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Sarge AI Stealing Locked Vehicles?

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As the title says. Has anyone experienced turning on the take vehicle function for Sarge AI? Will they take locked vehicles?

I think function is hilarious, to see two survivors jump on a motorcyle and take off was quite memorable. However, my players would throw a fit if their prized HMMV 1151 M2, that they spent big gold on, gets swiped by the AI. They already get miffed by them taking gear.

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im un sure on this but am interested in the answers as well.


The down side to them taking the vehicles is if you do manage to find it again and kill the ai... the vehicle vanish as if it was a ai vehicle to start with :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another quick update on this topic. As many of you know, we shutdown the AI Steal Vehicle ability in Sarge's AI, and the thefts stopped. Our players were relieved.


Recently, we set NW Airfield as a Bandit stronghold with static squads and vehicle patrols in the area. During a fight with the bandits there, we knocked out their PK pickup and were cleaning up the stragglers when we came under grenade launcher fire. To our surprise, the remnants of the bandit vehicle patrols had found a Landrover Special that had spawned on the base and were now using it against us. It seems that Sarge AI vehicle patrols are special in that they are already assigned to operate vehicles and not bound to the NO STEAL portion of the .config.  


We have replicated the event in testing: Once they are dismounted, the vehicle patrols will find the best armed vehicle in the area and commandeer it to continue their patrol or fight. We're keeping it place as it is a rare set of circumstances to have them take a player vehicle and that vehicle will reappear after restart.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The ability to turn on/off the AI steal ability is in the SAR_config.sqf. Look around line 62 for this:


// enable / disable AI stealing vehicles - if you enable this, be sure to check KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist value below
True = they steal vehicles
False = they don't steal
The one caveat is that crews of vehicle patrols are exempt from this, they seem to always try to get another vehicle if they lose theirs.
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Pretty sure the AI can take any vehicle that's never been accessed by an actual player regardless of the steal vehicle setting. I've been on my Taviana server with Sarge AI installed and no vehicle patrols and steal vehicle turned off, and seen some AI drive past me. I know it was AI because I was the only one on the server. They still take vehicles, just not very frequently.

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This happend to me on NE, i saw a bunch of AI's, went hiding and they went in a vehicle and drove past me, i killed the driver and tried killing the passangers but they didnt die, so i decided to drive it. then they fell out and started shooting so i just ran them over :D

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If you flag them to steal vehicles they will take them. Ai will also take non-military vehicles to complete their patrol especially if they have a decent distance to travel. AI will also always take military vehicles and use them if given the chance. 


Today we died and spawned in Balota only to see a bandit travelling to Cherno in an old tractor. He passed again after we left the airfield. 


Also today I shot down a bandit huey, got killed by the dismounts and when flying back they had walked into my base, stolen my Hummer and shot us down with it's fifty. They can be very tricksy. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

As the title says. Has anyone experienced turning on the take vehicle function for Sarge AI? Will they take locked vehicles?

I think function is hilarious, to see two survivors jump on a motorcyle and take off was quite memorable. However, my players would throw a fit if their prized HMMV 1151 M2, that they spent big gold on, gets swiped by the AI. They already get miffed by them taking gear.

Would serve them right for not guarding their vehicles.   The AI is supposed to steal items  nobody gives them anything they have to use their instincts to survive.  Suppose next the ppl will whine about the npc shooting them.............keep you head down and stay frosty.........

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Good to know, but bad at all....

Do anybody knows if AI of other systems like Wicked AI, DZAI and so on steals locked vehicles too ?


If yes, than its a strange problem which should be fixed soon from the devs of this scripts...

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Ok simple fix for you guys. Stop using SARGE. Its extremely old and extremely broken. Only the earlier versions work. If you haven't noticed they wont respond to the configuration commands (they still steal cars even though its set to false). Also, occasionally the AI are invisible.


DZAI is a much better option and has only recently stopped being supported by the developer. I haven't tried WICKED AI but I hear good things.


Good to know, but bad at all....

Do anybody knows if AI of other systems like Wicked AI, DZAI and so on steals locked vehicles too ?


If yes, than its a strange problem which should be fixed soon from the devs of this scripts...

Sarge stopped supporting this mod ages ago. Probably over a year ago now. And even when he did support it , it was full of bugs he never bothered to fix.

DZAI dont use land vehicles or attempt to steal vehicles as far as I know.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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