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Just something I made for you guys


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Before I start here, I want to thank @vbawol and the rest of the team have put into it. It's a fabulous game and I can't wait to see Epoch for Arma 3.


Having said that, the crafting and building wiki for Epoch caused me some frustrations, so I started making one that suited my needs: 





My initial goal was to a few points: 


- responsive mobile first layout that works nicely in the steam overlay and on my nexus 5

- search and filter by any word in a recipe, tool or item

- clearly separate recipes, tools, areas and crafted items

- clearly show what tools, components and areas are required



Contributions & Source Code

The full source code is up on Github however and I will gladly review and accept good pull requests/tickets.


Next Steps


I'm currently busy doing some other web applications, but when I can I plan to :


- provide meta tags that allow "add to homescreen" on mobiles

- use swippable tabs on item detail page for "creates", "components", "areas", "tools"

- provide screenshots of items

- delay search/filter on keyup instead of immediatly

- colour theme change?

- move data to mongoDB ?

- shopping list calculator




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Thanks guys, remember that the data isn't entirely accurate. So if you see something that is wrong just drop it in a issue ticket and I'll fix it asap.


The dark theme is a pain for my poor little eyes :/


Yeah I did initially design it for my own needs, so as a basement dwelling neck beard the dark theme helps me when I'm playing at night in game.


I will however start on a light theme that you can switch to (remembering your choice by way of cookie or localstorage or even query parameter).


Here are the hexcodes for the colours I use at the moment:




The shade1-6 are for item type (recipe, tool, weapon, etc) and the named colours are the actual interface theme. Perhaps you can come up with something?


I pulled the colors for the item types from this blog post: http://niklausgerber.com/blog/flat-ui-color-autumn-edition/

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