Sabina"],
    			[[5538.7354,8762.2695,0],	75,			"Trader City Bilgrad"],
    			[[7376.6084,4296.5879,0],	75,			"Trader City Branibor"],
    			[[10948.426,654.90265,0],	75,			"Bandit Vendor"],
    			[[15587.822,16394.049,0],	75,			"Hero Vendor"],
    			[[16555.732,10159.68,0],	75,			"Aircraft Dealer"],
    			[[6815.0776,8534.1504,0],	75,			"Aircraft Dealer 2"],
    			[[4066.3528,7265.0024,0],	75,			"Misc. Vendor"],
    			[[17497.631,7159.0879,0],	75,			"Misc. Vendor 2"],
    			[[17332.115,12930.239,0],	75,			"Boat Dealer"],
    			[[10570.494,16772.477,0],	75,			"Boat Dealer 2"],
    			[[10698.463,5983.665,0],	75,			"Boat Dealer 3"],
    			[[5419.2437,9503.5479,0],	75,			"Boat Dealer 4"],
    			[[13342.758,8611.9932,0],	75,			"Wholesaler"],
    			[[9859.4209,7471.5684,0],	75,			"Wholesaler"] // <-- no comma for last entry
    		case "myworldnameinlowercase":{
    //			diag_log format["%2: Cleanup zones for myworldnameinlowercase selected! (check: %1)",_WorldName,_txt]; //logging if right worldname was selected, if uncommented
    			//position					//radius	//cityname/text
    			[[7839.60,8414.73,381.33],	150,		"my custom zone marker"],
    			[[7839.60,8414.73,381.33],	75,			"my custom location"] // <-- no comma for last entry
    			diag_log format["%2: Cleanup zones for %1 not availible ...",_WorldName,_txt]; //logging if right worldname was selected, if uncommented
    			//position	//radius	//cityname/text
    			[[0,0,0],	1,			"DEBUG"]
    //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  End Setup Area ////////////////////\\
    /////////////// dont touch anything below this line unless you know what you are doing \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    _possiblematch = false;
    {if(_obj isKindOf _x)then{_possiblematch=true;};}forEach _delVeh;
    	_Spos = _x select 0;
    	_Rad = _x select 1;
    	_name = _x select 2;
    	_radats = _Rad+50;
    	_radx4 = _Rad+_Rad+_Rad+_Rad;
    		if(_obj distance _Spos < _Rad)then{
    			_defdel		= false;
    			_typeOf		= typeOf _obj;
    			_pos		= getpos _obj;
    			_mags		= getmagazinecargo _obj;
    			_weaps		= getweaponcargo _obj;
    			_packs		= getbackpackcargo _obj;
    			_objID		= _obj getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
    			_objUID		= _obj getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
    			_objname	= (gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _typeOf >> 'displayName'));
    			diag_log format["%1: %2 (%3) by %4 @%5 %6 [ID:%7,UID:%8] Cargo: [%9,%10,%11]",_txt,_typeOf,_objname,_name,mapgridposition _pos,_pos,_objID,_objUID,_weaps,_mags,_packs];
    			if(_delbikmot)then{{if(_obj isKindOf _x)then{_defdel = true};}forEach _defdelar;};
    			if(_defdel)then{_Action=3;diag_log format["%2: %1 is Model to delete by default!",_typeOf,_txt];};
    			if(getDammage _obj > _dam)then{_Action=3;diag_log format["%2: %1 too damaged",_typeOf,_txt];};
    			if(_unlock and !_defdel and (locked _obj))then{_obj setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";_obj setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",false,true];diag_log format["%2: %1 Un-Locked",_typeOf,_txt];};
    				case 0:{deleteVehicle _obj;diag_log format["%2: %1 Deleted, but remains in DB (Dont forget to clean this up)",_typeOf,_txt];};
    				case 1:{
    					_newPos = [_Spos, _radats, _radx4, 10, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    					_obj setpos _newPos;
    					//update to HIVE?
    						_position = getPosATL _obj;
    						_worldspace = [
    							round(direction _obj),
    						_fuel = fuel _obj;
    						_key = format["CHILD:305:%1:%2:%3:",_objID,_worldspace,_fuel];
    						diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
    						_key call server_hiveWrite;
    					diag_log format["%6: %5 TP from %1 %2 to %3 %4",_pos,mapgridposition _pos,_newPos,mapgridposition _newPos,_typeOf,_txt];
    				case 2:{
    					_newPos = [_safespot, 0, _radius, 10, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    					_obj setpos _newPos;
    					//update to HIVE?
    						_position = getPosATL _obj;
    						_worldspace = [
    							round(direction _obj),
    						_fuel = fuel _obj;
    						_key = format["CHILD:305:%1:%2:%3:",_objID,_worldspace,_fuel];
    						diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
    						_key call server_hiveWrite;
    					diag_log format["%6: %5 TP from %1 %2 to %3 %4",_pos,mapgridposition _pos,_newPos,mapgridposition _newPos,_typeOf,_txt];
    				default{_msg = format["%2: %1",_typeOf,_txt];deleteVehicle _obj;[_objID,_objUID,_msg] call server_deleteObj;};

    script can do quite a few options now:


    Delete (not from database, will still require cleanup or it will clonk up db at some point)

    Delete (als from database)

    TP outside safezone
    TP to "safe" location

    you can edit what to delete, areas, distance to areas

    can be set to always delete certain vehicles (like bikes/motorcycle/ATV) by default

    can be set to delete damaged vehicles by default

    can be set to unlock vehicles when moved


    will work out of the box on chernarus, napf and taviana


    i tried to comment for easy edit


    after your edits, put this file in the complie folder of your server pbo and restart server.


    all vehicles in safezones when server restarts are now only a small notice in the rpt file with info on city name, where it came from, type, current position and cargo [weapons,mags,bags].



    enjoy ;)

  2. i just started a new server and decided to try a new map and ended up doing lingor island, wich from the short looks i have had on the map so far, looks awsome.


    i installed pretty much everything i have working on my cherno server, and it all seems to wrok fine.


    however, when a script is supposed to write something in chat, like this:

    (vehicle player) vehiclechat "hello world";

    it will for some reason not show up.


    so far i noticed that vehiclechat,globalchat does not work ... and im pretty sure nothing comes from trying sidechat either.


    however if i do system chat, it will show same text just fine


    has anyone had this problem before and can tell me how to solve this??

  3. did all this but wont work :(

    did you add this:

    s_player_Airdrop, The_DropAction, The_DropAction2, The_DropAction3, The_DropAction1,

    and these:


    you might also have an option in your antihack called block all commanding menu, if this is set to true, my scripts will not work

  4. ahh ok i fixed it now the only thing that is confusing me is.. my players cant start a drop they repair it and take then random car drop and after they are on the map they press 1 left click and nothing happens



    Problem is after [watch the video]



    think this is antihacks blocking commanding menus, make sure the menus are whitelisted or cmenu check is switched off and it should work then.



    ... i also made a few small updates i will post soon :)

  5. Would be handy for admins to populate their server with default vehicles.

    I like to go round moving vehicles to a more natural place like a house driveway. Shame no one has yet come up with a damage vehicle script to make them require repair. A bit of random loot would be good too, the odd wheel that was previously scavanged before the owner got eaten. .

    oh, i didnt think of it like that ... i thought it was just lazy admins with keyoveride, that didnt wana spawn cars with a key, but yea i see the point now ... (but arnet default vehicles spawned in by another script than the vendor cars?)



    Mostly all custom scripts will get you booted by battleye until exceptions are added. Nothing new about that.

    yea i know, but not all custom scripts uses variables that are actively scanned for by antihacks like "selecteditem" or "vhnlist", thats why i mentioned it ... dont want anyone unrightfully kicked or banned :)

  6. i have to ask this, even if some wil think its stupid ... but here goes ...


    1 whats the point in "no key" vehicles anyway?

    2 if you really do want a car with no key, why cant you just drop the key after you spawned it?


    i really dont understand that ...


    oh and btw, note that this spawn vehicle script defo need to some vars changed before using it ... some of these vars will ban you by both antihacks and battleye if you are not carefull!

  7. ALright, I got it to work, for the most part.  I repair the laptop, goes through all of that, then says soemthing like "<---- Pick Airdrop" or something, but theres no menu to choose from.  Ive tried just about everything and nothing works.  I do have infistar and Ive added everything to it as well as instructed.


    So i to night i took my time to take a look at your script, it all seems to working fine. until i get the "<---- Pick Airdrop", im not getting any options or menus to work with. 

    I dont have any antihack programs installed on it, so it cant be that. everything in your install guide are double check. i hope you can help, me!



    idk how i managed to do this again, but in settings, change this:

    _Is_Admin		= allHALV_ADMIN__list;


    //////////////////////////UID's goes here!!
    _Is_Admin		= ["1234567890"];

    sorry about that, i will upload new files when i get home ...

  8. why dont you just create a trigger and put a canbuild = false; in there like in trader citys?


    like this:

    class Item5
    position[]={2356.2878,0,14353.49}; //area to disable building
    a=100; //set size
    b=100; //set size
    //rectangular=1; //uncomment if you want area to be a square
    expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;";
    expActiv="canbuild = false;";
    expDesactiv="canbuild = true;";
    class Effects
  9. ALright, I got it to work, for the most part.  I repair the laptop, goes through all of that, then says soemthing like "<---- Pick Airdrop" or something, but theres no menu to choose from.  Ive tried just about everything and nothing works.  I do have infistar and Ive added everything to it as well as instructed.

    check the info about antihack ;)


    Wait... where are the laptops located on taviana? :P

    i made these here:

    if (isServer) then {
    _vehicle_1 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Notebook", [16447.129, 11486.184, 9.7828274], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_1 = _this;
      _this setDir -547.06464;
      _this setPos [16447.129, 11486.184, 9.7828274];
    _vehicle_2 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Notebook", [6994.0947, 8289.5479, 9.7783546], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_2 = _this;
      _this setDir -147.63449;
      _this setPos [6994.0947, 8289.5479, 9.7783546];
    _vehicle_3 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Notebook", [10164.127, 18712.734, 9.8468447], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_3 = _this;
      _this setDir -32.773014;
      _this setPos [10164.127, 18712.734, 9.8468447];
    _vehicle_4 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Desk", [6994.0493, 8289.4854, 8.9586668], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_4 = _this;
      _this setDir 217.74315;
      _this setPos [6994.0493, 8289.4854, 8.9586668];
    _vehicle_5 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Desk", [10164.058, 18712.74, 9.0269384], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_5 = _this;
      _this setDir -29.237629;
      _this setPos [10164.058, 18712.74, 9.0269384];
    _vehicle_6 = objNull;
    if (true) then
      _this = createVehicle ["Desk", [16447.215, 11486.166, 8.9664803], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
      _vehicle_6 = _this;
      _this setDir -179.86363;
      _this setPos [16447.215, 11486.166, 8.9664803];

    they could be placed better i guess, but the map editor dosnt always work like i want it to ...


    Also, add these command dialogs to the config file:



    thanks for adding that ... i was gonna copy paste it from a prior post on opendayz.net but it has been comming up with a message that they are migrating host and will be back in a few hours ... first time was a few days ago now, idk whats up


    also, if anyone is in doubt about the settings file, you are welcome to ask ... i tried to make good notes tho, shouldnt be too hard to figure out how to set it up as you like it :)



    added more info about antihacks

  11. if you have admin tools and you can spawns vehicles through that, (that dosnt kill you or gets deleted) then you most likely have exceptions for sarge var in your cleanup, in that case try this:
    _this setVariable ["Sarge",1,true];

    nice script :)

    btw forgot a (  ;  ) at the last post :P

    thanks and thanks for noticing, i changed it now ... i changed the download already, so it should be ok


    For BlurAntihack add these actions to your config file:

    s_player_Airdrop, The_DropAction, The_DropAction2, The_DropAction3, The_DropAction1,

    most antihacks will also be blocking the onmapsingleclick command by default, if it is you might want to unblock it somehow or regular players wont be able to call in the drops.

  13. you could combine this script with this one ... theres a bug in this i never had time to fix tho, but you could use this to select wich vehicle you want instead of having a script for each type of vehicle.


    what this script does, is that it pulls all vehicles (you defined) from the config, then filters the ones you dont want  and finally shows you a list to choose from




    the bug is that it will spawn multiple vehicles if list is aborted with no selection and new vehicle is selected and spawned after, depending on how many times you aborted, it will spawn that amount ... pretty sure it wont be hard to fix tho


    this is not my work tho (i belive hangeder made this?), its just something i have used and is posting

  14. sorry, completly forgot to change this in settings.sqf: 

    //admins UID goes here
    _Is_Admin		= allHALV_ADMIN__list;

    to this:

    //admins UID goes here
    _Is_Admin		= ["1234567890","0987654321","1234567890"];

    uploaded new file, to avoid confusions


    also forgot to mention that if pilot dies, the plane drops, if plane is destroyed it will also drop ...

    have been considdering adding in so that it will drop and delete if player dies, but im not sure if it will still drop and the sorting of weapons might not happend either, possibly spawning unwanted weapons on the server (like rocket launchers and stuff like that).


    so thats kinda why i didnt do that (yet) ... guess i could possibly just clear box imidiatly, to prevent this idk ... ill think of something

  15. I really like this idea, Great job! :)


    i have a question! 

    - how often is it possible to call airdrop?, (i dont want it to be spammed)

    in settings, look for this:

    // Time in seconds before player can drop again, default 300=5min
    _dropCooldown	= 300;

    spamming kind depends on what item you set to enable the laptop fix, seeing as i set it to a hotwire kit as default, its not likely to ever get spammed unless you put in a massive amount of hotwire kits on your server in some way.


    hotwire kits are by default found in random cars or on policeman zombies ... i also added a few to my missions and a slight chance from ai aswell as a chance for ai leaders to have a radio ... i also added radio to the vendor, so players can buy that if needed.



    I like this idea too.

    Do you think it's possible to make paying the call ?


    just add hotwire kits to vendors and you got what you are asking for ;)

    (but tbh i think that is a little op, players should work hard for this!)




    Wouldn´t be bad with a buy option, should be possible too add.

    Is the Airdrop showing for all players on the map? or just your self,



    you can set this aswell, the admin drop only shows for the admin (obviusly), but i set it to broadcast a hint to all players when a drop is called in and when it is dropped (and where) by default ... this can be switched off in settings

  16. well i just wanted to post this as a little christmas present to whoever wants it ...

    i made a video a while ago, but it dosnt give the scripts propper credit anymore, so i will just link to the files ... if someone makes a video to show what it does, it would be cool tho


    in "short" terms this is what the scripts does:


    player walks up to a laptop -> player gets an option to fix the laptop -> if player has toolbox+hotwirekit he can fix the laptop and achive an airdrop -> player does some animations and has to wait for a countdown (while "fixing" the laptop) -> player gets to choose from 3 (5 inc arti and surveillance) diffrent airdrop options random weapons box, predefined box or random vehicle -> player is shown the map and where map is pressed an airdrop will be called in -> ai is spawned with plane/heli at the edge of the map and will transport the selected drop to the destination you choose -> box/vehicle is dropped with smoke and flares -> profit? -> ai flys off full speed, eventually gets deleted



    a friend of mine made a tut on how to install it on opendayz.net, but aparently it is down for now, so i will just do this short and to the point here:


    in fn_selfactions near the top, right after this part:

    if (!isNull _nearLight) then {
    	if (_nearLight distance player < 4) then {
    		_canPickLight = isNull (_nearLight getVariable ["owner",objNull]);

    add this:

    _isAirdrop = cursorTarget isKindOf "Notebook";
    if ((speed player <= 1) && _isAirdrop && _canDo && (player distance cursorTarget < 4)) then {
    	if (s_player_Airdrop < 0) then {
    		s_player_Airdrop = player addAction [("<t color=""#0096ff"">" + ("Fix Notebook (Airdrop)") +"</t>"),"Scripts\airdrop\Airdropp.sqf",cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
    	player removeAction s_player_Airdrop;
    	s_player_Airdrop = -1;

    and bottom of init add this:

    [] execVM "Scripts\airdrop\notebooksample.sqf";

    now in server_updateobject, find this:

    	if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0") then

    change it to this:

    	if (_objectID == "0" && _uid == "0" && (vehicle _object getVariable ["Sarge",0] != 1)) then

    now in server_cleanup.fsm, find this line:

           "	if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    change it to this:

           "	if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    if you have antihacks, you will need to add this (thanks to sandbird):


    For BlurAntihack add these actions to your config file:
    s_player_Airdrop, The_DropAction,

    Also, add these command dialogs to the config file:

    if you got problem with only admins can call in drops find and delete the line that looks like this:
    onMapSingleClick '';

    if you have problems with the broadcast hint not showing, find this line:

    if (_input in ['switchmove','playmove','say','jipexec','execvm','spawn','titleText']) then

    make it look like this:

    if (_input in ['switchmove','playmove','say','jipexec','execvm','spawn','titleText','hint']) then

    also if you have probles with the crates only deleting stuff and sometimes waypoints are not set correct, find this part:


    call compile (_x+""='STRING';"");
    sleep 0.00001;
    } forEach ['lbsetpicture','createDiaryRecord','createTask','createSimpleTask',

    you will need to remove these:


    now put all the files attached in a folder called Scripts\airdrop\ (or edit settings acordingly) and you are pretty much done ...


    laptops are now at each airfield control tower and can be used to call in the airdrops.


    you can easy edit the settings.sqf to suit your needs and wishes, just read the notes and you should be good, the default settings is how i use it on my epoch cherno server.


    If you have a radio in your inventory you will get "advanced debug and drop control", this is like a small debug showing distance, speed, grid cords info and more from the transporter untill drop, an action to dump load at will+extra 200sec when plane heli arrives is also added when radio is in inventory.


    also included is an atillery strike and a survailance camera, atillery is disabled from normal players by default, but if you want this for all players just uncomment the lines around the bottum of airdropp.sqf


    feel free to ask if you are confused, but dont expect me to install this for you, thank you.



    have fun:


    (incase someone needs it, i do have taviana starting coords too, just ask and i will post them)


    Known problems/glitches:


    if player disconnects before drop is delivered the plane or heli will hover/circle at location untill shot down or runs out of fuel, i still have to figure a way to clean this, incase caller dies.


    if you have antihacks you will need to edit some stuff and whitelist some actions, i hope i got that covered now.


    if you have battleye kicks, i cant really help you much ... maybe one of the guys who got this fixed already can help with some answers for that (course i dont, sorry).

  17. I'd leave it as it is. It fixes an exploit that does not work anymore due to this change.

    what is this exploit, you are talking about?


    i changed the script already to delete backpack, then add it again after with content ... but if theres a problem with this i would kinda like to know before i give the script away


    nvm, ppl can decide on their own ... heres my player_wearClothes.sqf:


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